PSOBPSUT ;BIRM/MFR - BPS (ECME) Utilities ; 07 Jun 2005 8:39 PM ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**148,247,260,281**;DEC 1997;Build 41 ;Reference to $$ECMEON^BPSUTIL supported by IA 4410 ;Reference to IBSEND^BPSECMP2 supported by IA 4411 ;Reference to $$STATUS^BPSOSRX supported by IA 4412 ;Reference to $$NDCFMT^PSSNDCUT supported by IA 4707 ;Reference to $$CLAIM^BPSBUTL supported by IA 4719 ;Reference to ^PS(55 supported by IA 2228 ;Reference to ^PSDRUG( supported by IA 221 ;Reference to ^PSDRUG("AQ" supported by IA 3165 ; ECME(RX) ; Returns "e" if Rx/Refill is Electronically Billable (3rd party) Q $S($$STATUS^BPSOSRX(RX,$$LSTRFL^PSOBPSU1(RX))'="":"e",1:"") ; STATUS(RX,RFL) ; Returns the Rx's ECME Status (calls STATUS^BPSOSRX) ; Input: (r) RX - Rx IEN (#52) ; (o) RFL - Refill # (Default: most recent) I '$D(RFL) S RFL=$$LSTRFL^PSOBPSU1(RX) Q $P($$STATUS^BPSOSRX(RX,RFL),"^") ; SUBMIT(RX,RFL,IGRL,IGCMP) ; Returns whether the Rx should be submitted to ECME at the moment or not ; Input: (r) RX - Rx IEN (#52) ; (o) RFL - Refill # (Def.: most recent) ; (o) IGRL - Ignore Release Date? (1-YES/0-NO) (Def.: 0 - NO) ; (o) IGCMP- Ignore CMOP/Suspense check? (1-YES/0-NO) (Def.: 0 - NO) ; ; - Get the REFILL # (multiple IEN) N STATUS I '$D(RFL) S RFL=$$LSTRFL^PSOBPSU1(RX) ; - Not the latest fill for the prescription I RFL'=$$LSTRFL^PSOBPSU1(RX) Q 0 ; - Status not ACTIVE, DISCONTINUED, or EXPIRED S STATUS=$$GET1^DIQ(52,RX,100,"I") I STATUS'=0&(STATUS'=11)&(STATUS'=12) Q 0 ; Will suspend for CMOP I '$G(IGCMP),$$CMOP(RX,RFL) Q 0 ; - ECME turned OFF for Rx's site I '$$ECMEON^BPSUTIL($$RXSITE(RX,RFL)) Q 0 ; - Rx is RELEASED - Do not submit I '$G(IGRL),$$RXRLDT(RX,RFL) Q 0 ; - Future Fill/AUTO SUSPENSE ON - will suspend I '$G(IGCMP),$$RXFLDT(RX,RFL)>DT,$$GET1^DIQ(59,$$RXSITE(RX,RFL),.16,"I") Q 0 Q 1 ; CMOP(RX,RFL) ; Returns if the Rx will be a CMOP Rx or not ; Input: (r) RX - Rx IEN (#52) ; (o) RFL - Refill # (Default: most recent) ; Output: 1 - CMOP / 0 - NON-CMOP ; N DFN,CMOP,MAIL,MAILEXP,DRUG,WARNS,STATUS,MW,A ; Get the REFILL # (multiple IEN) I '$D(RFL) S RFL=$$LSTRFL^PSOBPSU1(RX) ; MAIL=MAIL Code, MAILEXP=Mail Code Expiration Date S CMOP=0 S DFN=$$GET1^DIQ(52,RX,2,"I"),MAIL=$$GET1^DIQ(55,DFN,.03,"I"),MAILEXP=$$GET1^DIQ(55,DFN,.05,"I") I MAIL>1,MAILEXP=""!(MAILEXP>DT) G QCMOP ; Get drug IEN and cheDRUG if CMOP ,$S($G(MAILEXP)=""!($G(MAILEXP)>DT):1,1:0) S DRUG=$$GET1^DIQ(52,RX,6,"I") G QCMOP:'DRUG,QCMOP:'$D(^PSDRUG("AQ",DRUG)) ; Not marked for O.P. I $$GET1^DIQ(50,DRUG,63)'["O" G QCMOP ; Drug Warning >11 S WARNS=$$GET1^DIQ(50,DRUG,8) I $L(WARNS)>11 G QCMOP ; If tradename I $$GET1^DIQ(52,RX,6.5)'="" G QCMOP ; If Cancelled, Expired, Deleted, Hold S STATUS=$$GET1^DIQ(52,RX,100,"I") I STATUS>9!(STATUS=4)!