ORUS3 ; slc/KCM - Help for Display Lists ;11/7/90 16:57 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;;Dec 17, 1997 EN D HLP,ASK S Y=0 Q HLP I $D(ORUS("H")) X ORUS("H") S Y=0 Q W !!,"Enter selection(s) by typing the name or ",$S($D(ORUS("M")):"abbreviation.",1:"number.") Q:X'["??"!(ORUS(0)["S") W !!,"ALL items (except those numbered above 900) may be selected by typing 'ALL'." I '$D(ORUS("M")) W !!,"RANGES of numbers may be entered using dashes.",!,?5,"For example: 2-5,7-9" W !!,"EXCEPTIONS may be entered by preceding them with an apostrophe." W !?5,"For example: 1-10,'9 or 1-10,'BRANDX",!,"(This selects items 1 thru 10 except for 9, or BRANDX.)" Q ASK I ORUS(0)'["M" D DISP Q ;W !!,"Display items" S %=1 D YN^DICN W ! D:%=1 DISP Q I ORUS(0)["M",X["??" W !!,"Redisplay items" S %=1 D YN^DICN W ! D . I %Y["?" W "ANSWER 'YES' OR 'NO'." D ASK Q . I %=1 D SHOW^ORUS Q Q DISP S ORHL=0 F I=0:0 D MOVE^ORUS5,SHOW^ORUS Q:'ORMOR D PGBRK1^ORUHDR Q:OREND