PSOLABI ;BHAM ISC/JMB ; ADD PSO LAB MONITOR OPTION ; 5/6/94 ;;6.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**100,118**;APRIL 1993 CHK W @IOF I $G(^DD(52,0,"VR"))'="6.0" W !!,*7,"Version 6.0 must be installed before running this routine." G EX W !!,"Installing PSO LAB MONITOR option and adding it to the PSO SUPERVISOR MENU.",! S DA=$O(^DIC(19,"B","PSO LAB MONITOR",0)) G:'DA OPTION W !,*7,*7,"The PSO LAB MONITOR option has already been installed." G MENU W !,*7,*7,"*** Another 'PSO LAB MONITOR' option already exist on your system.",!," You must rename the existing option then rerun this routine before",!," the lab on action profile option can be installed." G EX OPTION S DIC="^DIC(19,",DIC(0)="MZ",X="PSO LAB MONITOR",DIC("DR")="1///Mark/Unmark Lab Monitor Drugs;4///R;25///EDIT^PSOLAB;1.1///MARK/UNMARK LAB MONITOR DRUGS" K DD,DO D FILE^DICN K DIC S DA=+Y,^DIC(19,DA,1,0)="^^3^3^2931203^^^^",^DIC(19,DA,1,1,0)="This option selects a drug that will print the most recent lab value on" S ^DIC(19,DA,1,2,0)="the Action/Information Profile. The lab test, specimen type, and number",^DIC(19,DA,1,3,0)="of days back to search for lab data are entered." W !,"Option installed!" MENU S DA(1)=$O(^DIC(19,"B","PSO SUPERVISOR",0)) I 'DA(1) W !!,*7,*7,"*** The PSO LAB MONITOR option has not been added to the PSO SUPERVISOR menu",!," because the PSO SUPERVISOR menu does not exist on your system. Install" I W !," the PSO SUPERVISOR menu then rerun this routine again." G EX S THERE=$O(^DIC(19,DA(1),10,"B",DA,0)) I THERE W !,*7,*7,"The PSO LAB MONITOR option has already been added to the PSO SUPERVISOR menu.",!!,"Finished!",! G EX S X=DA,DIC="^DIC(19,"_DA(1)_",10,",DIC(0)="MZ" S:'$D(^DIC(19,DA(1),10,0)) ^DIC(19,DA(1),10,0)="^19.01IP^^" K DD,DO D FILE^DICN K DIC W !,"Option added to PSO SUPERVISOR menu!" EX K DA,THERE,X,Y Q