PSO126EN ;BIR/PW-ENVIRONMENTAL CHECK FOR PATCH 126 ;12/09/02 ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**126**;DEC 1997 CHK525 ;check for .01 holes in 52.5 K XPDQUIT,PSXQUIT W !,"Checking the RX SUSPENSE file (#52.5) for entries with missing #.01 fields",! H 4 S IEN=0 F I=0:1 W:'(I#100) "." S IEN=$O(^PS(52.5,IEN)) Q:IEN'>0 I +$G(^PS(52.5,IEN,0))'>0 S PSXQUIT=1 W !,IEN I $G(PSXQUIT) D . S XPDQUIT=1 . W !!,"The RX SUSPENSE file (#52.5) has been found to have entries without a #.01 field." . W !,"Please call NVS to clear this problem." . K DIR S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")=" - to continue" D ^DIR K DIR I '$G(XPDQUIT) W !,"No problems with the file were found. Continuing with the installation.",! H 4 Q