PSOCPC ;BHAM ISC/BAB - PHARMACY CO-PAY APPLICATION ; 7/13/07 10:21am ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**10,9,71,85,114,157,143,239,201,275**;DEC 1997;Build 8 ; ;REF/IA ;piece 9 of zero node of File 350 and APDT cross reference of File 350/2215 ;$$STATUS^IBARX/125 ;File 350.1/592 (DBIA125-B) WARN ; Message when attempt is made to delete a refill date on COPAY N PSOIB,PSOIBST S PSOFLG=0 G:'$D(^PSRX(DA(1),1,DA,"IB")) ENDW S PSOIB=^PSRX(DA(1),1,DA,"IB") I +PSOIB'>0 G ENDW S PSOIBST=$$STATUS^IBARX(+PSOIB) I PSOIBST=2!(PSOIBST=0) G ENDW I +PSOIB>0 D CANCEL G ENDW:PSOFLG=0 I '$G(PSOXXDEL) D EN^DDIOL("This REFILL has COPAY charges, which MUST be removed","","$C(7),!!"),EN^DDIOL("BEFORE the refill date is deleted.","","!") I '$G(PSOXXDEL) D EN^DDIOL("Use option RESET COPAY STATUS/CANCEL CHARGES, return to EDIT A PRESCRIPTION,","","!!"),EN^DDIOL("and delete the refill date.","","!"),EN^DDIOL(" ","","!!") S PSOFLG=1 ENDW ; I PSOFLG K PSOFLG Q CANCEL ;Check if charge is cancelled for this Refill date S PSOFLG=1 ;indicates a charge not cancelled S PSOX=+^PSRX(DA(1),1,DA,"IB") D LAST I PSOLAST'=PSOPARNT,$D(^IB(PSOLAST,0)),$P(^IBE(350.1,$P(^IB(PSOLAST,0),"^",3),0),"^",5)=2 S PSOFLG=0 K PSOLAST,PSOPARNT,PSOX,PSOL,PSOLDT Q LAST ;find last entry S PSOLAST="" S PSOPARNT=$P(^IB(+PSOX,0),"^",9) I 'PSOPARNT S PSOPARNT=+PSOX S PSOLDT=$O(^IB("APDT",PSOPARNT,"")) I +PSOLDT F PSOL=0:0 S PSOL=$O(^IB("APDT",PSOPARNT,PSOLDT,PSOL)) Q:'PSOL S PSOLAST=PSOL I PSOLAST="" S PSOLAST=PSOPARNT Q ; EXEMCHK ; Allow reset of exemption answers N PSOTG,PSOCPN,PSOEXMT,PSOANS,OLDIBQ,PSOSCP,PSOSCA S PSOANS=0 D SCP^PSORN52D S OLDIBQ=$G(^PSRX(PSODA,"IBQ")) I OLDIBQ[0!(OLDIBQ)[1 D . S PSOANS=1 . I $P(OLDIBQ,"^",1)'="" S PSOTG("SC")=$P(OLDIBQ,"^",1) . I $P(OLDIBQ,"^",2)'="" S PSOTG("MST")=$P(OLDIBQ,"^",2) . I $P(OLDIBQ,"^",3)'="" S PSOTG("AO")=$P(OLDIBQ,"^",3) . I $P(OLDIBQ,"^",4)'="" S PSOTG("IR")=$P(OLDIBQ,"^",4) . I $P(OLDIBQ,"^",5)'="" S PSOTG("EC")=$P(OLDIBQ,"^",5) . I $P(OLDIBQ,"^",6)'="" S PSOTG("HNC")=$P(OLDIBQ,"^",6) . I $P(OLDIBQ,"^",7)'="" S PSOTG("CV")=$P(OLDIBQ,"^",7) S PSOCPN=$P(^PSRX(PSODA,0),"^",2) S RXP=PSODA D SCNEW^PSOCP(.PSOTG,PSOCPN,"",PSODA) N EXMT D XTYPE^PSOCP ; KEEP THIS CALL IN HERE TO SEE IF SC QUESTION APPLIES ;I $D(PSOTG("SC")) S PSOTG("SC")=$P(OLDIBQ,"^",1) ; CHANGED TO JUST USE IBQ SETTING IF SC QUESTION APPLIES - DON'T RE-CALCULATE SERVICE-CONNECTED S EXMT="" F S EXMT=$O(PSOTG(EXMT)) Q:EXMT="" I PSOTG(EXMT)'="" S PSOANS=1 Q I $O(PSOTG(""))="" Q I PSOANS W !!,"The following exemption flags have been set:" F EXMT="SC","CV","AO","IR","EC","MST","HNC" I $G(PSOTG(EXMT))'="" W !,EXMT,": ",?6,$S(PSOTG(EXMT)=1:"Yes",PSOTG(EXMT)=0:"No",1:"") W ! W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="N" D S DIR("A")="Do you want to enter/edit any copay exemption flags" . S EXMT="" F S EXMT=$O(PSOTG(EXMT)) Q:EXMT="" I PSOTG(EXMT)="" S DIR("B")="Y" Q S DIR("?")