PSOCPTRI ;BHAM ISC/CPM,RTR - SUPPORT FOR CHAMPUS RX BILLING ;14-AUG-96 ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**10,55,184**;DEC 1997 ;External reference to ^PSDRUG supported by DBIA 221 ; ; TRANS(ORIG,REF,PSOV) ; Extract Rx information for transmission to FI ; Input: ORIG -- Pointer to the rx in file #52 ; REF -- Pointer to the refill in file #52.1 ; (This is 0 if we are billing the original fill) ; PSOV -- Passed by reference. This array will be used ; to return the output (described below). ; Output: PSOE -- This is normally 1, or -1 if the NDC cannot ; be determined. ; ; ; Description of output variables to be passed to billing: ; ; PSOV("NDC") NDC # from the DRUG (#50) file ; PSOV("DIV") Pharmacy (in file #59) dispensing the rx ; PSOV("FDT") Rx Fill Date ; Last fill, field #101, or ; Dispensed, field #25 ; PSOV("RX#") Prescription number, field #.01 ; PSOV("QTY") Quantity, field #7 ; PSOV("SUP") Days Supply, field #8 ; PSOV("ISS") Issue Date, field #1 ; PSOV("#REF") # Refills, field #9 ; PSOV("COMP") 2 if manufactured in Pharmacy, else 1 ; PSOV("DEA") DEA number from "PS" node in File 200 ; N PSOE,PSORX S PSOE=1 ; S PSORX(0)=$G(^PSRX(ORIG,0)),PSORX(2)=$G(^(2)),PSORX(3)=$G(^(3)) S:$G(REF) PSORX("REF")=$G(^PSRX(ORIG,1,REF,0)) I PSORX(0)="" S PSOE=-1 G TRANSQ ; S PSOV("RX#")=$P(PSORX(0),"^") ; prescription number ; - first check for a valid NDC # S PSOV("NDC")=$P($G(^PSDRUG(+$P(PSORX(0),"^",6),2)),"^",4) I +PSOV("NDC")=0 S PSOE=-1 G TRANSQ ; ; - extract everything else S PSOV("DIV")=$S($P($G(PSORX("REF")),"^",9):$P(PSORX("REF"),"^",9),1:$P(PSORX(2),"^",9)) ; pharmacy division S PSOV("FDT")=$S($G(REF):$E($P(PSORX("REF"),"^"),1,7),1:$E($P(PSORX(2),"^",2),1,7)) I PSOV("FDT")="" S PSOV("FDT")=$S($P(PSORX(3),"^"):$P(PSORX(3),"^"),1:$P(PSORX(2),"^",5)) ; S PSOV("QTY")=$S($P($G(PSORX("REF")),"^",4)'="":$P(PSORX("REF"),"^",4),1:$P(PSORX(0),"^",7)) ; quantity S PSOV("SUP")=$S($P($G(PSORX("REF")),"^",10)'="":$P(PSORX("REF"),"^",10),1:$P(PSORX(0),"^",8)) ; days supply S PSOV("ISS")=$P(PSORX(0),"^",13) ; date rx written S PSOV("#REF")=$P(PSORX(0),"^",9) ; # refills authorized ; N PSOX S PSOX=+$P(PSORX(0),"^",6) S PSOV("COMP")=$P($G(^PSDRUG(PSOX,0)),"^",3) S PSOV("COMP")=$S(PSOV("COMP")[0:2,1:1) ; Compound drug ; S PSOV("DEA")=$S($P(PSORX(0),"^",4):$P($G(^VA(200,$P(PSORX(0),"^",4),"PS")),"^",2),1:"") ; DEA # ; ; TRANSQ Q PSOE ; ; LABEL(RX,PSOLAP,PSOSITE,DUZ,PSOTRAMT) ; Print the label. ; Input: RX -- Pointer to the prescription in file #52 ; PSOLAP -- Label printer ; PSOSITE -- Pointer to the Pharmacy in file #59 ; DUZ -- Pointer to the use in file #200 ; PSOTRAMT -- Amount to be paid ; ; Q:PSOLAP["LAT-TERM" Q:'$D(^PSRX(RX,0)) Q:'$D(^PS(59,PSOSITE,0)) N