PSO55FX2 ;ISC-BHAM/MHA - cleanup of bad p nodes and mismatched Rxs in file 55 ; 07/26/2001 ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**69**;DEC 1997 ;External reference to ^PS(55 is supported by DBIA 2228 ;External reference ^DGPM("AMV1" is supported by DBIA 2249 Q BEG ; I '$D(DUZ) W !!!!,"* DUZ NOT DEFINED - QUITTING *" Q D MSG^PSO55FX3 K %DT D NOW^%DTC S %DT="RAEX",%DT(0)=%,%DT("A")="Select the Date/Time to queue this job: " D ^%DT K %DT I $D(DTOUT)!(Y<0) W !!!?10,"Job not queued - quitting!" Q S ZTDTH=$G(Y),ZTSAVE("DUZ")="",ZTIO="",ZTRTN="EN^PSO55FX2",ZTDESC="Cleanup of bad 'P' cross-references in Pharmacy Patient file" D ^%ZTLOAD W:$D(ZTSK) !!,"Task Queued To Run!",! Q EN ; I $G(^XTMP("PSO2",69))="PH1" D PH2^PSO55FX3 Q S TY="PSO",JN=69 S (DFN,ZA,ZB,ZC)=0 I '$D(^XTMP(TY,JN)) S X1=DT,X2=+90 D C^%DTC S ^XTMP(TY,JN,0)=$G(X)_"^"_DT G EN1 I $D(^XTMP(TY,JN,1)) D .S DFN=$P(^XTMP(TY,JN,1),"^") S:'DFN DFN=0 .S ZA=$P(^XTMP(TY,JN,1),"^",2) S:'ZA ZA=0 .S ZB=$P(^XTMP(TY,JN,1),"^",3) S:'ZB ZB=0 .S ZC=$P(^XTMP(TY,JN,1),"^",4) S:'ZC ZC=0 EN1 S STA="ACTIVE^NON-VERIFIED^REFILL^HOLD^NON-VERIFIED^SUSPENDED^^^^^DONE^EXPIRED^DISCONTINUED^DELETED^DISCONTINUED^DISCONTINUE (EDIT)^PROVIDER HOLD" F S DFN=$O(^PS(55,DFN)) Q:'DFN D CHK1,CHK2 S ^XTMP(TY,JN,1)=DFN_"^"_ZA_"^"_ZB_"^"_ZC D SMAIL S ^XTMP("PSO2",69)="PH1" D PH2^PSO55FX3 Q CHK1 ;for every patient go through the "P" x-ref K XZ S (RB,I)=0 F S I=$O(^PS(55,DFN,"P",I)) Q:'I S RX=$P($G(^(I,0)),"^") D:RX .;checks for non-existing Rxs or Rxs with no header record & if found clean it up .I '$D(^PSRX(RX)) S RB=1,ZA=ZA+1,XZ(RX)="" K ^PS(55,DFN,"P",I,0) Q .I '$D(^PSRX(RX,0)) S RB=1,ZA=ZA+1,XZ(RX)="" K ^PS(55,DFN,"P",I,0) Q .;checks for patient mis-match .I DFN'=+$P(^PSRX(RX,0),"^",2) D ..S ZA=ZA+1,RB=1,XZ(RX)="" K ^PS(55,DFN,"P",I,0) ..D:+$P($G(^PSRX(RX,"STA")),"^")=12 ALOG D:RB RBP Q ALOG ; S CDFN=+$P(^PSRX(RX,0),"^",2) Q:$P($G(^DPT(CDFN,.35)),"^") S (II,JJ,CT)=0,AL="ZZZ" F S II=$O(^PSRX(RX,"A",II)) Q:'II S:$P($G(^(II,0)),"^",5)["Auto Discontinued on Admission" JJ=II I JJ S CDT=$P($G(^PSRX(RX,"A",JJ,0)),"^") Q:'CDT D .S X1=$E(CDT,1,7),X2=-3 D C^%DTC S SDT=X-.01,EDT=X_".99999" .F S SDT=$O(^DGPM("AMV1",SDT)) Q:'SDT!(SDT>EDT)!(CT) D ..S PDFN=0 F S PDFN=$O(^DGPM("AMV1",SDT,PDFN)) Q:'PDFN!(PDFN=CDFN) ..S:+PDFN=CDFN CT=1 Q:CT S:JJ AL="Auto Discontinued on Admission" S (II,JJ)=0 F S II=$O(^PSRX(RX,"A",II)) Q:'II S:$P($G(^(II,0)),"^",5)["Auto Discontinued Due" JJ=II S:JJ AL=$P(^PSRX(RX,"A",JJ,0),"^",5) S DIV=$P($G(^PSRX(RX,2)),"^",9) S:DIV="" DIV=998899 CREC ; S SSN=$P($G(^DPT(CDFN,0)),"^",9) S:SSN="" SSN="N/A" S NAME=$P($G(^DPT(CDFN,0)),"^")_" ("_SSN_")" S:NAME="" NAME="N/A" ;S STAT=$P(STA,"^",$P($G(^PSRX(RX,"STA")),"^")+1) S:STAT="" STAT="N/A" S:'$D(^XTMP(TY,JN,2,DIV,AL,CDFN,RX)) ^XTMP(TY,JN,2,DIV,AL,CDFN,RX)=NAME_"^"_$P(^PSRX(RX,0),"^")_"^"_$S(AL="ZZZ":"",1:AL),ZC=ZC+1 S ^XTMP(TY,JN,"Z",DIV,CDFN,RX)="" Q ; CHK2 ;for every patient go through the "P","A" x-ref S J=0 F S J=$O(^PS(55,DFN,"P","A",J)) Q:'J S RX=0 F S RX=$O(^PS(55,DFN,"P","A",J,RX)) Q:'RX D .;checks for non-existing Rxs or Rxs with no header record & if found clean it up .I '$D(^PSRX(RX)) S:'$D(XZ(RX)) ZB=ZB+1 K ^PS(55,DFN,"P","A",J,RX) Q .I '$D(^PSRX(RX,0)) S:'$D(XZ(RX)) ZB=ZB+1 K ^PS(55,DFN,"P","A",J,RX) Q .;checks for patient mismatch .I DFN'=+$P(^PSRX(RX,0),"^",2) D ..S:'$D(XZ(RX)) ZB=ZB+1 K ^PS(55,DFN,"P","A",J,RX) ..D:+$P($G(^PSRX(RX,"STA")),"^")=12 ALOG K XZ Q RBP ;rebuild the "P" header rec S (NR,LR,I)=0 F S I=$O(^PS(55,DFN,"P",I)) Q:'I S LR=I,NR=NR+1 S ^PS(55,DFN,"P",0)="^55.03PA^"_LR_"^"_NR K NR,LR,RB Q ; SMAIL ; S ZZ="PSOFX" K ^TMP(ZZ,$J),XMY I ZA!