ORX3 ; slc/CLA - Support reference (DBIA #868) for notifications ;11/19/96 10:50 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**9**;Dec 17, 1997 Q NOTE ;called by DGOERNOT - triggered by MAS protocols, options and fields in the patient file ; ;notifications triggered by DGOERNOT: ;18 - ADMISSION ;19 - UNSCHEDULED VISIT ;20 - DECEASED PATIENT ; ;possible variables: ;ORNOTE array of Notification file iens (#100.9) [req'd] ;ORVP ien from Patient file (#2) [req'd] ;ORBADUZ array of pkg-defined recipient DUZs [optional] ;ORBPMSG pkg-defined message [optional] ;ORBXDATA pkg-defined data for follow-up action [optinal] ; Q:'$D(ORNOTE) Q:'$D(ORVP) N ORN,ORBDFN,DA S ORBDFN=$P(ORVP,";") S:'$L($G(ORBADUZ)) ORBADUZ="" S:'$L($G(ORBPMSG)) ORBPMSG="" S:'$L($G(ORBXDATA)) ORBXDATA="" S ORN=0,ORN=$O(ORNOTE(ORN)) Q:'ORN I $D(^ORD(100.9,ORN)) D .;if not Admission notification (#18), send to OE/RR 3 entry point .;(Admission notif is triggered by Patient Admission MLM) .I $G(ORN)'=18 D EN^ORB3(ORN,ORBDFN,"",ORBADUZ,ORBPMSG,ORBXDATA) K ORBADUZ,ORBPMSG,ORBXDATA,ORNOTE,ORVP Q