PSOCPIB4 ;BIR/EJW-Clean up to bill unbilled NON-SERVICE CONNECTED copays ;12/12/02 ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**123**;DEC 1997 GETDATE ; GET DATE/TIME OF WHEN BACKGROUND JOB SHOULD BE RUN S ZTDTH="" I '$D(PSOQUES) S PSOQUES="Queue job to run at Date@Time: " S NOW=0 D NOW^%DTC S (Y,TODAY)=% D DD^%DT D BMES^XPDUTL("At the following prompt, enter a starting date@time") D MES^XPDUTL("or enter NOW to queue the job immediately.") D BMES^XPDUTL("If this prompting is during patch installation, you will not see what you type.") W ! K %DT D NOW^%DTC S %DT="RAEX",%DT(0)=%,%DT("A")=PSOQUES D ^%DT K %DT I $D(DTOUT)!(Y<0) W "Task will be queued to run NOW" S ZTDTH=$H,NOW=1 I 'NOW,Y>0 D .S SAVEY=Y .D DD^%DT .S X=Y .S Y=SAVEY ASK D BMES^XPDUTL("Task will be queued to run "_$S(NOW:"NOW",1:X)_". Is that correct? :") R XX:300 S:'$T XX="Y" I XX'="Y",XX'="y",XX'="N",XX'="n" W " Enter Y or N" G ASK I XX'="Y",XX'="y" G GETDATE I Y>0,ZTDTH="" S ZTDTH=Y I ZTDTH="" S ZTDTH=$H Q ;