ORWPFSS2 ;SLC-GDU CPRS HL7 PROCESSING FOR RAD PRE-CERT;[04/15/05 09:19]; 4/28/05 15:34 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**228**;Dec 17, 1997 ;Routine to process the HL7 message from the Ancillary Radiology ;package for the Pre-Certification Account Reference to be associated ;with the radiology order record in the Order File, file # 100. ;External Variables, set by the HL7 processing ; ORIFN - 1st piece of 3rd piece of ORC message segment, Order IEN ; ORMSG - The HL7 message being processed ; PV1 - PV1 segment number in the HL7 message ;Internal Variables ; ORAR - Order PFSS Account Reference ; ORFDA - Fileman Data Array ; OREM - Error Message ; ORIEN - Order Internal Entry Number ; ORRPAR - Order Radiology Pre-Certification Account Reference ; ORUPDT - Order Update Indicator ; ORPFSS - PFSS Active Indicator ;DBIA References ; $$GET1^DIQ - DBIA 2056 ; PFSSACTV^ORWPFSS - Internal to CPRS PFSS ; $$ACCTREF^ORWPFSS1 - Internal to CPRS PFSS PRECERT ;Process Radiology HL7 message for precertification PFSS Account ;Reference. N ORAR,ORFDA,OREM,ORIEN,ORRPAR,ORUPDT,ORPFSS ;If PFSS inactive quit D PFSSACTV^ORWPFSS(.ORPFSS) I ORPFSS=0 Q ;If PV1 is null quit I PV1="" Q ;If pre-cert not present in HL7 PV1 seg quit S ORRPAR=$P(@ORMSG@(PV1),"|",51) I ORRPAR="" Q ;If PFSS AR already on file with order quit S ORIEN=+ORIFN S ORAR=$$GET1^DIQ(100,ORIEN,97) I ORAR'="" Q ;Update order with pre-cert PFSS AR S ORUPDT=$$ACCTREF^ORWPFSS1(ORIEN,ORRPAR) I ORUPDT=1 Q ;Return error message is error happens during update S ORERR=$P(ORUPDT,U,2) Q