ORWRA ; ALB/MJK/REV/JDL -Imaging Calls ;8/6/02 1:30 [2/12/04 9:25am] ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**10,85,109,135,132,148,154,141,160,149,190**;Dec 17, 1997 EXAMS(ROOT,DFN) ; Return imaging exams ; RPC: ORWRA IMAGING EXAMS ; See RPC definition for details on input and output parameters D GET(0) Q EXAMS1(ROOT,DFN) ; Return imaging exams ; RPC: ORWRA IMAGING EXAMS1 ; See RPC definition for details on input and output parameters D GET(1) Q GET(GSITE) ;Get the data N I,ID,RADATA,STRING,SITE,ORCX N BEG,END,MAX,P1,P2 S RADATA=$NA(^TMP($J,"RAE1",DFN)) S ROOT=$NA(^TMP($J,"ORAEXAMS")) S ORCX=1 ;show cancelled reports K @RADATA,@ROOT ; ; -- set date range D GETDEFG(.STRING) S BEG=$P(STRING,U) S END=$P(STRING,"^",2) S MAX=$P(STRING,"^",3) I GSITE="1" S MAX=MAX_"P" D EN1^RAO7PC1(DFN,BEG,END,MAX,ORCX) ; ; -- reformat data array for rpc S I=0,ID="",SITE="" I $G(GSITE) S SITE=$$SITE^VASITE,SITE=$P(SITE,"^",2)_";"_$P(SITE,"^",3)_U F S ID=$O(@RADATA@(ID)) Q:ID="" D . S P1=$P($G(^TMP($J,"RAE1",DFN,ID,"CPRS")),U) ;The member of set indicator from Radiology . S P2=$P($G(^TMP($J,"RAE1",DFN,ID,"CPRS")),U,2) ;The parent procedure name from Radiology . S I=I+1 . S @ROOT@(I)=SITE_ID_U_(9999999.9999-ID)_U_@RADATA@(ID)_U_P1_U_P2 K @RADATA Q ; GETDEFG(Y) ; -- get default context settings for GUI imaging reports N BEG,END,MAX ;if called from CAPRI, show all reports D OP^XQCHK I $P($G(XQOPT),"^",1)="DVBA CAPRI GUI" D . S BEG=$$DT^ORCHTAB1("T-36500") . S END=$$DT^ORCHTAB1("T") . S MAX="9999" . S Y=BEG_"^"_END_"^"_MAX ; if not CAPRI, use CPRS defaults E D GETIMG^ORWTPD(.Y,"") Q GETDEF(Y) ; -- get default context settings for LM imaging reports N BEG,CONTEXT,END,MAX S CONTEXT=$$GET^XPAR("ALL","ORCH CONTEXT REPORTS") S BEG=$$DT^ORCHTAB1($P(CONTEXT,";")) S END=$$DT^ORCHTAB1($P(CONTEXT,";",2)) S MAX=$P(CONTEXT,";",5) D OP^XQCHK I $P($G(XQOPT),"^",1)="DVBA CAPRI GUI" D .S BEG=$$DT^ORCHTAB1("T-36500") .S END=$$DT^ORCHTAB1("T") .S MAX="9999" S Y=BEG_"^"_END_"^"_MAX Q ; RPT1(ROOT,DFN,ORID,ALPHA,OMEGA,DTRANGE,REMOTE,ORMAX,ORFHIE) ; -- return imaging report D RPT(.ROOT,.DFN,.ORID,.ALPHA,.OMEGA,.DTRANGE,.REMOTE,.ORMAX,.ORFHIE) Q RPT(ROOT,DFN,ORID,ALPHA,OMEGA,DTRANGE,REMOTE,ORMAX,ORFHIE) ; -- return imaging report ; RPC: ORWRA REPORT TEXT ; See RPC definition for details on input and output parameters ; -- init locals and globals N ID,LCNT,ORVP,EXAMDATE,CASENMBR S RADATA=$NA(^TMP($J,"RAE3")) S ROOT=$NA(^TMP("ORXPND",$J)) K @RADATA,@ROOT ; ; -- set up exam id and call to get report text S ID=$TR(ORID,"-",U) ; ; -- set up counter and vp local for dfn for formating call S LCNT=0,ORVP=DFN_";DPT(" D XRAYS^ORCXPND1 K @RADATA Q ; TEST ; -- test to get exam list N I,ROOT,DFN S DFN=16 D EXAMS1(.ROOT,DFN) W !,"Root: ",ROOT S I=0 F S I=$O(@ROOT@(I)) Q:'I W !,@ROOT@(I) Q ; TEST1 ; -- test to print reprt for first 3 exams N ORI,ROOT,ROOT1,L,X,DFN S DFN=16 D EXAMS1(.ROOT,DFN) S ORI=0 F S ORI=$O(@ROOT@(ORI)) Q:'ORI D Q:ORI=3 . S X=@ROOT@(ORI) . D RPT1(.ROOT1,DFN,$P(X,U)) . S L=0 F S L=$O(@ROOT1@(L)) Q:'L W !,@ROOT1@(L,0) Q