PSORESUS ;BIR/EJW Queue/Requeue an Rx to CMOP ;07/25/07 ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**264**;DEC 1997;Build 19 ; ;This routine will allow the last unreleased fill of an Rx to be suspended or resuspended to CMOP. ;Examples of when this may be used are if the patient was previously marked as "DO NOT MAIL", ;a drug was recently marked as a CMOP drug, the patient's address was updated to a good address, etc. ; TOP ; S SAVEPPL=$G(PPL) S DIR(0)="FO^1:15",DIR("A")="Enter the Rx # to queue to CMOP" S DIR("?")="Enter the prescription number you want to suspend for CMOP dispense." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) G END S RX=Y K Y S PSOIEN=$O(^PSRX("B",RX,"")) I $G(PSOIEN)']"" W !,"Rx # "_RX_" not found" D END G TOP D SENDRX I $G(PPL)]"" W !!,$P(^PSRX(PSOIEN,0),"^")," cannot be suspended for CMOP. Make sure the last fill has a Mail routing, the drug is marked for CMOP, the last fill has not been released, etc...",!! D END G TOP END K CHECK,CT,DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,PSOIEN,LAST,NODE,PSX,PSXPPL,PPL,RF,RX,X,Y,ZD,% K PSXSITEA I $G(SAVEPPL) S PPL=SAVEPPL K SAVEPPL Q CM ; ENTRY POINT FOR SPEED QUEUE/REQUEUE TO CMOP S SAVEPPL=$G(PPL) N PSOSTA,II N PSOOELSE,PSOIEN,VALMCNT I '$G(PSOCNT) S VALMSG="This patient has no Prescriptions!" S VALMBCK="" Q OS K DIR,DUOUT,DIRUT S DIR("A")="Select Orders by number",DIR(0)="LO^1:"_PSOCNT D ^DIR S LST=Y I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) K DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT S VALMBCK="" Q K DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,PSOOELSE,PSOREPX I '+LST D KILL S VALMBCK="" Q S PSOOELSE=1 D FULL^VALM1 S PPL="" F ORD=1:1:$L(LST,",") Q:$P(LST,",",ORD)']"" D .S ORN=$P(LST,",",ORD),PSOIEN=$P(PSOLST(ORN),"^",2) I $P(PSOLST(ORN),"^",3)'="PENDING" D ..S PSOSTA=$P($G(^PSRX(PSOIEN,"STA")),"^") I PSOSTA'=0,PSOSTA'=5 W !!,$P(^PSRX(PSOIEN,0),"^")," is not active or suspended" H 2 Q ..I $P($G(^PSRX(PSOIEN,0)),"^",2) S PPL=$S(PPL:PPL_",",1:"")_PSOIEN ..S VALMBCK="R" I +PPL S SAVEPPL=PPL F II=1:1 S PSOIEN=$P(SAVEPPL,",",II) Q:PSOIEN="" D .D SENDRX .I $G(PPL)]"" W !!,$P(^PSRX(PSOIEN,0),"^")_" cannot be suspended for CMOP. Make sure the last fill has a Mail routing, the drug is marked for CMOP, the last fill has not been released, etc...",! H 2 I '$G(PSOOELSE) S VALMBCK="" D ^PSOBUILD D KILL D KVA^VADPT Q ; KILL ; CLEAN UP VARIABLES K DIC,LST,ORD,ORN,PSOIEN,PNM,PPL,PSZIP,RX,SSNP,VA,VADDR1,VADM,VAEL,VAPA,VASTREET I $G(SAVEPPL) S PPL=SAVEPPL K SAVEPPL Q ; SENDRX ; SET RX INTO SUSPENSE FILE FOR CMOP N LAST,I,TRX,PSOMC,PSOMDT S LAST=0 I $D(^PSRX(PSOIEN,1)) S I=0 F S I=$O(^PSRX(PSOIEN,1,I)) Q:'I S LAST=I I $D(PSOSITE) S PSXSITEA=PSOSITE S PSOSITE=$S(LAST=0:$P(^PSRX(PSOIEN,2),"^",9),1:$P(^PSRX(PSOIEN,1,LAST,0),"^",9)) D NOW^%DTC N ZD S PPL=PSOIEN S TRX=$P($G(PPL),",",1) S DFN=$P(^PSRX(TRX,0),"^",2),PSOMDT=$P($G(^PS(55,DFN,0)),"^",5),PSOMC=$P($G(^PS(55,DFN,0)),"^",3) K DFN,TRX I (PSOMC>1&(PSOMDT>DT))!(PSOMC>1&(PSOMDT<1)) W !,"Cannot suspend for CMOP. Patient's mail status not a CMOP mail status" H 2 K PPL Q S ZD(PSOIEN)=% D TEST^PSOCMOP H 2 I $G(PSXSITEA)]"" S PSOSITE=PSXSITEA Q ;