PSOHELP1 ;BIR/SAB-OUTPATIENT HELP TEXT/UTILITY ROUTINE 2 ;11/09/92 ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**23,36,88,146,227,222**;DEC 1997;Build 12 ;External reference ^DIC(19.2 supported by DBIA 1472 ;External reference ^PSDRUG( supported by DBIA 221 ;External reference ^PS(55 supported by DBIA 2228 2001 N PSOHLP S PSOHLP(1,"F")="!!" S PSOHLP(1)="Enter the lowest prescription number for this site." S PSOHLP(2,"F")="!" S PSOHLP(2)="If this is the first time you are entering this field," S PSOHLP(3,"F")="!" S PSOHLP(3)="you should pick a number LARGER than the last prescription number used." S PSOHLP(4,"F")="!!" D WRITE Q ; 2002 N PSOHLP S PSOHLP(1,"F")="!!" S PSOHLP(1)="Enter the largest acceptable prescription number for this site." S PSOHLP(2,"F")="!" S PSOHLP(2)="The difference between this number and the lowest prescription" S PSOHLP(3,"F")="!" S PSOHLP(3)="number should be substantial. The system will not allow numbers" S PSOHLP(4,"F")="!" S PSOHLP(4)="larger than the one you choose. It will give a warning message" S PSOHLP(5,"F")="!" S PSOHLP(5)="and not allow entry of any more prescriptions." S PSOHLP(6,"F")="!!" D WRITE Q ; 2003 N PSOHLP S PSOHLP(1,"F")="!!" S PSOHLP(1)="Enter the last prescription number used." S PSOHLP(2,"F")="!" S PSOHLP(2)="If you are entering this for the first time, this number" S PSOHLP(3,"F")="!" S PSOHLP(3)="should be the same as the number you entered for LOW RX#." S PSOHLP(4,"F")="!" S PSOHLP(4)="The system will take this number, increment it by one" S PSOHLP(5,"F")="!" S PSOHLP(5)="until it finds a number that has not been used, and then" S PSOHLP(6,"F")="!" S PSOHLP(6)="use that number for the next prescription." S PSOHLP(7,"F")="!!" D WRITE Q WRITE ;EN^DDIOL call D EN^DDIOL(.PSOHLP) K PSOHLP Q AUTOQ ;entry point to queue all background jobs D:0 RESET1^PSOTPHL1 ;placed out of order by PSO*7*227 D AUTO^PSOAUTOC ;ques auto cancel job D SETUP^PSOAUTOC ;ques nightly cost compile D SETUP1^PSOAUTOC ;ques nightly mgmt compile D QUP,CLO ;ques amis compile D SETUP^PSOHLEXP ;ques exipration status update D AUTO^PSOSUDEL ;ques job to deleted rxs printed from 52.5 CLO K Y,C,D,D0,DI,DQ,DA,DIE,DR,DIC,Y,X,PSOTM,PSOOPTN,%DT,PSOPTN Q QUP K %DT,DIC,DTOUT S DIC(0)="XZM",DIC="^DIC(19.2,",X="PSO AMIS COMPILE" D ^DIC