ORY244 ;SLC/JEH -- post-install for OR*3*244 ;12/14/2005 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**244**;Dec 17, 1997;Build 1 ; Variables used: ; DATE = the date 2nd part of the sub script of LRO(69,DATE ; LORSN = the multiple counter of 69 or 4th part to get to each LAB ORDER ; LABDFN = DFN of LR file ; TSTCNT = the sub multiple / counter of the lab test or the 6th part of the 69 sub script ; OERRDFN = DFN of OR(100 ; LRSUB = sub of LAB(60, the lab test in LR ; L60DFN = DFN of Lab test performed ; TSTCNT = 6th part of sub script of LOR(69, pts to LAB TEST( LAB(60, and corresponding OR DFN ; TSTTYP= CH MI AP, from the order file OR(100 ; PANEL=1 Indicates from a panel test versies single test PANEL="" ; CNT244 = Number of Abnormal results modified ; ; POST ; -- Postinit corrects the abnormal flag and resuslts set in the OR(100, file N DATE,LOCATION,PTNAME,LABDFN,LORSN,LRSUB,TSTCNT,PANEL,TSTTYP,LRIVDAT,LSTEST,LABPNUM,TEST N L60DFN,RCNT,LRRESULT,LV60TST,OERRDFN,OR0,ORESULTS,CNT244,DAT60LV1,DAT60LV2,DAT69LV1,DAT69LV2 S LOCATION="",PTNAME="",LABDFN="",PANEL="",CNT244=0,TEST="" K ^TMP("ORFIX",$J),^TMP("ORTXT",$J) S ^TMP("ORFIX",$J,0)=0 ; PTR69 ; -- Loop thru Lab order file 69 to find ptr to Order file (OR 100) and Lab Data file (LR N ORMSG,ZTSK S ORMSG(1)="" S ORMSG(2)="STARTING reinstatement of missing abnormal results in the ORDER file #100" S ORMSG(3)="" D MES^XPDUTL(.ORMSG) ;W !,"STARTING reinstatement of missing abnormal results in the ORDER file #100" S DATE=3050815 ; PROBLEM START WITH LR*5.2*340 given to test sites Aug 15 F S DATE=$O(^LRO(69,DATE)) Q:DATE'?7N!(DATE>3051231) D ;69 loop . ; . S LORSN=0 . F S LORSN=$O(^LRO(69,DATE,1,LORSN)) Q:LORSN'>0 D ;loop within LR order to get multi test . . ; . . S DAT69LV1=$G(^LRO(69,DATE,1,LORSN,0)) Q:DAT69LV1="" . . S LABDFN=$P(^LRO(69,DATE,1,LORSN,0),"^",1) ;get LR DFN . . I LABDFN="" Q ;No LR not need to process v2 . . ; . . S TSTCNT=0 . . F S TSTCNT=$O(^LRO(69,DATE,1,LORSN,2,TSTCNT)) Q:TSTCNT=""!(TSTCNT]"@") D ;loop thru test . . . ; . . . W "." . . . S DAT69LV2=$G(^LRO(69,DATE,1,LORSN,2,TSTCNT,0)) Q:DAT69LV2="" . . . S OERRDFN=$P(^LRO(69,DATE,1,LORSN,2,TSTCNT,0),"^",7) ;get DFN of OR(100 . . . I OERRDFN="" Q ;No OR(100 no need to process v2 . . . S L60DFN=+$P(^LRO(69,DATE,1,LORSN,2,TSTCNT,0),"^",1) ;get DFN of 60 lab test performed . . . I L60DFN="" Q ;No lab test no need to process v2 . . . ; If test is a Panel of test or a single test? . . . S DAT60LV1=$G(^LAB(60,L60DFN,0)) Q:DAT60LV1="" . . . S LSTEST=L60DFN . . . S PANEL="" . . . S PANEL=$G(^LAB(60,L60DFN,2,1,0)) ;if there, equal to 1st test in panel test. . . . I PANEL'="" S PANEL=L60DFN . . . ; OR100FU GET INFO FROM OR(100 . . . I $G(^OR(100,OERRDFN,7))="" Q ;No results no need to process . . . I $P(^OR(100,OERRDFN,7),"^",2)=1 Q ;If abnomal results already, no need to process . . . ; . . . S LRIVDAT="",TSTTYP="",ORESULTS="" . . . I $G(^OR(100,OERRDFN,4))="" Q ;If no date time of type quit v3 . . . S LRIVDAT=$P(^OR(100,OERRDFN,4),";",5) . . . S TSTTYP=$P(^OR(100,OERRDFN,4),";",4) . . . ;If not one of the Lab test types processed by LR7OR1 then quit . . . I TSTTYP'="CH" Q . . . I LRIVDAT="" Q ;No LR date no need to process v2 . . . I PANEL="" D NONPAN . . . ; . . . I PANEL'="" D PAN60 ; PROCESS A PANEL OF TEST FOR THSI ORDER. ; D MAIL ;W !,"Up date of Order file is complete!" ;W !,"Please check your Mail for a list of modified ORDER files" N ORMSG,ZTSK S ORMSG(1)="" S ORMSG(2)="Up date of Order file is complete!" S ORMSG(3)="Please check your Mail for a list of modified ORDER files" S ORMSG(4)="" D MES^XPDUTL(.ORMSG) Q ; NONPAN ; S DAT60LV2=$G(^LAB(60,L60DFN,.2)) Q:DAT60LV2="" S LRSUB=$P(^LAB(60,L60DFN,.2),"^",1) I LRSUB="" Q ; if not test skip v2 S LRRESULT=$G(^LR(LABDFN,TSTTYP,LRIVDAT,LRSUB)) Q:LRRESULT="" ;If no results quit S TEST=$P(LRRESULT,"^",2) I (TEST["L")!(TEST["H") D Q . I $G(^LAB(60,L60DFN,.1))="" Q ;If no test name quit v3 . S ORESULTS=$P(^LAB(60,L60DFN,.1),"^",1)_"="_$P(LRRESULT,"^",1) . D ORUPDAT ;set ABNORMAL results in Order file Q ; PAN60 ; S ORESULTS="" ;Clear for the next order file ; S DAT60LV1=$G(^LAB(60,LRSUB,0)) Q:DAT60LV1="" ; ; Lab(60 DFN in LOR(69 was a Panel of test. ; If an abnormal test in the panel test loop thru the panel test to pull each individual test ; also loop Thru the LR from the start to pull the results to put with the test from LAB(60 S LRSUB="" ; Loop Thru LR file to pull individual test results when from a panel of test. S RCNT=0 S LSTEST="" S LABPNUM=0 F S LABPNUM=$O(^LAB(60,PANEL,2,LABPNUM)) Q:LABPNUM=""!(LABPNUM]"@") D . S LV60TST=$G(^LAB(60,PANEL,2,LABPNUM,0)) Q:LV60TST="" . S L60DFN=$P(LV60TST,"^",1) . I L60DFN="" Q ;If not test skip v3 . S LRSUB=$G(^LAB(60,L60DFN,.2)) ; If L60DFN not null but not valid quit v3 . I LRSUB="" Q ; v3 . S LRSUB=$P(^LAB(60,L60DFN,.2),"^",1) . S LRRESULT=$G(^LR(LABDFN,TSTTYP,LRIVDAT,LRSUB)) Q:LRRESULT="" ;If no test quit . S TEST=$P(LRRESULT,"^",2) Q:LRRESULT="" ;If no results quit . I (TEST["L")!