(STATUS=3) G QCMOP ; Rx RELEASED I $$RXRLDT^PSOBPSUT(RX,RFL) G QCMOP ; MAIL/WINDOW S MW=$S('RFL:$$GET1^DIQ(52,RX,11,"I"),1:$$GET1^DIQ(52.1,RFL_","_RX,2,"I")) ; IF WINDOW/ORIGINAL/FUTURE FILL SETS MW = MAIL I MW="W",$$RXFLDT^PSOBPSUT(RX,RFL)>DT S MW="M" ; If not MAIL I MW'="M" G QCMOP S CMOP=1 ; QCMOP Q CMOP ; RXRLDT(RX,RFL) ; Returns the Rx Release Date ; Input: (r) RX - Rx IEN (#52) ; (o) RFL - Refill # (Default: most recent) ; ; Output: RXRLDT - Rx Release Date N RXRLDT I '$G(RX) Q "" S RXRLDT=$$GET1^DIQ(52,RX,31,"I") I '$D(RFL) S RFL=$$LSTRFL^PSOBPSU1(RX) I RFL S RXRLDT=$$GET1^DIQ(52.1,RFL_","_RX,17,"I") Q RXRLDT ; RXFLDT(RX,RFL) ; Returns the Rx Fill Date ; Input: (r) RX - Rx IEN (#52) ; (o) RFL - Refill # (Default: most recent) ; Output: RXFLDT - Rx Fill Date N RXFLDT I '$G(RX) Q "" S RXFLDT=$$GET1^DIQ(52,RX,22,"I") I '$D(RFL) S RFL=$$LSTRFL^PSOBPSU1(RX) I RFL S RXFLDT=$$GET1^DIQ(52.1,RFL_","_RX,.01,"I") Q RXFLDT ; RXSUDT(RX,RFL) ; Returns the prescription/fill Suspense Date for the RX/Reject passed in ;Input: (r) RX - Rx IEN (#52) ; (o) RFL - Refill IEN (#52.1) ;Output: SUSPENSE DATE (External format) or , if not suspended ; I $G(^PSRX(RX,"STA"))'=5 Q "" N SURX,SURFL S SURX=$O(^PS(52.5,"B",RX,0)) I 'SURX Q "" I $$GET1^DIQ(52.5,SURX,.05,"I") Q "" S SURFL=+$$GET1^DIQ(52.5,SURX,9) I RFL'=SURFL Q "" Q $$GET1^DIQ(52.5,SURX,.02,"I") ; RXSITE(RX,RFL) ; Returns the Rx DIVISION ; Input: (r) RX - Rx IEN (#52) ; (o) RFL - Refill # ; Output: SITE - Rx Fill Date ; N SITE I '$G(RX) Q "" I '$D(RFL) S RFL=$$LSTRFL^PSOBPSU1(RX) I RFL S SITE=$$GET1^DIQ(52.1,RFL_","_RX,8,"I") I 'RFL!'$G(SITE) S SITE=$$GET1^DIQ(52,RX,20,"I") Q SITE ; MANREL(RX,RFL,PID) ; ePharmacy Manual Rx Release ;Input: (r) RX - Rx IEN (#52) ; (o) RFL - Refill # (Default: most recent) ; (o) PID - Displays PID/Drug/Rx in the NDC prompts ;Output: "" (null - OK to Release) OR "^" (User entered "^", or no valid NDC on file for ePharmacy Rx) ; N ACTION ; I '$D(RFL) S RFL=$$LSTRFL^PSOBPSU1(RX) ; ; - Checking for REJECTS before proceeding to Rx Release I $$FIND^PSOREJUT(RX,RFL) D I ACTION="Q"!(ACTION="^") W ! Q "^" . S ACTION=$$HDLG^PSOREJU1(RX,RFL,"79,88","ED","OIQ","Q") ; ; - ePharmacy switch is OFF I '$$ECMEON^BPSUTIL($$RXSITE^PSOBPSUT(RX,RFL)) Q "" ; ; - Not an ePharmacy Rx I $$STATUS^PSOBPSUT(RX,RFL)="" Q "" ; ; - NDC editing before Rx release S ACTION=$$CHGNDC^PSONDCUT(RX,RFL,$G(PID)) I ACTION="^" D Q "^" . W !!,$C(7),"A valid NDC must be entered before the Release function can be completed.",! H 1 ; ; - Checking for OPEN/UNRESOLVED 3rd. Party Payer Rejects (After possible NDC edit) I $$FIND^PSOREJUT(RX,RFL) D I ACTION="Q"!(ACTION="^") W ! Q "^" . S ACTION=$$HDLG^PSOREJU1(RX,RFL,"79,88","ED","OIQ","Q") ; ; - Notifying IB of a Rx RELEASE event D RELEASE^PSOBPSU1(RX,RFL,DUZ) ; Q "" ; AUTOREL(RX,RFL,RLDT,NDC,SRC,STS,HNG) ; Sends Rx Release information to ECME/IB and updates NDC ; in the DRUG/PRESCRIPTION files ;Input: (r) RX - Rx IEN (#52) ; (o) RFL - Refill # (Default: most recent) ; (r) RLDT- Release Date ; (r) NDC - NDC Number (Must be 11 digits) ; (o) SRC - SOURCE: "C" - CMOP / "A" - OPAI ; (o) STS - Status: (S)uccessful/(U)nsuccessful Release (Default: "S" - Successful) ; (o) HNG - HANG time after resubmission