ORWDBA6 ; SLC/GDU - Clinical Indicator Data Capture - Phase I [10/12/04 15:40] ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**195,261**;Dec 17,1997 MAIN ;Main starting point for this program N DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,OPT,Y D CHKINS S DIR(0)="SO^"_$P($T(B0A),";",3)_";" S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_$P($T(B0E),";",3)_";" S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_$P($T(B0D),";",3)_";" S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_$P($T(B0L),";",3)_";" S DIR("?",1)=$P($T(BHA),";",3) S DIR("?",2)=$P($T(BHE),";",3) S DIR("?",3)=$P($T(BHD),";",3) S DIR("?")=$P($T(BHL),";",3) S DIR("A")=$P($T(BA),";",3) W:$D(IOF) @IOF W !,$P($T(SH),";",3),!,$P($T(SH0),";",3) D ^DIR K DIR I Y="M" D ^ORWDBA8 G MAIN I Y="E" D EN^ORWDBA10("E") G MAIN I Y="D" D EN^ORWDBA10("D") G MAIN I Y="L" D ^ORWDBA14 G MAIN Q ;Text for MAIN user interface SH ;;Enable Clinical Indicator Data Capture By Provider Parameter Management SH0 ;;Select Parameter Management Option B0A ;;M:Manage parameter by provider B0E ;;E:Enable parameter for all providers B0D ;;D:Disable parameter for all providers B0L ;;L:List providers with the assigned parameter BA ;;Select Enable CIDC By Provider parameter option BHA ;;Enter M to manage the Enable CIDC By Provider parameter by provider. BHE ;;Enter E to enable the parameter for all providers BHD ;;Enter D to disable the parameter for all providers BHL ;;Enter L to get a list of providers with the parameter and its value. ; CHKINS ;Check Install N DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,ERR,MSG,RF,X,X1,Y S MSG(0)=0 D FIND^DIC(9.7,"","","","PX CLINICAL INDICATOR DATA CAPTURE 1.0","*","","","","RF","ERR") I $D(ERR) D . F X=1:1:$P(ERR("DIERR"),U) D .. S MSG(0)=X .. S MSG(X)=$P($T(PLF),";",3)_" "_ERR("DIERR",X) .. S X1=0 F S X1=$O(ERR("DIERR",X,"TEXT",X1)) Q:X1="" D ... S MSG(X,X1)=ERR("DIERR",X,"TEXT",X1) I $D(RF) D . I $P(RF("DILIST",0),U)=0 D .. S MSG(0)=MSG(0)+1 .. S MSG(MSG(0))=$P($T(NRF),";",3) I $$CHKPS1^ORWDBA5=0 D . S MSG(0)=MSG(0)+1 . S MSG(MSG(0))=$P($T(MSD),";",3) I MSG(0)=0 Q W:$D(IOF) @IOF W !,$P($T(SH),";",3),!,$P($T(SH0),";",3) S DIR(0)="E" W !!,$P($P($T(MH),";",3),"|"),!!,$P($P($T(MH),";",3),"|",2) F X=1:1:MSG(0) D . W !,MSG(X) . S X1=0 F S X1=$O(MSG(X,X1)) Q:X1="" W !,MSG(X,X1) W !!,$P($T(MF1),";",3),!,$P($T(MF2),";",3),!! D ^DIR K DIR Q ;Error message UI text PLF ;;Package Lookup Failure, Error Code: NRF ;;No record found in INSTALL file for PX CLINICAL INDICATOR DATA CAPTURE 1.0 MSD ;;CIDC Master Switch is disabled. MH ;;ALERT!|Please note the following errors. MF1 ;;The above error(s) will need to be resolved before the CIDC functionality will MF2 ;;work. You can still assign the Enable CIDC parameter to providers.