="Enter 'Y' for Yes if you want to edit any applicable medication exemption flags." S DIR("??")="^D HELPEXEM^PSOCPC" D ^DIR K DIR S PSOEXMT=Y I Y'=1 Q ; PRESENT ALL APPLICABLE EXEMPTIONS AND SAVE NEW ANSWERS N PSOIBQ,PSOSUBS,PSOQUES,PSOLTAG,OLDIBQ,II,PSOCHG,PSOPATST S PSOPATST=$$GET1^DIQ(52,PSODA_",",3,"I") S PSOIBQ="" S OLDIBQ=$G(^PSRX(PSODA,"IBQ")) I '$D(^PSRX(PSODA,"IBQ")),+($G(^PSRX(PSODA,"IB")))=2 S $P(OLDIBQ,"^",1)=0 ; SC QUESTION WAS PREVIOUSLY ANSWERED AS N S PSOCOMM="",PSOOLD="",PSONW="" S II=0 F EXMT="SC","CV","AO","IR","EC","MST","HNC" I $D(PSOTG(EXMT)) D . S PSOLTAG="REL"_EXMT_"^PSOCPE" . S HELPTAG="HELP"_EXMT . S PSOQUES=$P($T(@PSOLTAG),";",2) I PSOQUES="" Q . S PSOQUES=$P(PSOQUES,"?") . S PSOSUBS=$P($T(@PSOLTAG),";",3) I PSOSUBS="" Q . D ASKEXEM I $D(PSOCHG) D . ;PSO*7*275 IBQ node should not be present in some cases. . K ^PSRX(PSODA,"IBQ") . S:PSOSCP<50&($TR(PSOIBQ,"^")'="")&($P($G(^PS(53,+$G(PSOPATST),0)),"^",7)'=1) ^PSRX(PSODA,"IBQ")=PSOIBQ . D RESET^PSORN52D ;set SC/EI on ICD node . S PSOPFSA=1 ;PFSS-denotes to calling routine that outpatient classifications changed. . D EN^PSOHLSN1(PSODA,"XX","","Order edited") . I PCOPAY,PSOIBQ["1" D ; RESET TO NO COPAY . . W !,"Editing of exemption flag(s) has resulted in a copay status change.",!,"The status for this Rx will be reset to NO COPAY." . . S $P(^PSRX(PSODA,"IB"),"^",1)="" . . S PSOREF="",PSOOLD="Copay",PSONW="No Copay",PREA="R" D ACTLOG^PSOCPA . . S PSOCOMM="Copay status reset due to exemption flag(s)" . . S PSI=0 D SETSUMM . I $G(II)>0 D . . S PSOCOMM="The following exemption flags have been changed: ",PSI=0 D SETSUMM . . S II="" F S II=$O(PSOCHG(II)) Q:II="" S PSOCOMM=PSOCHG(II),PSI=0 D SETSUMM Q ; ASKEXEM ; ASK THE EXEMPTION QUESTIONS K DIR S DIR("A")=PSOQUES,DIR(0)="YO" S:PSOTG(EXMT)=1 DIR("B")="Y" S:PSOTG(EXMT)=0 DIR("B")="N" D @HELPTAG ASKEXEM1 D ^DIR I X="@" R !," Are you sure you want to delete this answer? ",X:DTIME I $E(X)'="Y",$E(X)'="y" G ASKEXEM1 I X="^" S X=$G(DIR("B")) S Y=$S(X="Y":1,X="N":0,1:"") S $P(PSOIBQ,"^",PSOSUBS)=$S(Y=1:1,Y=0:0,1:"") I $P(PSOIBQ,"^",PSOSUBS)'=$P(OLDIBQ,"^",PSOSUBS) S II=II+1,PSOCHG(II)=EXMT_": "_$S($P(PSOIBQ,"^",PSOSUBS)=1:"Yes",$P(PSOIBQ,"^",PSOSUBS)=0:"No",1:"") I Y=1 D . I PSOCOMM'="" Q . D SETCOMM^PSOCP Q ; HELPEXEM ; help text for exemption edit question W !,"Enter 'Y' for Yes if you want to edit any applicable exemption flags such as" W !,"Service Connected (SC), Combat Veteran(CV), Agent Orange (AO), Ionizing Radiation (IR)," W !,"Environmental Contaminants (EC), Military Sexual Trauma (MST), or" W !,"Head and/or Neck Cancer (HNC)." Q ; HELPSC ; S DIR("?")