and before checking the status of the claim (Default: 0) ; N RXNDC,SITE ; I '$D(RFL) S RFL=$$LSTRFL^PSOBPSU1(RX) ; S:'$D(STS) STS="S" S:'$D(SRC) SRC="" S HNG=+$G(HNG) S RXNDC=$$GETNDC^PSONDCUT(RX,RFL) ; ; - Saves the NDC from CMOP/Automated Dispensing Machine in the Prescription file I $$NDCFMT^PSSNDCUT(NDC)'="" D SAVNDC^PSONDCUT(RX,RFL,$$NDCFMT^PSSNDCUT(NDC),$S(SRC="C":1,1:0)) ; ; - Not an ePharmacy Rx I $$STATUS^PSOBPSUT(RX,RFL)="" Q "" ; ; - Unsuccessful Release I STS="U" D Q . D REVERSE^PSOBPSU1(RX,RFL,"CRLX",,"UNSUCCESSFUL "_$S(SRC="C":"CMOP",1:"EXT INTERFACE")_" RELEASE",1) ; ; - Notifying IB of a Rx RELEASE event D RELEASE^PSOBPSU1(RX,RFL) ; ; - Invalid NDC from Automated Dispensing Machine I SRC="A",$$NDCFMT^PSSNDCUT(NDC)="" D Q . D REVERSE^PSOBPSU1(RX,RFL,"CRLR",,"INVALID EXT INTERFACE NDC",1,NDC) ; ; - Invalid NDC number for CMOP I SRC="C",$$NDCFMT^PSSNDCUT(NDC)="" D Q . D REVERSE^PSOBPSU1(RX,RFL,"CRLR",,"INVALID CMOP NDC",1,NDC) ; ; - If NDC not equal RXNDC, issue reversal and submit new claim I SRC="A",$$NDCFMT^PSSNDCUT(NDC)'=RXNDC D Q . D ECMESND^PSOBPSU1(RX,RFL,RLDT,"CRLB",$$NDCFMT^PSSNDCUT(NDC),,"AUTO RELEASE",,1,,1) . H HNG . ; - If new claim returned PAYABLE, save new NDC in the DRUG/PRESCRIPTION files . I $$STATUS^PSOBPSUT(RX,RFL)="E PAYABLE" D SAVNDC^PSONDCUT(RX,RFL,$$NDCFMT^PSSNDCUT(NDC),0,1) ; ; - If NDC not equal RXNDC, issue reversal and submit new claim I SRC="C",$$NDCFMT^PSSNDCUT(NDC)'=RXNDC D Q . ; - Reverse/Resubmit with correct NDC . D ECMESND^PSOBPSU1(RX,RFL,RLDT,"CRLB",$$NDCFMT^PSSNDCUT(NDC),1,"CMOP RELEASE",,1,,1) . ; - Wait for a response from the Payer for the submission above . H HNG . ; - If new claim returned PAYABLE, save new NDC in the DRUG/PRESCRIPTION files . I $$STATUS^PSOBPSUT(RX,RFL)="E PAYABLE" D SAVNDC^PSONDCUT(RX,RFL,$$NDCFMT^PSSNDCUT(NDC),1,1) ; ; - Calls ECME api responsible for notifying IB to create a BILL D IBSEND(RX,RFL) ; Q ; IBSEND(RX,RFL) ; Rx Release: Calls ECME, which will call IB to create a bill ;Input: (r) RX - Rx IEN (#52) ; (o) RFL - Refill # (Default: most recent) ; I '$D(RFL) S RFL=$$LSTRFL^PSOBPSU1(RX) ; ; - ECME turned OFF for Rx's site I '$$ECMEON^BPSUTIL($$RXSITE^PSOBPSUT(RX,RFL)) Q ; ; - Not an ePharmacy Rx I $$STATUS^PSOBPSUT(RX,RFL)="" Q "" ; ; - Calls ECME previously reversed, re-submit the claim to the payer I $$STATUS^PSOBPSUT(RX,RFL)="E REVERSAL ACCEPTED"!($$STATUS^PSOBPSUT(RX,RFL)="IN PROGRESS") D Q . D ECMESND^PSOBPSU1(RX,RFL,$$RXRLDT^PSOBPSUT(RX,RFL),"RRL") ; ; - Notifying ECME of a BILLING event I $$STATUS^PSOBPSUT(RX,RFL)="E PAYABLE" D Q . N PSOCLAIM S PSOCLAIM=$$CLAIM^BPSBUTL(RX,RFL) . D IBSEND^BPSECMP2($P(PSOCLAIM,"^",2),$P(PSOCLAIM,"^",3),"BILL",DUZ) ; Q ; RETRX(RX,RFL) ; - Re-transmit a claim for the prescription/fill? ;Input: (r) RX - Rx IEN (#52) ; (o) RFL - Refill # (Default: most recent) ;Output: 1 - Re-transmit / 0 - Don't re-transmit I '$D(RFL) S RFL=$$LSTRFL^PSOBPSU1(RX) ; I RFL Q +$$GET1^DIQ(52.1,RFL_","_RX,82,"I") Q +$$GET1^DIQ(52,RX,82,"I")