I +Y>0 D EDIT^XUTMOPT("PSO AMIS COMPILE") G CLO D RESCH^XUTMOPT("PSO AMIS COMPILE","","","24H","L"),EDIT^XUTMOPT("PSO AMIS COMPILE") Q EXP ;reset "P","A" xref in 55 from cancel option Q:$G(REA)="C" S PCD=+$P($G(^PSRX(DA,3)),"^",5) I 'PCD D K EXP,PCD,IFN Q .S (IFN,EXP)=0 .F S EXP=$O(^PS(55,PSODFN,"P","A",EXP)) Q:'EXP F S IFN=$O(^PS(55,PSODFN,"P","A",EXP,IFN)) Q:'IFN I IFN=DA K ^PS(55,PSODFN,"P","A",EXP,DA) S ^PS(55,PSODFN,"P","A",$P(^PSRX(DA,2),"^",6),DA)="" K ^PS(55,PSODFN,"P","A",PCD,DA) S ^PS(55,PSODFN,"P","A",$P(^PSRX(DA,2),"^",6),DA)="",$P(^PSRX(DA,3),"^",5)="" K PCD Q SREF ;set "P","A" xref in 55 from fileman I $P($G(^PSRX(X,"STA")),"^")=12,'$P($G(^PSRX(X,3)),"^",5) D Q .F PX=0:0 S PA=$O(^PSRX(X,"A",PX)) Q:'PX S:$P(^PSRX(X,"A",PX,0),"^",2)="C" PCD=$P($P(^PSRX(X,"A",PX,0),"^"),".") .I $G(PCD) S ^PS(55,DA(1),"P","A",PCD,X)="",$P(^PSRX(X,3),"^",5)=PCD .E S:$P($G(^PSRX(X,2)),"^",6) ^PS(55,DA(1),"P","A",$P(^PSRX(X,2),"^",6),X)="" .K PCD,PX I $P($G(^PSRX(X,"STA")),"^")=12,$P($G(^PSRX(X,3)),"^",5) S ^PS(55,DA(1),"P","A",$P(^PSRX(X,3),"^",5),X)="" Q S:$P($G(^PSRX(X,2)),"^",6) ^PS(55,DA(1),"P","A",$P(^PSRX(X,2),"^",6),X)="" Q KREF ;kill "P","A" xref in 55 from fileman K:+$P($G(^PSRX(X,2)),"^",6) ^PS(55,DA(1),"P","A",+$P(^PSRX(X,2),"^",6),X) I $P($G(^PSRX(X,"STA")),"^")=12,'$P($G(^PSRX(X,3)),"^",5) D K PCD,PX Q .F PX=0:0 S A=$O(^PSRX(X,"A",PX)) Q:'PX S:$P(^PSRX(X,"A",PX,0),"^",2)="C" PCD=$P($P(^PSRX(X,"A",PX,0),"^"),".") .I $G(PCD) K ^PS(55,DA(1),"P","A",PCD,X) I $P($G(^PSRX(X,"STA")),"^")=12,$P($G(^PSRX(X,3)),"^",5) K ^PS(55,DA(1),"P","A",$P(^PSRX(X,3),"^",5),X) Q DAYS K PSMAX I $P($G(^PSDRUG(+$P(^PSRX(DA,0),"^",6),0)),"^",4),$P(^PSRX(DA,0),"^",7)/X>$P($G(^PSDRUG(+$P(^PSRX(DA,0),"^",6),0)),"^",4) D EN^DDIOL("Max Daily Dose of "_$P($G(^(0)),"^",4)_" Exceeded","","$C(7),!?5") D EN^DDIOL(" ","","!") S PSDAYS=$P(^PSRX(DA,0),"^",8),PSRF=+$P(^(0),"^",9),PTST=$G(^PS(53,$P(^(0),"^",3),0)),PTDY=$P(PTST,"^",3),PTRF=$P(PTST,"^",4),PSODEA=$P(^PSDRUG($P(^PSRX(DA,0),"^",6),0),"^",3),CS=0 D NARC I $G(CLOZPAT)=1,'PSRF,X>14 K X D EN^DDIOL(" 14 Day Supply Max for Clozapine Prescriptions.","","$C(7),!!") Q I $G(CLOZPAT)=0,'PSRF,X>7 K X D EN^DDIOL(" 7 Day Supply Max for Clozapine Prescriptions.","","$C(7),!!") Q I $G(CLOZPAT)=1,X'=7,PSRF K X D EN^DDIOL(" Day Supply Must