ORWDBA5 ; SLC/GSS Billing Awareness ;12/9/04 12:02 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**195**;Dec 17, 1997 ; ; ORWDBA5 contains code for the testing, enabling and disabling the ; Billing Awareness Master Switch which is tested by the GUI in order ; to know what to present to the user. Note also the BA by User ; switch which is coded in ORWDBA6, ORWDBA8, and ORWDBA10. ; BAMSTR ;Billing Awareness Master Switch via Parameter Setting N DIR,ENT,ORERR,INST,OPT,PAR D VARSET I $G(PAR)="" D Q . S ORERR="99;Clinical Indicator Data Capture Master Switch parameter not defined" . D ORERR D OPT Q ; VARSET ;Set variables - used by tags BAMSTR and CHKPS1 ; ENT=Entity, INST=Instance, PAR=Parameter S ENT="SYS",INST=1 S PAR=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","OR BILLING AWARENESS STATUS",0)) Q ; OPT ;Functionality control D HDR I OPT="D" D DISABLE G OPT I OPT="E" D ENABLE G OPT Q ; ORERR ;Error trap message - pass error in via ORERR w/ 2nd piece being ER text S DIR(0)="F" S DIR("A")="Enter '^' to exit" S DIR("A",1)="ERROR:",DIR("A",2)=$P(ORERR,U,2) D ^DIR K DIR Q ; ENABLE ;Enable Billing Awareness Master Switch N DIR,Y ; Check and see if CIDC ancillary package installed S Y=$D(^XPD(9.7,"B","PX CLINICAL INDICATOR DATA CAPTURE 1.0")) I 'Y S ORERR="^The package 'PX CLINICAL INDICATOR DATA CAPTURE 1.0' must first be installed" D ORERR Q W !!,"You have selected to ENABLE Clinical Indicators Data Capture Functionality!",! S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to ENABLE Clinical Indicators Data Capture Functionality" S DIR("B")="N" S DIR("?")="To exit ENABLE enter '^'." S DIR("?",1)="To confirm ENABLING Clinical Indicators Data Capture Functionality enter 'Y' for Yes." S DIR("?",2)="To abort ENABLING enter 'N' for NO." D ^DIR K DIR I Y=0 K OPT Q D CHG^XPAR(ENT,PAR,INST,1,.ORERR) I $G(ORERR) D ORERR Q Q ; DISABLE ;Disable Billing Awareness Functionality N DIR W !!,"You have selected to DISABLE Clinical Indicators Data Capture Functionality!",! S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to DISABLE Clinical Indicators Data Capture Functionality" S DIR("B")="N" S DIR("?")="To exit DISABLE enter '^'." S DIR("?",1)="To confirm DISABLING Clinical Indicators Data Capture Functionality enter 'Y' for Yes." S DIR("?",2)="To abort DISABLING enter 'N' for NO." D ^DIR K DIR I Y=0 K OPT Q D CHG^XPAR(ENT,PAR,INST,0,.ORERR) I $G(ORERR) D ORERR Q Q ; HDR ;Screen Header, Switch Status, and Options N DIR D:'$D(IO)!('$D(IOF)) HOME^%ZIS W @IOF,"Enable/Disable Clinical Indicators Data Capture Master Switch" W !!,"Clinical Indicators Data Capture Master Switch is now *> ",$S($$CHKPS=0:"OFF",1:"ON")," <*" S DIR("?")="Enter Q to Quit" I $$CHKPS D . S DIR(0)="SX^D:Disable Clinical Indicators Data Capture Functionality;Q:Quit" . S DIR("?",1)="Enter D to disable capture of Clinical Indicators" E D . S DIR(0)="SX^E:Enable Clinical Indicators Capture Functionality;Q:Quit" . S DIR("?",2)="Enter E to enable the capture of Clinical Indicator data" S DIR("A")="Selection" D ^DIR K DIR S OPT=Y Q ; CHKPS() ;Check master switch parameter status ; Returns 0 if switch is OFF or 1 if ON ; If master switch not previously defined then defines it as 0 ; For use via List Mgr (thus error messages) N ORERR,VAL I $G(PAR)="" D Q . S ORERR="99;Clinical Indicator Data Capture Master Switch parameter not defined" . D ORERR S VAL=$$GET^XPAR(ENT,PAR,INST) I VAL="" D ADD^XPAR(ENT,PAR,INST,0) S VAL=$$GET^XPAR(ENT,PAR,INST,.ORERR) I $G(ORERR) D ORERR Q "" Q VAL ; CHKPS1() ;Check master switch parameter status ; Used by RPC and BA status check in ORWDBA1 (BASTATUS & BASTAT) N ENT,ORERR,INST,PAR,VAL D VARSET ; Return BA Master Switch is off if parameter is not defined/set-up I $G(PAR)="" Q 0 S VAL=$$GET^XPAR(ENT,PAR,INST) I VAL="" D ADD^XPAR(ENT,PAR,INST,0) S VAL=$$GET^XPAR(ENT,PAR,INST,.ORERR) ; If there's an error then return BA Master Switch is off I $G(ORERR) Q 0 Q VAL