ORWDBA16 ;SLC/GDU Billing Awareness - Phase I [10/18/04 10:26] ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**195**;Dec 17,1997 ; ;Enable Billing Data Capture By Provider Parameter ;ORWDBA16 - Generates and prints parameter report ; ;Programs Called: ; $$GETS1^DIQ DBIA 2056 ; ^DIR DBIA 10026 ; $$FMTE^XLFDT DBIA 10103 ; $$NOW^XLFDT DBIA 10103 ; $$REPEAT^XLFSTR DBIA 10103 ; ENVAL^XPAR DBIA 2263 ; ;Variables Used: ; BAEE External value of the CIDC functionality parameter ; DIR Input array variable for ^DIR ; DTOUT Timeout indicator variable, output from ^DIR ; DUOUT Up Arrow '^' indicator variable, output from ^DIR ; ORERR Error message array variable, output from ENVAL^XPAR ; IEN Internal Entry Number ; LF Line Feed ; LFC Line Feed Count variable ; PAGE Page Counter variable ; RPDT Date the report is run, printed on hardcopy and terminal ; SEARCH Type of report being run. Passed from ORWDBA14 ; STOP Report finished control variable, used by hardcopy report. ; U Delimiter variable, defaulted to "^" ; X Work variable ; X1 Work variable ; Y Processed user selection varaible, output from ^DIR ; ;Globals Uses: ; ^TMP("ORPAL" ; Temp global to store raw and processed output of ENVAL^PAR ; Raw output of ENVAL^PAR ; ^TMP("ORPAL",$J,"A")=# Records Returned ; ^TMP("ORPAL",$J,"A",Provider IEN_";VA(200,",1)=Parameter value ; Processed output of ENVAL^PAR ; ^TMP("ORPAL",$J,"B",Name|IEN)=Name^Section^Parameter value ; RPT ;Build and print parameter report N BAEE,DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,ORERR,IEN,LF,LFC,PAGE,NAME,SEC,RPDT,STOP,X,X1,Y K ^TMP("ORPAL",$J) S RPDT=$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT),(IEN,X)="",U="^" D ENVAL^XPAR("^TMP(""ORPAL"",$J,""A"")","OR BILLING AWARENESS BY USER",1,.ORERR,1) F S X=$O(^TMP("ORPAL",$J,"A",X)) Q:X="" D . S IEN=$P(X,";") . S BAEE=$S(^TMP("ORPAL",$J,"A",X,1)=0:"No",1:"Yes") . S NAME=$$GET1^DIQ(200,IEN,.01) . S SEC=$$GET1^DIQ(200,IEN,29) . S:SEARCH="A" ^TMP("ORPAL",$J,"B",NAME_"|"_IEN)=NAME_U_SEC_U_BAEE . S:SEARCH="E"&(BAEE="Yes") ^TMP("ORPAL",$J,"B",NAME_"|"_IEN)=NAME_U_SEC_U_BAEE . S:SEARCH="D"&(BAEE="No") ^TMP("ORPAL",$J,"B",NAME_"|"_IEN)=NAME_U_SEC_U_BAEE S (X1,Y)="",PAGE=1,STOP=0 D HDR F S X1=$O(^TMP("ORPAL",$J,"B",X1)) Q:X1=""!(STOP=1) D . W !,$P(^TMP("ORPAL",$J,"B",X1),U) . W ?40,$P(^TMP("ORPAL",$J,"B",X1),U,2) . W ?70,$P(^TMP("ORPAL",$J,"B",X1),U,3) . I $Y>(IOSL-4) D EOSP I STOP=0 S STOP=1 I $E(IOST,1,2)'="C-" D FTR K ^TMP("ORPAL",$J) Q HDR ;Print report page header W:$E(IOST)="C"!(PAGE>2) @IOF W !,$P($T(RH),";",2) W !,RPDT,!! W:SEARCH="A" $P($T(HDRA),";",2),! W:SEARCH="E" $P($T(HDRE),";",2),! W:SEARCH="D" $P($T(HDRD),";",2),! W !,"Provider",?40,"Section",?70,"Enabled" W !,$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("-",IOM) Q EOSP ;End of Screen/Page S PAGE=PAGE+1 I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" D SFTR Q:STOP=1 E D FTR D HDR Q ; SFTR ;Screen report footer S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S STOP=1 E S STOP=0 Q ; FTR ;Print report page footer ;Used when output is directed to printer or spool device I STOP=1 D . S LFC=(IOSL-4)-$Y . F LF=1:1:LFC W !," " W:SEARCH="A" !,$P($T(FTRA),";",2) W:SEARCH="E" !,$P($T(FTRE),";",2) W:SEARCH="D" !,$P($T(FTRD),";",2) W ?60,"Page: ",PAGE Q ;Text used for building page/screen header/footer in HDR RH ;Clinical Indicator Data Capture By Provider Parameter Report HDRA ;All Providers With Clinical Indicator Data Capture Parameter HDRE ;Only Providers With Clinical Indicator Data Capture Enabled HDRD ;Only Providers With Clinical Indicator Data Capture Disabled ;Text used for building page footer in FTR PF ;Clinical Data Capture By Provider Parameter Report FTRA ;All With Parameter FTRE ;Only Clinical Indicator Data Capture Enabled FTRD ;Only Clinical Indicator Data Capture Disabled