PSOHELP ;BHAM ISC/SAB-outpatient utility routine ; 10/17/07 7:41am ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**3,23,29,48,46,117,131,222,268,206**;DEC 1997;Build 39 ;External reference ^PS(51 supported by DBIA 2224 ;External reference ^PSDRUG( supported by DBIA 221 ;External reference ^PS(56 supported by DBIA 2229 ;External reference ^PSNPPIP supported by DBIA 2261 ; XREF D XREF^PSOHELP3 Q SIG ;checks PI for RXs K VALMSG I $E(X)=" " D EN^DDIOL("Leading spaces should not entered in the Patient Instructions! ","","$C(7),!") S VALMSG="There are leading spaces in Patient Instructions!" SIGONE K INS1 Q:$L(X)<1 F Z0=1:1:$L(X," ") G:Z0="" EN S Z1=$P(X," ",Z0) D G:'$D(X) EN .I $L(Z1)>32 W $C(7),!?5,"MAX OF 32 CHARACTERS ALLOWED BETWEEN SPACES.",! K X Q .D:$D(X)&($G(Z1)]"") S INS1=$G(INS1)_" "_Z1 ..S Y=$O(^PS(51,"B",Z1,0)) Q:'Y!($P($G(^PS(51,+Y,0)),"^",4)>1) S Z1=$P(^PS(51,Y,0),"^",2) ..I $G(^PS(51,+Y,9))]"" S Y=$P(X," ",Z0-1),Y=$E(Y,$L(Y)) S:Y>1 Z1=^(9) EN K Z1,Z0 Q SSIG ;other lang. mods K VALMSG I $E(X)=" " D EN^DDIOL("Leading spaces should not entered in the Patient Instructions! ","","$C(7),!") S VALMSG="There are leading spaces in Patient Instructions!" K SINS1 Q:$L(X)<1 F Z0=1:1:$L(X," ") G:Z0="" EX S Z1=$P(X," ",Z0) D G:'$D(X) EX .I $L(Z1)>32 W $C(7),!?5,"MAX OF 32 CHARACTERS ALLOWED BETWEEN SPACES.",! K X Q .D:$D(X)&($G(Z1)]"") S SINS1=$G(SINS1)_" "_Z1 ..S Y=$O(^PS(51,"B",Z1,0)) Q:'Y S Z1=$P(^PS(51,Y,0),"^",2) ..I $G(^PS(51,+Y,4))]"" S Z1=^PS(51,+Y,4) ;,Y=$P(X," ",Z0-1),Y=$E(Y,$L(Y)) S:Y>1 Z1=^(9) EX K Z1,Z0 Q QTY ;Check quantity dispensed against inventory Q:'$G(PSODRUG("IEN")) S Z0=$S($G(PSODRUG("IEN"))]"":PSODRUG("IEN"),$G(PSXYES):$P(^PSRX(ZRX,0),"^",6),$D(^PSRX(DA,0)):+$P(^(0),"^",6),1:0) I $D(^PSDRUG("AQ",Z0)),(+X'=X) K X,Z0 Q S Z1=$S($D(^PSDRUG(Z0,660.1)):^(660.1),1:0)+(+X) D:X>Z1 EN^DDIOL(" Greater Than Current Inventory!","","$C(7)") K Z1 S ZX=X,ZZ0=$G(D0),D0=Z0 S Y(18,2)=$S($D(^PSDRUG(D0,660)):^(660),1:""),Y(18,1)=$S($D(^(660.1)):^(660.1),1:"") S X=$P(Y(18,1),"^",1),X=$S($P(Y(18,2),"^",5):X/$P(Y(18,2),"^",5),1:"*******") S X=$J(X,0,2) D:X<$S($D(^PSDRUG(Z0,660)):+^(660),1:1) EN^DDIOL(" Below Reorder Level.","","$C(7)") S X=ZX,D0=$G(ZZ0) K ZZ0,Z0,ZX Q HELP ;qty help G:$G(PSOFDR) HLP S Z0=$S($G(PSODRUG("IEN"))]"":PSODRUG("IEN"),$G(PSXYES):$P(^PSRX(ZRX,0),"^",6),$D(^PSRX(DA,0)):$P(^PSRX(DA,0),"^",6),1:0) HLP S Z0=+$G(PSODRUG("IEN")) I $D(^PSDRUG("AQ",Z0)) D EN^DDIOL("This is a CMOP drug. The quantity may not contain alpha characters (i.e.; ML)","","!!") D EN^DDIOL("or more than two fractional decimal places (i.e.; .01).","","!") D K Z0 Q .D EN^DDIOL("Enter a number between 0 and 99999999 inclusive. The total entry cannot","","!") D EN^DDIOL("exceed 11 characters.","","!") D