ORY110 ;SLC/DAN--Clean up orderable items file ;1/4/02 13:57 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**110**;Dec 17, 1997 N IEN,DIK,IEN6,COUNT K ^ORD(101.43,"B") ;Delete "B" cross reference to be rebuilt below D MES^XPDUTL("Re-indexing the B cross reference of the SYNONYM field...") S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(^ORD(101.43,IEN)) Q:'+IEN D .I $G(^ORD(101.43,IEN,0))="" K ^ORD(101.43,IEN) Q ;Delete extraneous nodes when 0 node doesn't exist .I $O(^ORD(101.43,IEN,2,0)) K ^ORD(101.43,IEN,2,"B") S DIK="^ORD(101.43,IEN,2,",DIK(1)=".01^B",DA(1)=IEN D ENALL^DIK ;Reset "B" cross reference for synonym multiple ; K DIK,DA D MES^XPDUTL("Re-indexing the B cross reference of the ORDERABLE ITEMS file") S DIK="^ORD(101.43,",DIK(1)=".01^B" D ENALL^DIK ;Rebuild B cross reference at the file level ; D BMES^XPDUTL("Reviewing ORDER DIALOG file for incorrect pointer default values.") S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(^ORD(101.41,IEN)) Q:'+IEN I $D(^(IEN,6)) D .S IEN6=0 F S IEN6=$O(^ORD(101.41,IEN,6,IEN6)) Q:'+IEN6 I $L($G(^(IEN6,1)),"^")>1 S ^ORD(101.41,IEN,6,IEN6,1)=$P(^ORD(101.41,IEN,6,IEN6,1),"^"),COUNT=$G(COUNT)+1 D MES^XPDUTL("Finished."_$S($G(COUNT)>0:" Fixed "_$G(COUNT)_" node"_$S($G(COUNT)>1:"s.",1:"."),1:"")) ; S ZTRTN="DQ^ORY110",ZTDTH=$H,ZTDESC="Patch OR*3*110 ORDER file cleanup",ZTSAVE("DUZ")="",ZTIO="" D ^%ZTLOAD D MES^XPDUTL("Starting ORDER file clean-up job in the background. Task # "_+$G(ZTSK)) Q ; DQ ;Entry point for background job to clean up ORDER file N IEN,SUB,COUNT S IEN=$$GETIEN(3010826.24)-1 ;get first IEN for date, subtract one so first IEN is reviewed I IEN=-1 D MAIL Q F S IEN=$O(^OR(100,IEN)) Q:'+IEN D .S SUB=0 F S SUB=$O(^OR(100,IEN,.1,SUB)) Q:'+SUB D ..I $L($G(^(SUB,0)),"^")>1 D ...N DIK,DA ...K ^OR(100,IEN,.1,"B",$G(^OR(100,IEN,.1,SUB,0))) ;delete current B xref ...S ^OR(100,IEN,.1,SUB,0)=$P(^OR(100,IEN,.1,SUB,0),"^") ;remove extra pieces ...S DIK="^OR(100,IEN,.1,",DIK(1)=".01^B" ;set index to be reset and global node ...S DA=SUB,DA(1)=IEN ;DA is subfile IEN, DA(1) is file level IEN ...D EN1^DIK ;Set B xref for this entry ...Q .S SUB=0 F S SUB=$O(^OR(100,IEN,4.5,SUB)) Q:'+SUB D ..I $L($G(^(SUB,1)),"^")>1 S ^(1)=$P(^(1),"^"),COUNT=$G(COUNT)+1 ;remove extra pieces, count changes ; D MAIL ;Send mail notification upon completion Q ; GETIEN(STDT) ;Find first IEN associated with given start date N DONE,IEN S (DONE,IEN)=0 F S STDT=$O(^OR(100,"AF",STDT)) Q:'+STDT!(DONE) D .S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(^OR(100,"AF",STDT,IEN)) Q:'+IEN I $O(^(IEN,0))=1 S DONE=1 Q ;Find first ORDER that is a new order Q IEN ; MAIL ;Send email when finished N XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMDUZ,ORTXT,XMY S XMDUZ="Patch OR*3*110 Post-Init" S XMY(.5)="" S:$G(DUZ) XMY(DUZ)="" S ORTXT(1)="The ORDER file clean-up initiated by patch OR*3*110 has completed." S ORTXT(2)="" S ORTXT(3)="There were "_$S($G(COUNT):COUNT,1:"no")_" changes made to the ORDER file." S XMTEXT="ORTXT(" S XMSUB="Patch OR*3*110 ORDER file clean-up completed." D ^XMD Q