ORWDBA82 ; SLC/GDU - Billing Awareness - Phase I [10/18/04 10:48] ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**195**;Dec 17, 1997 ; SLC/GU Billing Awareness - Phase I [2/10/04 9:45 am] ;Enable Clinical Indicator Data Capture By Provider Parameter Module ;ORWDBA82 - Mass the parameter to all providers without the parameter ; and set it to 0 to disable the CIDC functionality. ; ;Local Variables ;DIR Input array variable for ^DIR ;DTOUT Timeout indicator, output variable of ^DIR ;DUOUT Up arrow indicator, output variable of ^DIR ;ENT Entity the parameter is assigned to, input variable for ; ADD^XPAR ;ORERR Error Message, output variable of ADD^XPAR ;INST Instance indicator, input variable for ADD^XPAR ;IOF Clear Screen and move cursor to top of screen, standard ; Kernal IO variable ;PAR The Name or IEN of a parameter in the PARAMETER DEFINITION ; FILE, input variable for ADD^XPAR ;VAL Value of the parameter being added, input variable for ; ADD^XPAR ;X Standard FileMan work varaible ;Y Processed output of user selection, output variable for ; ^DIR ; ;Global Variables ;^TMP("ORPUL" Temp global for providers who do not have the ; Enable/Disable CIDC By Provider parameter assigned to them ;^XTV(8989.51 PARAMETER DEFINITION FILE, file # 8989.51 ; ;External References ;^DIR FileMan general purpose response reader ;ADD^XPAR PARAMETER TOOLS, API to add a new parameter value ; MAIN ;Starting point of this program N DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,ENT,ORERR,INST,PAR,VAL,X,Y ;Prepare and display the user options for this program S DIR(0)=$P($T(SXOPT),";",3)_";" S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_$P($T(OY),";",3)_";"_$P($T(ON),";",3) S DIR("A",1)=^TMP("ORPUL",$J,"A")_" "_$P($T(A1),";",3) S DIR("A",2)=$P($T(A2),";",3) S DIR("A",3)=$P($T(A3),";",3) S DIR("A")=$P($T(A4),";",3) S DIR("?",1)=$P($T(HY),";",3) S DIR("?")=$P($T(HN),";",3) D SCRHDR,^DIR K DIR ;Process user selection I Y="NO"!($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) Q ;If NO, timeout, or up arrow quit ;Process the mass parameter assignment and functionality disabling S (ENT,X)="",INST=1,VAL=0 S PAR=$QS($Q(^XTV(8989.51,"B","OR BILLING AWARENESS BY USER")),4) D SCRHDR W !!,$P($T(DP),";",3),! S X="" F S X=$O(^TMP("ORPUL",$J,"A",X)) Q:X="" D . W "." . S ENT=^TMP("ORPUL",$J,"A",X) . D ADD^XPAR(ENT,PAR,INST,VAL,.ORERR) ;Alert user the mass parameter assignment and functionality disabling is ;done. S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")=$P($T(DC),";",3) D ^DIR K DIR Q SCRHDR ;Screen Header W:$D(IOF) @IOF W !,$P($T(SH1),";",3),!,$P($T(SH2),";",3) Q SXOPT ;;SX^ SH1 ;;Enable Clinical Indicator Data Capture By Provider Parameter Management SH2 ;;Assign/Disable Parameter For All Providers Option OY ;;YES:Enter YES to begin process of assign/disable ON ;;NO:Enter NO to cancel process of assign/disable and quit A1 ;;providers do not have this parameter assigned to them. A2 ;;You have selected to assign the parameter and disable Clinical Indicator A3 ;;Data Capture for all of these providers. This may take some time. A4 ;;Are you sure you want to do this? (YES/NO - must be all cap) HY ;;Enter YES to begin the assign/disable process. HN ;;Enter No to cancel the assign/disable process and quit. DP ;;Now assigning CIDC parameter and disabling the functionality. DC ;;CIDC parameter assignment and functionality disabling complete.