(ZB)!(ZC) D .;S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,1)="**************************************************" .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,2)="*** Following cleanup has been done: ***" .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,3)="*** ***" .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,4)="*** bad P-XREF COUNT "_$E(ZA_" ",1,6)_" ***" .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,5)="*** bad PA-XREF COUNT "_$E(ZB_" ",1,6)_" ***" .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,6)="*** mismatched PATIENT COUNT "_$E(ZC_" ",1,6)_" ***" .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,7)="*** ***" .I ZC D ..S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,8)="*** The count of mismatched patients may ***" ..S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,9)="*** include multiple counts for the same ***" ..S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,10)="*** patient since bad nodes from more than ***" ..S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,11)="*** one patient could point to different ***" ..S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,12)="*** prescriptions for the same 'good' ***" ..S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,13)="*** patient entry in the PRESCRIPTION ***" ..S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,14)="*** file (#52). ***" .;S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,15)="**************************************************" .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,16)="" .I ZC D ..S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,17)="A separate message has been sent for the following" ..S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,18)="divisions. Each has one or more mismatched patients" ..S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,19)="that must be reviewed for inaccurate data." ..S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,20)="",XX=21 ..K XY S J=0 F S J=$O(^XTMP(TY,JN,"Z",J)) Q:'J D ...S DIV=$P($G(^PS(59,J,0)),"^") ...S (I,L)=0 F S I=$O(^XTMP(TY,JN,"Z",J,I)) Q:'I S L=L+1 ...S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,XX)=" "_DIV_": "_L,XX=XX+1,XY(J)=L E D .;S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,1)="**************************************************" .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,2)="*** No prescriptions were found with possible ***" .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,3)="*** bad 'P' or 'P','A' x-refs or prescriptions ***" .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,4)="*** associated with the wrong patient. ***" .;S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,5)="**************************************************" S XMY(DUZ)="",XMY("G.PL2 PATCH TRACKING@FORUM.VA.GOV")="" S XMSUB="PSO*7*69 - "_$P($$SITE^VASITE(),"^",2) S XMDUZ="Outpatient Pharmacy Patch 69" S XMTEXT="^TMP(ZZ,$J," D ^XMD K XMY,^TMP(ZZ,$J) I $D(^XTMP(TY,JN,2)) S J=0 F S J=$O(^XTMP(TY,JN,2,J)) Q:'J D .S DIV=$P($G(^PS(59,J,0)),"^") .