PSOPKIV1 ;BHAM ISC/MHA - validate PKI cert. ; 05/09/2002 8:15 am ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**131,146,223,148,249**;DEC 1997;Build 9 ;Ref. to ^ORWOR1 supported by DBIA 3750 CER ; N P1,P2 I $D(OR0) S P1=$P(OR0,"^"),P2=$P(OR0,"^",2) E S P1=$P($G(^PSRX(DA,"OR1")),"^",2),P2=$P($G(^(0)),"^",2) I P1<1 S PKI=-1,VALMSG="Invalid CPRS Pointer - Unable to Process" Q CT N PKIRT D VERIFY^ORWOR1(.PKIRT,P1,P2) S PKI=+PKIRT I PKI=1 S VALMSG="Digitally Signed Order",PKIE="Processing "_VALMSG Q I PKI<2 S VALMSG=$P(PKIRT,"^",2) Q S PKI1=$S(PKI>89802014&(PKI<89802019)!((PKI>89802020)&(PKI<89802023)):2,1:1) S PKIE="Digital Signature Failed: "_$P($T(@($E(PKI,7,8))),";;",2) S:'$G(PSOZVER) VALMSG="Signature Failed: "_$P($T(@($E(PKI,7,8))),";;",2) S:PKI1=2 PKIE=PKIE_" - Order Auto Discontinued" S:$L(PKIE)>75 PKIE=$E(PKIE,1,75) Q L1 ; S PKID=1,IEN=IEN+1,^TMP($S($G(ST)=1:"PSOAO",1:"PSOPO"),$J,IEN,0)=PKIE Q ERR(ER) ; Q:'ER N ERM S ERM=$P($T(@($E(ER,7,8))),";;",2) I ERM]"" Q "Signature Failed: "_ERM Q "" REA ; D KV^PSOVER1 W ! S DIR("A")="Enter Override Reason ",DIR(0)="F^5:70",DIR("?")="Free text reason must be entered, should be between 5 to 70 characters and must not contain embedded up-arrow, e.g. Spoke with the Provider." S:$G(PKIR)]"" DIR("B")=PKIR D ^DIR S:'$D(DIRUT) PKIR=Y I $D(DIRUT) K PKIR I $D(OR0) S:$P(OR0,"^",3)="RNW" PSONEW("QFLG")=1 S:$P(OR0,"^",3)="NW" PSORX("DFLG")=1 D KV^PSOVER1 K Y Q ACT(DA) ; Q:'DA N I,J D AR S ^PSRX(DA,"A",0)="^52.3DA^"_J_"^"_J,^PSRX(DA,"A",J,0)=%_"^K^"_DUZ_"^0^INVALID PKI CERT. "_PKI S ^PSRX(DA,"A",J,2,1,0)=PKIR,^PSRX(DA,"A",J,2,0)="^52.34A^1^1" K PKIR Q ; AR ; S (I,J)=0 F S I=$O(^PSRX(DA,"A",I)) Q:'I S J=I S J=J+1 D NOW^%DTC Q DCP ; Q:'$D(^PS(52.41,ORD,0)) K ^PS(52.41,"AOR",$P(^PS(52.41,ORD,0),"^",2),+$P($G(^PS(52.41,ORD,"INI")),"^"),ORD),^PS(52.41,"AD",$P(^PS(52.41,ORD,0),"^",12),+$P($G(^PS(52.41,ORD,"INI")),"^"),ORD) S $P(^PS(52.41,ORD,0),"^",3)="DC" S PKIE=$P(PKIE," - ")_" - "_PKI,$P(^PS(52.41,ORD,4),"^")=PKIE D EN^PSOHLSN($P(^PS(52.41,ORD,0),"^"),"OD",PKIE,"A") Q ; DCV ; W ! D KV^PSOVER1 K PKIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="N",DIR("A",1)="Digitally signed Schedule II Rx cannot be deleted, it can only be D/Ced." S DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to D/C this Rx: " D ^DIR,KV^PSOVER1 I 'Y S VALMSG="No Action Taken!",VALMBCK="R" Q S:'$D(INCOM) INCOM="DCed by Pharmacy for PKI" S DIR("B")=INCOM ; W ! S DIR("A")="Reason for D/Cing",DIR(0)="F^5:75",DIR("?")="Reason must be entered and should be 5 to 75 characters and must not contain embedded uparrow" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) D KV^PSOVER1 S VALMSG="No Action Taken!",VALMBCK="R" Q S PKIR=Y D KV^PSOVER1 DCV0 Q:'$D(^PS(52.4,DA,0)) S $P(^PSRX(DA,"STA"),"^")=12,$P(^PSRX(DA,3),"^",5)=DT D REVERSE^PSOBPSU1(DA,,"DC",7),CAN^PSOTPCAN(DA) N I,J D AR S ^PSRX(DA,"A",J,0)=%_"^C^"_DUZ_"^0^Discontinued during verification" S J=J+1 D ADR N PKIX S PKIX=DA D EN^PSOHLSN1(DA,"OD","",PKIR,PSONOOR) S DA=PKIX S DIK="^PS(52.4," D ^DIK K DIK Q ; DCV1 N PKIR,PSONOOR,DA S DA=PSONV,PKIR=$P($G(PKIE),"-")_" - "_PKI,PSONOOR="A" D DCV0 Q ADR ; S ^PSRX(DA,"A",0)="^52.3DA^"_J_"^"_J S ^PSRX(DA,"A",J,0)=%_"^K^"_DUZ_"^0^Digitally signed" S ^PSRX(DA,"A",J,2,1,0)=$S($G(PKIR)]"":PKIR,1:"Digitally signed order Discontinued"),^PSRX(DA,"A",J,2,0)="^52.34A^1^1" Q RV ; N TY,T,T1,T2,MIG,SG S (T,T2)=0 F S T=$O(^PS(52.41,ORD,"OBX",T)) Q:'T D .S T1=0,$P(TY(T2)," ",23)=" " .F S T1=$O(^PS(52.41,ORD,"OBX",T,2,T1)) Q:'T1 D ..S MIG=^PS(52.41,ORD,"OBX",T,2,T1,0) ..F SG=1:1:$L(MIG," ") S:$L(TY(T2)_" "_$P(MIG," ",SG))>80 T2=T2+1,$P(TY(T2)," ",23)=" " S TY(T2)=$G(TY(T2))_" "_$P(MIG," ",SG) .S T2=T2+4 S T2=T2+2 D CNTRL^VALM10(T2,1,$L(PKIE),IORVON,IORVOFF,0) Q ; 00 ;;Order Text is blank;; 01 ;;DEA # missing;; 02 ;;Drug Schedule missing;; 03 ;;DEA # not valid;; 04 ;;Valid Certificate not found;; 05 ;;Couldn't load CSP;; 06 ;;Smart card Reader not found;; 07 ;;Certificate with DEA # not found;; 08 ;;Certificate not valid for schedule;; 10 ;;Crypto Error (contact IRM);; 15 ;;Corrupted (Decode failure);; 16 ;;Corrupted (Hash mismatch);; 17 ;;Certificate revoked;; 18 ;;Verification failure;; 19 ;;Before Cert effective date;; 20 ;;Certificate expired;; 21 ;;No Cert with a valid date found;; 22 ;;Signature Check failed (Invalid Signature);;