PSO293EN ;BIR/MFR-EXPIRATION DATE CLEAN UP - Environment Check ;05/03/07 ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**293**;DEC 1997;Build 22 ; N TIME,DIR S DIR("A",1)="This patch reads the entire PRESCRIPTION file (#52) and performs" S DIR("A",2)="the 3 updates below (IF NECESSARY):" S DIR("A",3)=" " S DIR("A",4)=" 1. Set/Fix the Rx Expiration Date if not present or > 366 days" S DIR("A",5)=" 2. Synchronize the Rx Status with CPRS for expired Rx's" S DIR("A",6)=" 3. Synchronize the Rx Status with HDR for expired/deleted Rx's" S DIR("A",7)=" " S DIR("A",8)="*** Refer to the patch description for more detailed information ***" S DIR("A",9)=" " S TIME=$P(^PSRX(0),"^",4)/1000000+.5*1.4\1 S DIR("A",10)="ESTIMATED DURATION: "_$S(TIME=0:"LESS THAN 1 HOUR",TIME=1:"1 HOUR",1:TIME_" HOURS") S DIR("A",11)=" " S DIR("A",12)="To STOP, RESUME or VIEW the current status of the clean up, run the" S DIR("A",13)="following command in programmer mode: >D ^PSO293PI" S DIR("A",14)=" " ; S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Press Return to continue" D ^DIR ; Q