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,1)="This message is comprised of two sections. Section 1 lists prescriptions that" .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,2)="may have been automatically discontinued by mistake, either by a Date of Death" .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,3)="entry or by the Autocancel on Admission action for a different patient. The" .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,4)="second section lists other discontinued prescriptions." .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,5)="" .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,6)="Please review the following DISCONTINUED prescriptions for the " .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,8)=DIV_" (division name) Outpatient Site." .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,9)="" .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,10)="TOTAL COUNT OF UNIQUE PATIENT IS "_$G(XY(J)) .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,11)="" .S YY=0,$E(S1,36)="",$E(S2,12)="",K="",$P(UL,"=",66)="" .S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,12)=UL,^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,13)="SECTION 1",^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,14)="" .S XX=15 F S K=$O(^XTMP(TY,JN,2,J,K)) Q:K="" D ..D:'YY ...S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,XX)="Following prescriptions may have been automatically discontinued by mistake,",XX=XX+1 ...S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,XX)="either by a Date of Death entry or by the Autocancel on Admission action for",XX=XX+1 ...S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,XX)="a different patient.",XX=XX+1 ...S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,XX)="",XX=XX+1 ...S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,XX)=$E("NAME (SSN#)"_S1,1,35)_$E("Rx #"_S2,1,12)_$S(K="ZZZ":"",1:"Discontinued Reason"),XX=XX+1 ...S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,XX)="",XX=XX+1 S:K["Auto Discontinued" YY=1 ..D:K="ZZZ" ...I YY S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,XX)="",XX=XX+1,YY=0 ...E S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,XX)="There were no entries that were automatically discontinued.",XX=XX+1,^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,XX)="",XX=XX+1 ...S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,XX)=UL,XX=XX+1 ...S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,XX)="SECTION 2",XX=XX+1,^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,XX)="",XX=XX+1 ...S ^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,XX)="The following prescriptions may have been discontinued manually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here were no entries that were manually discontinued.",XX=XX+1,^TMP(ZZ,$J,J,XX)="" .S XMY(DUZ)="",XMDUZ="Search for possible invalid Prescription status" .S XMSUB="IMPORTANT - "_$G(DIV)_": Prescriptions to be reviewed." .S XMTEXT="^TMP(ZZ,$J,J," D ^XMD K XMY,^TMP(ZZ,$J,J) END K ^XTMP(TY,JN),^TMP(ZZ,$J),XMY,XMDUZ,ZA,ZB,ZC,DFN,CDFN,RX,RB,XY,XX,TY,JN,ZZ,I,J,K,L,NAME,DIV,STA,STAT,X1,X2 Q