EN^DDIOL("Enter a whole number between 0 and 99999999 inclusive. Alpha characters are","","!!") D EN^DDIOL("not allowed, and the entry cannot exceed 11 characters, or contain more than","","!") D EN^DDIOL("two fractional decimal places (i.e.; .01).","","!") K Z0 Q ADD ;add/edited local drug/drug interactions W ! S DIC("A")="Select Drug Interaction: ",DIC(0)="AEMQL",DLAYGO=56 S (DIC,DIE)="^PS(56,",DIC("S")="I '$P(^(0),""^"",5)" D ^DIC G:"^"[X QU G:Y<0 ADD S DA=+Y,DR="[PSO INTERACT]" L +^PS(56,DA):$S(+$G(^DD("DILOCKTM"))>0:+^DD("DILOCKTM"),1:3) I '$T W !,"Entry is being edited by another user. Try Later!",! G ADD D ^DIE L:$G(DA) -^PS(56,DA) K DA G ADD QU L -^PS(56,DA) K X,DIC,DIE,DA Q CRI ;change drug interaction severity to critical from significant W ! S DIC("A")="Select Drug Interaction: ",DIC(0)="AEQM",(DIC,DIE)="^PS(56,",DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),""^"",4)=2" D ^DIC G:"^"[X QU G:Y<0 CRI S DA=+Y,DR=3 L +^PS(56,DA):$S(+$G(^DD("DILOCKTM"))>0:+^DD("DILOCKTM"),1:3) I '$T W !,"Entry is being edited by another user. Try Later!",! G CRI D ^DIE L -^PS(56,DA) K DA G CRI G QU Q MAX S:$G(EXH) P(7)=$P(^PSRX(DA,0),"^",8),P(5)=$P(^(0),"^",6),P(2)=+$P(^(0),"^",3) S:P(2) PTST=$G(^PS(53,P(2),0)),PTDY=$P($G(^(0)),"^",3),PTRF=$P($G(^(0)),"^",4) S PSODEA=$P(^PSDRUG(P(5),0),"^",3),CS=0 I $D(CLOZPAT) S MAX=$S(CLOZPAT=2&($P(^PSRX(DA,0),"^",8)=14):1,CLOZPAT=2&($P(^PSRX(DA,0),"^",8)=7):3,CLOZPAT=1&($P(^PSRX(DA,0),"^",8)=7):1,1:0),MIN=0 Q I PSODEA["A"&(PSODEA'["B")!(PSODEA["F")!(PSODEA[1)!(PSODEA[2) D EN^DDIOL("No refills allowed on "_$S(PSODEA["A":"this narcotic drug.",1:"this drug."),"","!") D EN^DDIOL(" ","","!") S $P(^PSRX(DA,0),"^",9)=0 K X,Y,PSODEA,CS,PTST Q F DEA=1:1 Q:$E(PSODEA,DEA)="" I $E(+PSODEA,DEA)>1,$E(+PSODEA,DEA)<6 S CS=1 S PSOELSE=CS I PSOELSE D .S PSOX1=$S(PTRF>5:5,1:PTRF),PSOT=$S(PSOX1=5:5,1:PSOX1) .S PSOT=$S('PSOT:0,P(7)=90:1,1:PSOT),PSDY1=$S(P(7)<60:5,P(7)'<60&(P(7)'>89):2,P(7)=90:1,1:0) S MAX=$S(PSOT'>PSDY1:PSOT,1:PSDY1) I 'PSOELSE D .S PSOX1=PTRF,PSOT=$S(PSOX1=11:11,1:PSOX1),PSOT=$S('PSOT:0,P(7)=90:3,1:PSOT) .S PSDY1=$S(P(7)<60:11,P(7)'<60&(P(7)'>89):5,P(7)=90:3,1:0) S MAX=$S(PSOT'>PSDY1:PSOT,1:PSDY1) K PSODEA,PSOELSE,PSOT,PSOX1,PSDY,PSDY1,DEA,CS I $D(X) S MIN=0 I $D(DA) F REF=0:0 S REF=$O(^PSRX(DA,1,REF)) Q:'REF I $D(^(REF,0)) S MIN=MIN+1 I $G(EXH) D EN^DDIOL("Enter a number Between "_MIN_" AND "_MAX_".","","!?10") K P(2),P(5),P(7),MAX,MAX1,MIN,REF Q ; REF S PSRF=X,P(7)=$P(^PSRX(DA,0),"^",8),P(5)=$P(^(0),"^",6),P(2)=+$P(^(0),"^",3) S:P(2) PTST=$G(^PS(53,P(2),0)) S PTDY=$P(^(0),"^",3),PTRF=$P(^(0),"^",4) D MAX Q:'$D(X) I (+X'=X)!(X<0)!(X>MAX)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) D EN^DDIOL(" ** MAX REFILLS ALLOWED ARE "_MAX_" ** ","","$C(7)") K X I $D(X),X