ORUH ; slc/JER - XECUTABLE HELP for format functions ;10/3/91 15:05 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;;Dec 17, 1997 HELP ; XECUTABLE HELP for formatting functions Q:'$D(ORTYPE) N X S X=$P(^ORD(100.22,+ORTYPE,0),"^",5) I '$L($T(@X)) W !?5,"Sorry, no formats have been specified.",! Q W ?6,"Allowable values include: ",! D @X Q NAME ; Xecutable help for name formats W ?10,"LAST - Last Name",! W ?10,"FIRST - First Name",! W ?10,"MI - Middle Initial",! W ?10,"FI - First Initial",! W ?10,"LI - Last Initial",! W ?6,"All other characters will be treated as delimiters.",! W ?6,"Examples: ",?16,"LAST,FIRST MI ==> DOE, JOHN M or",!?19,"FI MI LAST ==> J M DOE",! Q DATE ; Xecutable help for date formats W ?10,"MM - Numeric months",! W ?10,"DD - Numeric Days",! W ?10,"YY - Numeric Years",! W ?10,"CC - Numeric Century",! W ?10,"HR - Numeric Hour of Day",! W ?10,"MIN - Numeric Minute",! W ?10,"SEC - Numeric Second",! W ?10,"AMTH - Alphabetic Month",! W ?6,"All other characters will be treated as delimiters.",! W ?6,"Examples: ",?16,"MM/DD/YY HR:MIN ==> 04/29/91 11:15, or",!?19,"DD AMTH CCYY ==> 29 APR 1991",! Q WORD ; Xecutable help for Word Processing formats W ?6,"Enter the WIDTH to which you want the word processing text to be justified.",! Q FORMAT ; Xecutable help for Freetext formats W ?6,"Enter the WIDTH to which you want the freetext to be justified.",! Q TEXT ; Xecutable help for TEXT formats W ?6,"Enter the WIDTH to which you want the order text to be justified.",! Q TMPWRAP ; Q