PSOCPE ;BIR/BAB - PHARMACY COPAY APPLICATION UTILITIES FOR IB ;10/26/92 ;;7.0;OUTPATPSOCT PHARMACY;**26,71,85,114,157,219,268**;DEC 1997;Build 9 ; ;REF/IA ;^XUSEC/10076 ;^PSDRUG(/221 ;Routine initially released as part of the copayment enhancement. ;called from PSOLBL INV ; Entry point from PSOCP - Prints one copay invoice I '$D(PSOCPN)!($G(RXP)) Q S PSOCPBAR=0 I $D(PSOBARS),PSOBARS S PSOCPBAR=1 D DEM^VADPT S Y=DT X ^DD("DD") S EDT=Y W ?54,"PRESCRIPTION COPAYMENT INFORMATION" W !!,?54,VADM(1)," ",VA("PID")," ",EDT S PSZ1=0,PSZ2="",PSOCPBN=$P(VADM(2),"^"),PSOCPBN=$S(PSOCPBN]"":PSOCPBN,1:"Unavailable") ;I '$G(PSOCPN) S PSOCPN=$P(^PSRX(RX,0),U,2) I PSOCPBAR,(PSOCPBN]"") S X="S",X2=PSOCPBN W !,?54,@PSOBAR1,PSOCPBN,@PSOBAR0 E W ! W !,?54,"The following prescriptions are" W !,?54,"eligible for prescription copayment.",!! DRUG S PSZ2="" F S PSZ2=$O(^TMP($J,"PSOCP",PSOCPN,PSZ2)) Q:PSZ2']"" S PSZ=^(PSZ2) D PRT NAR ; Print narrative from site parameter file K ^UTILITY($J,"W") S DIWL=55,DIWR=99,DIWF="" W ! G:'$D(^PS(59,PSOSITE,4,0)) END G:$P(^PS(59,PSOSITE,4,0),"^",3)'>0 END F PSO9=0:0 S PSO9=$O(^PS(59,PSOSITE,4,PSO9)) G:'PSO9 P1 I $D(^PS(59,PSOSITE,4,PSO9,0)) S X=^(0) D ^DIWP P1 D ^DIWW K DIWF,DIWL,DIWR,PSO9 END ; W @IOF K ^TMP($J,"PSOCP",PSOCPN),PSOCPBAR,PSOCPBN,PSZ1,PSZ2,PSOCPN,DIWF,DIWL,DIWR,PSO9 Q PRT ; W ?54,PSZ2 W ?72," ",$P(^TMP($J,"PSOCP",PSOCPN,PSZ2),"^",3)," ","Days Supply",! W ?56,$E($P(^TMP($J,"PSOCP",PSOCPN,PSZ2),U,2),1,45),! Q XMPT ; Entry point for menu option to select copay exemption N PSORXPNM,PSORXPRE,PSOCPEDA I '$D(PSOPAR) D ^PSOLSET G XMPT W ! S (DIC,DIE)="^PS(53,",DIC(0)="AEQMZ" D ^DIC K DIC G:Y<0 QUIT G:$D(DTOUT) QUIT S PSORXPRE=$P($G(^PS(53,+$G(Y),0)),"^",7) S PSORXPNM=$P($G(^PS(53,+$G(Y),0)),"^") S DA=+Y,DR="15" L +^PS(53,DA):$S(+$G(^DD("DILOCKTM"))>0:+^DD("DILOCKTM"),1:3) I '$T W !!,PSORXPNM_" is locked by another user. Try Later!" W ! D PAGE G QUIT W ! D ^DIE I PSORXPRE,$P($G(^PS(53,DA,0)),"^",7) W !!,"All Rx's entered with this Rx Patient Status will be EXEMPT from Copayment.",! D PAGE L -^PS(53,DA) G QUIT I 'PSORXPRE,'$P($G(^PS(53,DA,0)),"^",7) W !!,"All Rx's entered with this Rx Patient Status will NOT be exempt from Copayment.",! D PAGE L -^PS(53,DA) G QUIT D WARN L -^PS(53,DA) QUIT K PSORXPRE,DIE,DIC,DA,DR,X,C,Y Q PAGE ; I '$G(DUZ("AUTO")) K DIR S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Press Return to continue" D ^DIR K DIR Q WARN ; S PSOCPEDA=$G(DA) W !!?28,"**** WARNING ****",! I 'PSORXPRE W !,"By setting the Exempt from Copayment for the Rx Patient Status of",!,PSORXPNM," to 'YES', every prescription entered",!,"with this Rx Patient Status will NOT be charged a Copayment.",! I PSORXPRE W !,"By setting the EXEMPT FROM COPAYMENT for the Rx Patient Status of ",!,PSORXPNM," to 'NO', prescriptions entered with this Rx",!,"Patient Status from this point on will NOT be exempt from Copayment.",! W !,"A mail message will be sent to PSORPH and PSO COPAY Key holders informing",!,"them of your change." W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to do this",DIR("B")="Y" D ^DIR K DIR I $G(Y) D D MAIL G WARNX .I 'PSORXPRE W !!,"Setting ",PSORXPNM," Rx Patient Status to Exempt from Copayment." Q .W !!,"Setting Exempt from Copayment to 'NO' for the ",PSORXPNM,!,"Rx Patient Status." I 'PSORXPRE W !!,"No action taken." S $P(^PS(53,PSOCPEDA,0),"^",7)=0 H 1 I PSORXPRE W !!,"No action taken." S $P(^PS(53,PSOCPEDA,0),"^",7)=1 H 1 WARNX W ! D PAGE S DA=$G(PSOCPEDA) K PSOCPEDA Q MAIL ; K PSOTXT,PSOCFN,PSODCPA I $G(DUZ) S DIC=200,DR=".01",DA=DUZ,DIQ(0)="E",DIQ="PSODCPA(" D EN^DIQ1 S PSOCFN=$G(PSODCPA(200,DA,.01,"E")) K PSODCPA,DIC,DIQ,DR I 'PSORXPRE S PSOTXT(1,0)="The "_PSORXPNM_" Rx Patient Status has been marked as",PSOTXT(2,0)="Exempt from Copayment by "_$G(PSOCFN)_".",PSOTXT(3,0)="Every prescription with this Rx Patient Status will not be charged a Copayment." I PSORXPRE S PSOTXT(1,0)="The Exempt from Copayment status has been removed from the",PSOTXT(2,0)=PSORXPNM_" Rx Patient Status by "_$G(PSOCFN)_".",PSOTXT(3,0)="Prescriptions entered with this Rx Patient Status will not be exempt from" I PSORXPRE S PSOTXT(4,0)="Copayment." F PSOCXPDA=0:0 S PSOCXPDA=$O(^XUSEC("PSORPH",PSOCXPDA)) Q:'PSOCXPDA S XMY(PSOCXPDA)="" F PSOCXPDA=0:0 S PSOCXPDA=$O(^XUSEC("PSO COPAY",PSOCXPDA)) Q:'PSOCXPDA S XMY(PSOCXPDA)="" I $G(DUZ) S XMY(DUZ)="" S XMSUB="Exempt from Copayment",XMTEXT="PSOTXT(",XMDUZ="Outpatient Pharmacy" D ^XMD K PSOTXT,PSOCXPDA,XMDUZ,PSOCFN,XMTEXT,XMSUB,XMY Q ; MAIL2 ; SEND MAIL TO PHARMACIST, PROVIDER, AND HOLDERS OF PSO COPAY KEY N PSOC,PSOTXT,X K XMY S XMSUB="PRESCRIPTION QUESTIONS REVIEW NEEDED" S XMDUZ="Outpatient Pharmacy Package" S PSOTXT(1)=" " S DFN=+$P($G(^PSRX(RXP,0)),"^",2) D PID^VADPT S PSODIV=$P($G(^PSRX(RXP,2)),"^",9) S:PSODIV'="" XMSUB=XMSUB_" ("_$P($G(^PS(59,PSODIV,0)),"^",6)_")",PSODIV=$P($G(^PS(59,PSODIV,0)),"^",1) ; ADDED DIVISION NUMBER TO SUBJECT LINE - PATCH 85 S PSOTXT(2)=$P($G(^DPT($P(^PSRX(RXP,0),"^",2),0)),"^",1)_" ("_$G(VA("BID"))_")"_" "_PSODIV D ELIG S PSOTXT(PSOC)="Rx# "_$P(^PSRX(RXP,0),"^",1)_" ("_PSOREF_") "_$S('$G(^PSRX(RXP,"IB")):"NO COPAY",1:"COPAY") S PSOC=PSOC+1 S DRG=+$P(^PSRX(RXP,0),"^",6) S PSOC=PSOC+1 S PSOTXT(PSOC)=$P($G(^PSDRUG(DRG,0)),"^",1) S PSOC=PSOC+1 S PSOTXT(PSOC)=" " S PSOC=PSOC+1 S PSOTXT(PSOC)="Due to a change in criteria, additional information listed below is needed" S PSOC=PSOC+1 S PSOTXT(PSOC)="to determine the final VA copay and/or insurance billable status for this Rx" S PSOC=PSOC+1 S PSOTXT(PSOC)="so that appropriate action can be taken by pharmacy personnel." S PSOC=PSOC+1 S PSOTXT(PSOC)=" " S PSOC=PSOC+1 F EXMT="SC","CV","AO","IR","EC","MST","HNC" I $D(PSOTG(EXMT)) D . I PSOTG(EXMT)'="" Q . S PSOLTAG="REL"_EXMT . S PSOQUES=$P($T(@PSOLTAG),";",2) I PSOQUES="" Q . S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)=PSOQUES . S PSOQUES=$P($T(@PSOLTAG),";",2) I PSOQUES="" Q S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)=" " S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)="This message has been sent to the provider of record, the pharmacist who" S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)="finished the prescription order, and all holders of the PSO COPAY key." S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)=" " S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)="Providers:" S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)="Please respond with your answer to the question(s) as a reply to this" S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)="message. The