ORQQPS ; slc/CLA - Functions which return patient medication data ;12/15/97 [ 04/02/97 3:52 PM ] ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**9,74,94**;Dec 17, 1997 Q LIST(ORY,ORPT,ORSTRTDT,ORSTOPDT) ;return pt's condensed medication list ;id^nameform^stop date^route^schedule/infusion rate^refills remaining K ^TMP("PS",$J),^TMP("ORPS",$J) D OCL^PSOORRL(ORPT,ORSTRTDT,ORSTOPDT) N I,J,K,X,Z,ZZ,NODE,RSORT,NAME,SCH,MDR,RATE,TYPE,ADD,SOL,IVX S I=0,X=0,NODE=0,SCH="",MDR="" F S X=$O(^TMP("PS",$J,X)) Q:X<1 D .Q:+$P(^TMP("PS",$J,X,0),U)<1 .S TYPE=$P(^TMP("PS",$J,X,0),U) .I +$G(^TMP("PS",$J,X,"MDR",0))>0 D ;get abbrev med route ..S ZZ=^TMP("PS",$J,X,"MDR",0) F Z=1:1:ZZ D ...I Z=1 S MDR=^TMP("PS",$J,X,"MDR",Z,0) ...E S MDR=MDR_", "_^TMP("PS",$J,X,"MDR",Z,0) .I +$G(^TMP("PS",$J,X,"SCH",0))>0 D ;get schedule ..S ZZ=^TMP("PS",$J,X,"SCH",0) F Z=1:1:ZZ D ...I Z=1 S SCH=$P(^TMP("PS",$J,X,"SCH",Z,0),U) ...E S SCH=SCH_", "_$P(^TMP("PS",$J,X,"SCH",Z,0),U) .; .I TYPE["I",+$G(^TMP("PS",$J,X,"B",0))>0 D ;IV meds - get solution ..S ZZ=^TMP("PS",$J,X,"B",0) F Z=1:1:ZZ D ...I Z=1 S SOL=$P(^TMP("PS",$J,X,"B",Z,0),U)_" "_$P(^(0),U,2) ...E S SOL=SOL_", "_$P(^TMP("PS",$J,X,"B",Z,0),U)_" "_$P(^(0),U,2) ..I +$G(^TMP("PS",$J,X,"A",0))>0 D ;get additive ...S ZZ=^TMP("PS",$J,X,"A",0) F Z=1:1:ZZ D ....S ADD=$P(^TMP("PS",$J,X,"A",Z,0),U)_" "_$P(^(0),U,2) ....S NAME=ADD_" in "_$G(SOL) ....S RSORT=9999999-$P(^TMP("PS",$J,X,0),U,4)_$P(^(0),U)_NAME ....S RSORT=$E(RSORT,1,128) ;limit gbl subscript length to 128 chars ....S ^TMP("ORPS",$J,RSORT)=$P(^TMP("PS",$J,X,0),U)_U_NAME_U_$P(^(0),U,4)_U_$G(MDR)_U_$P(^(0),U,3) ..E D ...S NAME=$G(SOL) ...S RSORT=9999999-$P(^TMP("PS",$J,X,0),U,4)_$P(^(0),U) ...S RSORT=$E(RSORT,1,128) ;limit gbl subscript length to 128 chars ...S ^TMP("ORPS",$J,RSORT)=$P(^TMP("PS",$J,X,0),U)_U_NAME_U_$P(^(0),U,4)_U_$G(MDR)_U_$P(^(0),U,3) .; .I TYPE["I",'(+$G(^TMP("PS",$J,X,"B",0))>0) D ;unit dose inpatient meds ..S RSORT=9999999-$P(^TMP("PS",$J,X,0),U,4)_$P(^(0),U)_$P(^(0),U,2) ..S RSORT=$E(RSORT,1,128) ;limit gbl subscript length to 128 chars ..S ^TMP("ORPS",$J,RSORT)=$P(^TMP("PS",$J,X,0),U)_U_$P(^(0),U,2)_U_$P(^(0),U,4)_U_$G(MDR)_U_$G(SCH) .; .I TYPE["O" D ;outpatient meds ..S RSORT=9999999-$P(^TMP("PS",$J,X,0),U,4)_$P(^(0),U)_$P(^(0),U,2) ..S RSORT=$E(RSORT,1,128) ;limit gbl subscript length to 128 chars ..S ^TMP("ORPS",$J,RSORT)=$P(^TMP("PS",$J,X,0),U)_U_$P(^(0),U,2)_U_$P(^(0),U,4)_U_$G(MDR)_U_$G(SCH)_U_$P(^(0),U,5) .; ; F S NODE=$O(^TMP("ORPS",$J,NODE)) Q:NODE<1 D .S I=I+1 .S ORY(I)=^TMP("ORPS",$J,NODE) S:+$G(ORY(1))<1 ORY(1)="^No medications found." K ^TMP("PS",$J),^TMP("ORPS",$J) Q DETAIL(ORY,ORPT,ORMED) ; return detailed information for a drug K ^TMP("PS",$J) D OEL^PSOORRL(ORPT,ORMED) N I,J,CR,X,Z,ZZ,MDR,SCH,SIG,COM,ADD,SOL,ORDATE,TYPE S I=0,J=1,CR=$CHAR(13),ORDATE="" S TYPE=$P(ORMED,";",2) S X=$G(^TMP("PS",$J,0)) I '$L($G(X)) S ORY(J)="No detailed information found." Q S ORY(J)=" "_$P(X,U) ;get abbreviated med route(s): I +$G(^TMP("PS",$J,"MDR",0))>0 D .S ZZ=^TMP("PS",$J,"MDR",0) F Z=1:1:ZZ D ..I Z=1 S MDR=^TMP("PS",$J,"MDR",Z,0) ..E S MDR=MDR_", "_^TMP("PS",$J,"MDR",Z,0) I $L($G(MDR)) S ORY(J)=ORY(J)_" "_MDR S ORY(J)=ORY(J)_" "_$P(X,U,2) ; get schedule(s): I +$G(^TMP("PS",$J,"SCH",0))>0 D .S ZZ=^TMP("PS",$J,"SCH",0) F Z=1:1:ZZ D ..I Z=1 S SCH=$P(^TMP("PS",$J,"SCH",Z,0),U) ..E S SCH=SCH_", "_$P(^TMP("PS",$J,"SCH",Z,0),U) I $L($G(SCH)) S ORY(J)=ORY(J)_" "_SCH S ORY(J)=ORY(J),J=J+1 ; get SIG(s): I +$G(^TMP("PS",$J,"SIG",0))>0 D .S ZZ=^TMP("PS",$J,"SIG",0) F Z=1:1:ZZ D ..I Z=1 S SIG=^TMP("PS",$J,"SIG",Z,0) ..E S SIG=SIG_", "_^TMP("PS",$J,"SIG",Z,0) I $L($G(SIG)) S ORY(J)=" "_SIG,J=J+1 S ORY(J)=" ",J=J+1 ; get solution(s): I +$G(^TMP("PS",$J,"B",0))>0 D .S ZZ=^TMP("PS",$J,"B",0) F Z=1:1:ZZ D ..S SOL=^TMP("PS",$J,"B",Z,0),ORY(J)=" "_$P(SOL,U)_" "_$P(SOL,U,2),J=J+1 ; get additive(s): I +$G(^TMP("PS",$J,"A",0))>0 D .S ZZ=^TMP("PS",$J,"A",0) F Z=1:1:ZZ D ..S ADD=^TMP("PS",$J,"A",Z,0) ..S ORY(J)=" "_$P(ADD,U) ..S IVX=$P(ADD,U,2) ..S ORY(J)=ORY(J)_$S($D(IVX):" "_IVX,1:"")_" "_$P(ADD,U,3),J=J+1 I $L($G(SOL))!($L($G(ADD))) S ORY(J)=" ",J=J+1 ; get other information: S ORY(J)=" Status: "_$P(X,U,6),J=J+1 S ORDATE=$P(X,U,5) I $L($G(ORDATE)) D .D DT^DILF("ET",ORDATE,.ORDATE,"","") S ORY(J)=" Start date: "_$G(ORDATE(0)),J=J+1 S ORDATE=$P(X,U,3) I $L($G(ORDATE)) D .D DT^DILF("ET",ORDATE,.ORDATE,"","") S ORY(J)=" Stop date: "_$G(ORDATE(0)),J=J+1 I TYPE="O" D ; if outpatient med .S ORY(J)="Refills remaining: "_$P(X,U,4),J=J+1 .S ORY(J)=" Days supply: "_$P(X,U,7),J=J+1 .S ORY(J)=" Quantity: "_$P(X,U,8),J=J+1 .S ORY(J)=" ",J=J+1 S ORY(J)="Comments:",J=J+1 S I=0 F S I=$O(^TMP("PS",$J,"PC",I)) Q:'I D .S ORY(J)=^TMP("PS",$J,"PC",I,0),J=J+1 K ^TMP("PS",$J) Q