CT,II,III,NOW,RXFF,X,Y,PSOSYS,PSOPAR,PSOBARS,PDUZ,PSOBAR0,PSOBAR1,REPRINT,PSOCHAMP,PSHRX,DIQUIET S DIQUIET=1 D DT^DICRW I '$G(DT) S DT=$$DT^XLFDT S:$P($G(^PSRX(RX,"STA")),"^")'=3 REPRINT="" D:$P($G(^PSRX(RX,"STA")),"^")=3 .S RXFF=0 F II=0:0 S II=$O(^PSRX(RX,1,II)) Q:'II S RXFF=II .K DIE S DIE="^PSRX(",DA=RX,DR=$S('RXFF:"22///"_DT_";",1:"")_"100///"_0_";101///"_$S('RXFF:DT,1:+$P($G(^PSRX(RX,1,+$G(RXFF),0)),"^")) D ^DIE K DIE .S PSHRX=RX D EN^PSOHLSN1(RX,"OE","","Rx removed from CHAMPUS billing hold","A") S RX=PSHRX .K ^PSRX("AH",+$P($G(^PSRX(RX,"H")),"^"),RX) S ^PSRX(DA,"H")="" .D NOW^%DTC S NOW=% .S III=0 F CT=0:0 S CT=$O(^PSRX(RX,"A",CT)) Q:'CT S III=CT .S III=III+1,^PSRX(RX,"A",0)="^52.3DA^"_III_"^"_III .S ^PSRX(RX,"A",III,0)=NOW_"^"_"U"_"^"_+$G(DUZ)_"^"_$S(RXFF<6:RXFF,1:(RXFF+1))_"^"_"Rx removed from CHAMPUS billing hold" ; IO S %ZIS="",IOP=PSOLAP D ^%ZIS I POP H 5 G IO N PSOIOS S PSOIOS=IOS D DEVBAR^PSOBMST S PSOSYS=$G(^PS(59,PSOSITE,1)) S PSOPAR=$G(^PS(59,PSOSITE,1)),PDUZ=DUZ S PPL=RX S PSOCHAMP=1 S PSOBARS=PSOBAR1]""&(PSOBAR0]"")&($P(PSOPAR,"^",19)) D DQ^PSOLBL D ^%ZISC ; Q ; ; CHK(ORIG,REF) ; Should this rx be billed to the CHAMPUS Fiscal Intermediary? ; Input: ORIG -- Pointer to the rx in file #52 ; REF -- Pointer to the refill in file #52.1, or ; 0 for the original fill ; Output: PSOB -- 0 => The rx should not be billed ; 1 => The rx may be billed. ; N PSOB ; ; - ignore CHAMPUS billing for certain RX Patient Statuses I $P($G(^PS(53,+$P($G(^PSRX(+$G(ORIG),0)),"^",3),0)),"^",8) G CHKQ ; S PSOB=1 ; CHKQ Q +$G(PSOB) ; DEV ;Get devices N PSOTRION S PSOTRION=ION I $G(PSOLAP)]"",$G(PSOLAP)'=ION Q DEVA W ! S %ZIS("B")="",%ZIS="MNQ",%ZIS("A")="Select LABEL DEVICE: " D ^%ZIS I POP!($E(IOST)'["P") W !,"Label Printer device must be selected!",! G DEVA S PSOLAP=ION N PSOIOS S PSOIOS=IOS D DEVBAR^PSOBMST S PSOBARS=PSOBAR1]""&(PSOBAR0]"")&($P($G(PSOPAR),"^",10)) D ^%ZISC S ION=PSOTRION Q ; EXM ;Edit Champus Billing Exemption field I '$D(PSOPAR) D ^PSOLSET G EXM W ! K DIC S DIC="^PS(53,",DIC(0)="AEQMZ" D ^DIC K DIC I Y<0!($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) G EXMQ W ! K DIE S DA=+Y,DIE="^PS(53,",DR=16 D ^DIE EXMQ K DIE,DIC,Y Q RESDIR ;Reset DIR just in case S DIR("A")="LABEL: QUEUE"_$S($P(PSOPAR,"^",23):"/HOLD",1:"")_$S($P(PSOPAR,"^",24):"/SUSPEND",1:"")_$S($P(PSOPAR,"^",26):"/LABEL",1:"")_" or '^' to bypass " S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Q' to queue labels to print",DIR("?")="Enter '^' to bypass label functions",DIR("?",4)="Enter 'S' to suspend labels to print later" S DIR("?",2)="Enter 'H' to hold label until Rx can be filled",DIR("?",3)="Enter 'P' for Rx profile" S:$P(PSOPAR,"^",26) DIR("?",5)="Enter 'L' to print labels without queuing" Q