prescription will be updated by the appropriate staff." S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)=" " S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)="Staff assigned to update the Prescription responses:" S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)="Please use the RESET COPAY STATUS/CANCEL CHARGES option to enter the responses" S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)="to the questions above, which may result in a Rx copay status change and/or" S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)="the need to remove VA copay charges or may result in a charge to the patient's" S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)="insurance carrier." S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)=" " S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)="Note: The SC question is now asked for Veterans who are SC>49% in order to" S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)="determine if the Rx can be billed to a third party insurance. These Veterans" S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)="will NOT be charged a VA copay." S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)=" " S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)="Supply and investigational drugs are not charged a VA copay but could be" S PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)="reimbursable by third party insurance." ; S XMY() TO ALL THE RECIPIENTS I '$G(PSOREF) S XMY(+$P(^PSRX(RXP,0),"^",4))="" ; ORIGINAL I $G(PSOREF) S XMY(+$P(^PSRX(RXP,1,PSOREF,0),"^",17))="" ; REFILL I $G(^PSRX(RXP,"OR1")) I $P(^PSRX(RXP,"OR1"),"^",5)'="" S XMY($P(^PSRX(RXP,"OR1"),"^",5))="" F PSOCXPDA=0:0 S PSOCXPDA=$O(^XUSEC("PSO COPAY",PSOCXPDA)) Q:'PSOCXPDA S XMY(PSOCXPDA)="" S XMTEXT="PSOTXT(" D ^XMD K XMSUB,XMY,XMDUZ,XMTEXT,PSODIV,PSOCXPDA,PSOLTAG,PSOC,PSOQUES,PSOTG Q ; ELIG D ELIG^VADPT S PSOC=3,PSOTXT(PSOC)="Eligibility: "_$P(VAEL(1),"^",2)_$S(+VAEL(3):" SC%: "_$P(VAEL(3),"^",2),1:""),PSOC=PSOC+1 N N,I,I1,PSDIS,PSCNT S N=0 F S N=$O(VAEL(1,N)) Q:'N S $P(PSOTXT(PSOC)," ",14)=$P(VAEL(1,N),"^",2),PSOC=PSOC+1 S PSOTXT(PSOC)=" ",PSOC=PSOC+1,PSOTXT(PSOC)="Disabilities: " F I=0:0 S I=$O(^DPT(DFN,.372,I)) Q:'I S I1=$S($D(^DPT(DFN,.372,I,0)):^(0),1:"") D:+I1 .S PSDIS=$S($P($G(^DIC(31,+I1,0)),"^")]""&($P($G(^(0)),"^",4)']""):$P(^(0),"^"),$P($G(^DIC(31,+I1,0)),"^",4)]"":$P(^(0),"^",4),1:""),PSCNT=$P(I1,"^",2) .S:$L(PSOTXT(PSOC)_PSDIS_"-"_PSCNT_"% ("_$S($P(I1,"^",3):"SC",1:"NSC")_"), ")>80 PSOC=PSOC+1,$P(PSOTXT(PSOC)," ",14)=" " .S PSOTXT(PSOC)=$G(PSOTXT(PSOC))_PSDIS_"-"_PSCNT_"%("_$S($P(I1,"^",3):"SC",1:"NSC")_"), " S PSOC=PSOC+1 S PSOTXT(PSOC)=" ",PSOC=PSOC+1 Q ; ;EXEMPTION QUESTIONS - MAIL MESSAGE POSITION;SUBSCRIPT IN "IBQ" NODE RELSC ;Is this Rx for a Service Connected Condition?;1 RELMST ;Is this Rx related to the treatment of Military Sexual Trauma?;2 RELAO ;Is this Rx for treatment of Vietnam-Era Herbicide (Agent Orange) exposure?;3 RELIR ;Is this Rx for treatment of Ionizing Radiation exposure?;4 RELEC ;Is this Rx for treatment of Environmental Contaminants exposure?;5 RELHNC ;Is this Rx related to treatment of Head and/or Neck Cancer?;6 RELCV ;Is this Rx potentially for treatment related to Combat?;7 ;