ORWDBA10 ; SLC/GDU - Billing Awareness - Phase I [11/24/04 13:42] ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**195,261**;Dec 17, 1997 ;Clinical Indicator Data Capture By Provider Parameter Module ; ;This program will enable or disable the CIDC functionality for all ;active providers. For the active providers without the CIDC parameter, ;this program will assign the CIDC parameter to them and enable or ;disable the CIDC functionality. ; ;The enabling or disabling of the CIDC functionality is based on the ;user selected value of an external variable passed to this program. ; ;External Variable: ; CIDC Clinical Indicator Data Capture ; A value of E for enable CIDC functionality. ; A value of D for disable CIDC functionality. ; Set by user selection in ORWDBA6 and passed to this ; program. ;Internal Variables: ; CNT Counter variable, used to build temporary global ; DIR Input array variable for ^DIR ; DT Standard Fileman/Kernel variable for current date ; DT is set, not newed or killed ; DTOUT Timeout indicator, output variable of ^DIR ; DUOUT Up arrow indicator, output variable of ^DIR ; OREM Error Message, output variable for XPAR ; IEN Internal Entry Number ; LIST Input variable of XPAR where output ENVAL^XAR ; will be stored ; PTD Provider Termination Date ; VAL Input variable of XPAR ; A value of 1 will enable CIDC functionality ; A value of 0 will disable CIDC functionality ; X Work variable ; Y Processed user selection, output variable of ^DIR ;External References ; ^DIR DBIA 10026 ; ADD^XPAR DBIA 2263 ; ENVAL^XPAR DBIA 2263 ; EN(CIDC) ;Entry point for this program N CNT,DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,OREM,IEN,LIST,PTD,VAL,X,Y K ^TMP($J,"OR","CIDC") S DT=$$DT^XLFDT ;Get list of clinicians with the CIDC functionality parameter assigned ;to them. S OREM="",LIST="^TMP($J,""OR"",""CIDC"",""A"")" D ENVAL^XPAR(LIST,"OR BILLING AWARENESS BY USER",1,.OREM,1) ;Build list of active clinicians who do not have the CIDC functionality ;parameter not assigned to them. S IEN="",(CNT,^TMP($J,"OR","CIDC","U",0))=0 F S IEN=$O(^XUSEC("PROVIDER",IEN)) Q:IEN="" D . ;Skip to next provider is CIDC parameter assigned . I $D(^TMP($J,"OR","CIDC","A",IEN_";VA(200,",1))=1 Q . ;Skip to next provider if DISUSER set to yes . I $$GET1^DIQ(200,IEN,7)="YES" Q . ;Get provider termination date, skip to next provider if this date is . ;today's date or in the past. . S PTD=$$GET1^DIQ(200,IEN,9.2,"I") . I PTD'="",(PTD=DT)!(PTD