PSOTEXP1 ;BIR/LE-Tally Missing Expiration Dates ;06/14/06 ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**250,268**;DEC 1997;Build 9 ;External references ^DPT supported by DBIA 10035 N NAMSP,PATCH,JOBN,DTOUT,DUOUT,ZTSK,ZTRTN,ZTIO,ZTDTH,ZTDESC,QUIT,Y,ZTQUEUED,ZTREQ,ZTSAVE S NAMSP=$$NAMSP S JOBN="TALLY MISSING EXPIRATION DATES" S PATCH="PSO*7*250" ; L +^XTMP(NAMSP):$S($G(DILOCKTM)>0:DILOCKTM,1:3) I '$T D Q . D BMES^XPDUTL(JOBN_" job is already running. Halting...") . D MES^XPDUTL("") . D QUIT ; I '$D(^XTMP(NAMSP)) D INITXTMP(NAMSP,JOBN_", "_PATCH,90) ;90 day life S QUIT=0 ; I $G(^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"LAST"))["COMPLETED" D Q . W !!,*7,"This job has been run before to completion on " . W $$FMTE^XLFDT($P($G(^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"LAST")),"^",2)),!! . W "If you want to run it again, the global subscript ^XTMP('PSOTEXP1') must be",! . W "deleted prior to doing so.",!! . D QUIT ; ;ques 2, if running from mumps prompt I '$D(XPDQUES("POS2")) D I 'ZTDTH D QUIT Q . K DIR . S DIR("A")=" Enter when to Queue the "_JOBN_" job to run in date@time format " . S DIR("B")="NOW" . S DIR(0)="D^::%DT" . S DIR("?")="Enter when to start the job. The default is Now. You can enter a date and time in the format like this: 021506@3:30p" . D ^DIR I $D(DUOUT) W !,"Halting..." S ZTDTH="" Q . S:$D(DTOUT) Y=$$NOW^XLFDT S ZTDTH=$$FMTH^XLFDT(Y) ; ;ques 2, if running from kids install I $D(XPDQUES("POS2")) S ZTDTH=$$FMTH^XLFDT(XPDQUES("POS2")) ; D BMES^XPDUTL("=============================================================") D MES^XPDUTL("Queuing background job for "_JOBN_"...") D MES^XPDUTL("Start time: "_$$HTE^XLFDT(ZTDTH)) D MES^XPDUTL("==============================================================") I ZTDTH="" D BMES^XPDUTL(JOBN_" NOT QUEUED") D QUIT Q ; S:$D(^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"LAST")) ^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"ZAUDIT",$H)="RE-STARTED ON"_"^"_$$NOW^XLFDT_"^"_$P(^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"LAST"),"^",2,5) ; I $P($G(^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"LAST")),"^")="STOP" D . S $P(^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"LAST"),"^",1,2)="RUN^"_$$NOW^XLFDT E D . S ^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"LAST")="RUN^"_$$NOW^XLFDT_"^^^" ; S ZTRTN="EN^PSOTEXP1",ZTIO="" S ZTDESC="Background job for "_JOBN_" on prescriptions updated via "_PATCH S ZTSAVE("JOBN")="" L -^XTMP(NAMSP) D ^%ZTLOAD D:$D(ZTSK) . D MES^XPDUTL("*** Task #"_ZTSK_" Queued! ***") . D BMES^XPDUTL("") D BMES^XPDUTL("") K XPDQUES Q QUIT ; L -^XTMP(NAMSP) Q EN ; N PATCH,NAMSP S NAMSP=$$NAMSP,PATCH="PSO*7*250",JOBN="TALLY MISSING EXPIRATION DATES" ;if can't get Lock, then already running. L +^XTMP(NAMSP):3 I '$T D Q . S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@" . S $P(^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"LAST"),"^",1,2)="LOCKED^"_$$NOW^XLFDT ; N PSOSTART,Y,PSOS1,RXP,PSOV7,PSOARR,PSOISS,PSOEXP,PSOSTA,PSOACT,PSOINST,CC,RXE,DFN,PSODRUG,PSOINACT ; D NOW^%DTC S (Y,PSOS1)=% D DD^%DT S PSOSTART=Y I '$G(DT) S DT=$$DT^XLFDT S RXP=+$P($G(^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"LAST")),"^",4) ;get date that PSO v7 was installed S PSOV7=$S($P($G(^PS(59.7,1,49.99)),"^",7):$P(^PS(59.7,1,49.99),"^",7),1:$P($G(^PS(59.7,1,49.99)),"^",4)) S:PSOV7["." PSOV7=$P(PSOV7,".",1) ; ;^XTMP(NAMSP,INSTITUTION)=tot missing expiration dates on or before v7 install^tot missing expiration dates after v7 install^total missing expiration dates^tot past expiration date minus 1 day ; S PSOINST=$P($G(^DIC(4,+$P($G(^XMB(1,1,"XUS")),"^",17),99)),"^") S:'$G(PSOINST) PSOINST="9999999999" S PSOACT=",0,1,2,3,4,5,10,16,",PSOINACT=",11,12,13,14,15," N STOP K ^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"STOP") S STOP=0 S:RXP="" RXP=0 F CC=1:1 S RXP=$O(^PSRX(RXP)) Q:'RXP!(RXP'?1N.NN) D Q:STOP . I $D(^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"STOP")) D Q . . S $P(^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"LAST"),"^",1,2)="STOP^"_$$NOW^XLFDT,STOP=1 . K PSOARR D GETS^DIQ(52,RXP_",",".01;2;6;1;20;26;100","I","PSOARR") . S DFN=$G(PSOARR(52,RXP_",",2,"I")),PSODRUG=$G(PSOARR(52,RXP_",",6,"I")),PSOSTA=$G(PSOARR(52,RXP_",",100,"I")) . S PSOISS=$G(PSOARR(52,RXP_",",1,"I")) . ;--- eliminate bad Rx's . Q:DFN=""!(PSODRUG="") . Q:'$D(^DPT(DFN))!('$D(^PSDRUG(PSODRUG))) . Q:$G(PSOISS)="" . ;--- . S RXE=$G(PSOARR(52,RXP_",",".01","I")),PSOEXP=$G(PSOARR(52,RXP_",",26,"I")) . ;save last date & fill info . S $P(^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"LAST"),"^",3,5)=$G(PSOISS)_"^"_RXP . D SET G STP:STOP S $P(^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"LAST"),"^",1,2)="COMPLETED^"_$$NOW^XLFDT D MAIL STP ; L -^XTMP(NAMSP) I $D(^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"STOP")) S ^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"ZAUDIT",$H)="STOPPED ON"_"^"_$P(^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"LAST"),"^",2,5) S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@" K JOBN ;I '$D(^XTMP(NAMSP,0,"STOP")) K ^XTMP(NAMSP) Q ; SET ;Data collected and stored: ; Piece 1 - Pre-install v7 active Rx's with null expiration date ; Piece 2 - Pre-install v7 inactive Rx's with null expiration date ; Piece 3 - Post-install v7 active Rx's with null expiration ; Piece 4 - Post-install v7 inactive Rx's with null expiration ; Piece 5 - total Rx's with null expiration date ; Piece 6 - total active Rx's with expire date of t-1 day ; I PSOEXP="" D Q . I PSOISS'>PSOV7 D . . S:PSOACT[(","_PSOSTA_",") $P(^XTMP(NAMSP,PSOINST),"^",1)=$P($G(^XTMP(NAMSP,PSOINST)),"^",1)+1 . . S:PSOINACT[(","_PSOSTA_",") $P(^XTMP(NAMSP,PSOINST),"^",2)=$P($G(^XTMP(NAMSP,PSOINST)),"^",2)+1 . I PSOISS>PSOV7 D . . S:PSOACT[(","_PSOSTA_",") $P(^XTMP(NAMSP,PSOINST),"^",3)=$P($G(^XTMP(NAMSP,PSOINST)),"^",3)+1 . . S:PSOINACT[(","_PSOSTA_",") $P(^XTMP(NAMSP,PSOINST),"^",4)=$P($G(^XTMP(NAMSP,PSOINST)),"^",4)+1 . S $P(^XTMP(NAMSP,PSOINST),"^",5)=$P($G(^XTMP(NAMSP,PSOINST)),"^",5)+1 .;S ^XTMP("PSOTEXP1","MISS",RXP)=PSOINST_"^"_PSOISS_"^"_PSOV7_"^"_PSOEXP_"^"_$S($G(PSOSTA)'="":PSOSTA,1:"*")_"^"_$P($G(^PSRX(RXP,0)),"^") ; normal daily job expires all rx's with yesterday's date, so looking for anything before yesterday. I (PSOEXP<(DT-1))&(PSOACT[(","_PSOSTA_",")) S $P(^XTMP(NAMSP,PSOINST),"^",6)=$P($G(^XTMP(NAMSP,PSOINST)),"^",6)+1 ;.S ^XTMP("PSOTEXP1","PAST",$S($G(PSOSTA)'="":PSOSTA,1:"*"),PSOEXP,RXP)=PSOINST_"^"_PSOISS_"^"_PSOV7_"^"_PSOEXP_"^"_PSOSTA_"^"_$P($G(^PSRX(RXP,0)),"^") Q ; STATUS ;show status of job running I $$ST D . W !,"Currently processing:" . I $G(^XTMP($$NAMSP,0,"LAST"))["COMPLETED" D . . W !,"COMPLETED ON ",$$FMTE^XLFDT($P($G(^XTMP($$NAMSP,0,"LAST")),"^",2)),! . W !?5,"Date being processed > ",$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(^XTMP($$NAMSP,0,"LAST"),"^",3)) . W !?5," RX # > ",$P(^XTMP($$NAMSP,0,"LAST"),"^",4) . ;W !?5," TOTAL RX's > ",$P(^XTMP($$NAMSP,0,"LAST"),"^",5),! E D .I $G(^XTMP($$NAMSP,0,"LAST"))["COMPLETED" D .. W !,"COMPLETED ON ",$$FMTE^XLFDT($P($G(^XTMP($$NAMSP,0,"LAST")),"^",2)),! Q ; STOP ;stop job command I $$ST S ^XTMP($$NAMSP,0,"STOP")="" D . W !,"TALLY MISSING EXPIRATION DATES Job - set to STOP Soon" . W !!,"Check Status to be sure it has stopped and is not running..." . W !," (D STATUS^PSOTEXP1)" Q ST() ;status L +^XTMP($$NAMSP):3 I $T D Q 0 . L -^XTMP($$NAMSP) . W !,"*** NOT CURRENTLY RUNNING! ***",! Q 1 INITXTMP(NAMSP,TITLE,LIFE) ;create ^Xtmp according to SAC std N BEGDT,PURGDT S BEGDT=$$NOW^XLFDT() S PURGDT=$$FMADD^XLFDT(BEGDT,LIFE) S ^XTMP(NAMSP,0)=PURGDT_"^"_BEGDT_"^"_TITLE Q NAMSP() ; Q $T(+0) ; MAIL ; N PSOEND,PSOEND2,PSOTEXT,XMY,LIN,DATA,J,L,PSOINST,M,LEN S LIN="",$P(LIN," ",80)="",LEN=80 D NOW^%DTC S Y=% D DD^%DT S PSOEND=Y S PSOEND2=$$FMTE^XLFDT(%,"1PS") I $G(DUZ) S XMY(DUZ)="" S XMDUZ=PATCH_" "_JOBN S XMSUB="Outpatient Pharmacy "_PATCH_" "_JOBN S XMY("ELLZEY.LINDA@FORUM.VA.GOV")="" S XMY("WHITE.ELAINE@FORUM.VA.GOV")="" S XMY("WILLIAMSON.ERIC@FORUM.VA.GOV")="" I $O(XMY(""))="" Q ; no recipients for mail message S PSOTEXT(1)="The "_JOBN_" job for the Outpatient Pharmacy" S PSOTEXT(2)="patch ("_PATCH_") started "_PSOSTART S PSOTEXT(3)="and completed "_PSOEND_"." S PSOTEXT(4)=" " S PSOTEXT(5)="Excel comma delimited data below, five headings, one data line" S PSOTEXT(6)="Note that an institution of 999999999 denotes one was not found during run." S PSOTEXT(7)=",,,,,,Total Active Rx's" S PSOTEXT(8)=",Before v7 Install,Before v7 Install,After v7 Install,After v7 Install,,With" S PSOTEXT(9)=",Tot Active Rx's,Tot Inactive,Tot Active,Tot Inactive,Total Rx's,Expiration" S PSOTEXT(10)=",Missing Expired,Rx's Missing,Rx's Missing,Rx's Missing,Missing,Date of T-1" S PSOTEXT(11)="Institution,Date,Expired Date,Expired Date,Expired Date,Expired Date,Day" S PSOINST=0,L=12 F S PSOINST=$O(^XTMP(NAMSP,PSOINST)) Q:PSOINST=""!(PSOINST'?1N.NN) D . S DATA=^XTMP(NAMSP,PSOINST),DATA=$TR(DATA,"^",",") . S PSOTEXT(L)=$E((PSOINST_","_DATA_LIN),1,LEN),L=L+1 S L=L+1,PSOTEXT(L)=" " ; S XMTEXT="PSOTEXT(" N DIFROM D ^XMD K XMDUZ,XMTEXT,XMSUB Q