=" ",DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Yes' if this prescription is for a Service Connected condition." S DIR("?",2)="This response will be used to determine whether or not a copay should be" S DIR("?",3)="applied to the prescription." Q ; HELPAO ; S DIR("?")=" ",DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Yes' if this prescription is being used to treat a condition due to",DIR("?",2)="Vietnam-Era Herbicide (Agent Orange) exposure. This response will be used to" S DIR("?",3)="determine whether or not a copay should be applied to the prescription." Q ; HELPIR ; S DIR("?")=" ",DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Yes' if this prescription is being used to treat a condition due to",DIR("?",2)="ionizing radiation exposure during military service. This response will be used" S DIR("?",3)="to determine whether or not a copay should be applied to the prescription." Q ; HELPEC ; S DIR("?")=" ",DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Yes' if this prescription is being used to treat a condition due to",DIR("?",2)="environmental contaminant exposure during the Persian Gulf War. This response" S DIR("?",3)="will be used to determine whether or not a copay should be applied to the",DIR("?",4)="prescription." Q ; HELPMST ; S DIR("?")=" ",DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Yes' if this prescription is being used to treat a condition related",DIR("?",2)="to Military Sexual Trauma. This response will be used to determine whether or" S DIR("?",3)="not a copay should be applied to the prescription." Q ; HELPHNC ; S DIR("?")=" ",DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Yes' if this prescription is being used to treat Head and/or Neck Cancer",DIR("?",2)="due to nose or throat radium treatments while in the military. This response" S DIR("?",3)="will be used to determine whether or not a copay should be applied to the",DIR("?",4)="prescription." Q ; HELPCV ; S DIR("?")=" " S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Yes' if this prescription is being used to treat a condition related" S DIR("?",2)="to Combat Services. This response will be used to determine whether or" S DIR("?",3)="not a copay should be applied to the prescription." Q ; SETSUMM ; SET MESSAGE INTO SUMMARY S PSI=$O(PSOSUMM(PSI)) G:$O(PSOSUMM(PSI)) SETSUMM S PSI=PSI+1,PSOSUMM(PSI)=PSOCOMM K PSOCOMM Q ;