ORY106 ;SLC/DAN - Postinit for patch OR*3*92 ;2/1/01 16:18 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**106**;Dec 17, 1997 ; POST ; -- postinit N MSG S MSG(1)="" S MSG(2)="This patch imports the ORDER TEXT and LAB TEST entries" S MSG(3)="from the OE/RR PRINT FIELDS file. As a result, the entries" S MSG(4)="in the OE/RR PRINT FORMAT file need to be recompiled." S MSG(5)="" S MSG(6)="**NOTE: If you have made local modifications to the compiled" S MSG(7)="code in the OE/RR PRINT FORMAT file they will be OVERWRITTEN." S MSG(8)="" S MSG(9)="Recompiling..." D MES^XPDUTL(.MSG) H 3 D RECMPL^ORPR00 K MSG Q