Equal 7 with 1 refill for Clozapine Prescriptions.","","$C(7),!!") Q I $G(CLOZPAT)=1,'PSRF,X>14 K X D EN^DDIOL(" 14 Day Supply Max for Clozapine Prescriptions.","","$C(7),!!") Q I $G(CLOZPAT)=2,'PSRF,X>28 K X D EN^DDIOL(" 28 Day Supply Max for Clozapine Prescriptions.","","$C(7),!!") Q I $G(CLOZPAT)=2,PSRF=1,X>14 K X D EN^DDIOL(" Day Supply Must Equal 14 with 1 refill for Clozapine Prescriptions.","","$C(7),!!") Q I $G(CLOZPAT)=2,PSRF=3,X>7 K X D EN^DDIOL(" Day Supply Must Equal 7 with 3 refill for Clozapine Prescriptions.","","$C(7),!!") Q I PSRF>MAX S DS=X D .D FULL^VALM1,EN^DDIOL(PSRF_" refills are not correct for a "_DS_" day supply.","","$C(7),!!") D EN^DDIOL("Please enter correct # of refills for a "_DS_" day supply. Max refills allowed is "_MAX_".","","!") D EN^DDIOL(" ","","!") .K DIR S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Press Return to Continue" D ^DIR K DIR,X,Y,DIRUT S VALMBCK="R" K PSTMAX,DS D EDSTAT^PSOUTLA K MAX,DAYS,PSDAYS,PSODEA,PSOX,PSOX1,PSDY,PSDY1,DEA,CS,PTST,PSRF,PTRF,PTDY Q DAYS1 K PSRMAX S PSRF=$P(^PSRX(DA(1),0),"^",9),PTST=$G(^PS(53,$P(^(0),"^",3),0)),PTDY=$P(PTST,"^",3),PTRF=$P(PTST,"^",4) S PSDAYS=$P(^PSRX(DA(1),1,DA,0),"^",10),PSODEA=$P(^PSDRUG($P(^PSRX(DA(1),0),"^",6),0),"^",3),CS=0 D NARC I PSRF>MAX S DS=X D .D EN^DDIOL(PSRF_" refills are not correct for a "_DS_" day supply.","","$C(7),!!") D EN^DDIOL("Please enter correct # of refills for a "_DS_" day supply. Max refills allowed is "_MAX_".","","!") D EN^DDIOL(" ","","!") .K DIR S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Press Return to Continue" D ^DIR K DIR,X,Y,DIRUT S VALMBCK="R" K PSTMAX,DS ;D EDSTAT^PSOUTLA K MAX,DAYS,PSDAYS,PSODEA,PSOX,PSOX1,PSDY,PSDY1,DEA,CS,PTST,PSRF,PTDY,PTRF Q NARC F DEA=1:1 Q:$E(PSODEA,DEA)="" I $E(+PSODEA,DEA)>1,$E(+PSODEA,DEA)<6 S CS=1 I $D(CLOZPAT) S MAX=$S(CLOZPAT=2&($P(^PSRX(DA,0),"^",8)=14):1,CLOZPAT=2&($P(^PSRX(DA,0),"^",8)=7):3,CLOZPAT=1&($P(^PSRX(DA,0),"^",8)=7):1,1:0),MIN=0 Q I CS D .S PSOX1=$S(PTRF>5:5,1:PTRF),PSOX=$S(PSOX1=5:5,1:PSOX1) .S PSOX=$S('PSOX:0,X=90:1,1:PSOX),PSDY1=$S(X<60:5,X'<60&(X'>89):2,X=90:1,1:0) S MAX=$S(PSOX'>PSDY1:PSOX,1:PSDY1) E D .S PSOX1=PTRF,PSOX=$S(PSOX1=11:11,1:PSOX1),PSOX=$S('PSOX:0,X=90:3,1:PSOX) .S PSDY1=$S(X<60:11,X'<60&(X'>89):5,X=90:3,1:0) S MAX=$S(PSOX'>PSDY1:PSOX,1:PSDY1) Q