(TEST["H") D Q . . S RCNT=RCNT+1 . . S DAT60LV1=$G(^LAB(60,L60DFN,0)) Q:DAT60LV1="" . . S LSTEST=LRSUB . . I $G(^LAB(60,L60DFN,.1))="" Q ;If no test name quit v3 . . S $P(ORESULTS,",",RCNT)=$P(^LAB(60,L60DFN,.1),"^",1)_"="_$P(LRRESULT,"^",1)_" " . . ; S LRSUB=LRSUB+1 ;Bump to the next LR test results I ORESULTS'="" D ORUPDAT ;set ABNORMAL results in Order file Q ; ORUPDAT ; Update the OR(100, file Abnormal results ; S CNT244=CNT244+1 S ^TMP("ORFIX",$J,0)=CNT244 S PTNAME="" S OR0=$G(^OR(100,OERRDFN,0)) S PTNAME=$$PTNM($P(OR0,U,2)) S ^TMP("ORFIX",$J,CNT244)="PATIENT NAME="_PTNAME S ^TMP("ORFIX",$J,CNT244,0)=" ORER FILE DFN="_OERRDFN S ^TMP("ORFIX",$J,CNT244,1)=" LAB DATA LRDFN="_LABDFN I PANEL="" S ^TMP("ORFIX",$J,CNT244,2)=" LABORATORY TEST IEN="_LSTEST I PANEL'="" S ^TMP("ORFIX",$J,CNT244,2)=" LABORATORY TEST(PANEL) IEN="_PANEL S ^TMP("ORFIX",$J,CNT244,3)=" ABNORMAL TEST RESULTS: "_ORESULTS S $P(^OR(100,OERRDFN,7),"^",2)=1 S $P(^OR(100,OERRDFN,7),"^",3)=ORESULTS ;W !," ABNORMAL TEST RESULTS: ",ORESULTS ; ;S THISTEST=^OR(100,OERRDFN,7) ;W !,"Before update ^OR(100,"_OERRDFN_",7)=",THISTEST ; ;S THISTEST=^OR(100,OERRDFN,7) ;W !,"After update ^OR(100,"_OERRDFN_",7)=",THISTEST ;W ! Q ; ; ; MAIL ;Send results of cleanup in a mail message to initiator N I,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMDUZ,XMY,DIFROM S XMSUB="Patch OR*3*244 Clean up completed" S XMDUZ="Patch OR*3*244 Clean up job" S XMY(.5)="" S:$G(DUZ) XMY(DUZ)="" S XMTEXT="^TMP(""ORTXT"",$J," K ^TMP("ORTXT",$J) ; set up header and count S I=1 S ^TMP("ORTXT",$J,I)="The reinstatement of Abnormal results has completed.",I=I+1 S ^TMP("ORTXT",$J,I)="Below is a listing of Abnormal results taken from Lab test and added to the Order file.",I=I+1 S ^TMP("ORTXT",$J,I)="",I=I+1 S ^TMP("ORTXT",$J,I)=+$P($G(^TMP("ORFIX",$J,0)),U)_" orders had abnormal results added.",I=I+1 S ^TMP("ORTXT",$J,I)="",I=I+1 I $G(^TMP("ORFIX",$J,0))=0 S ^TMP("ORTXT",$J,I)="No changes were made to your database.",I=I+1 S ^TMP("ORTXT",$J,I)="",I=I+1 ; set up message text S CNT244=0 F S CNT244=$O(^TMP("ORFIX",$J,CNT244)) Q:CNT244="" D .S ^TMP("ORTXT",$J,I)=^TMP("ORFIX",$J,CNT244),I=I+1 .S ^TMP("ORTXT",$J,I)=^TMP("ORFIX",$J,CNT244,0),I=I+1 .S ^TMP("ORTXT",$J,I)=^TMP("ORFIX",$J,CNT244,1),I=I+1 .S ^TMP("ORTXT",$J,I)=^TMP("ORFIX",$J,CNT244,2),I=I+1 .S ^TMP("ORTXT",$J,I)=^TMP("ORFIX",$J,CNT244,3),I=I+1 .S ^TMP("ORTXT",$J,I)="",I=I+1 D ^XMD ;send results Q ; PTNM(IEN) ;Return pt name or -1 if unable to determine N DFN,VADM I +IEN=0!(IEN'["DPT") Q -1 S DFN=+IEN D ^VADPT I $G(VADM(1))="" Q -1 Q $G(VADM(1)) ;