PRS8DR ;HISC/MRL,JAH/WCIOFO-DECOMPOSITION, DRIVER ;1/25/2007 ;;4.0;PAID;**22,29,56,90,111**;Sep 21, 1995;Build 2 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ;This routine determines whether or not the parameters necessary ;to decompose time are in existance. The majority of variables ;involving processing an individual employee are defined in this ;routine. ; ;The following lines establish variables necessary to process a ;specific employees time for the specified pay period. ; ;Called by Routines: PRS8, PRS8DR (tag 1) ; N PRVAL,RESTORE ; D ONE^PRS8CV ;clean up variables S SAVE=+$G(SAVE),SEE=+$G(SEE) S TMTD=$G(^PRST(458,+PY,"E",DFN,0)),TMTD=$S($P(TMTD,"^",2)="X":1,1:0) K WK F I=1,2,3 S WK(I)="" ;weekly totals (wk3=misc data) D ^PRSAENT S VAL="" ;get entitlement (ENT) I PP="S" G END ;manilla citizen/don't decompose/no stub I $G(PB)["$" G STUB^PRS8CR ;don't decompose stipend/create stub I "^P^X^"[(U_$P($G(^PRST(458,+PY,"E",DFN,0)),"^",2)_U) S RESTORE=1 D AUTOPINI^PRS8(+PY,+DFN,$G(RESTORE),.PRVAL) ; remove auto-posted data S DOUB=0 I $E(ENT,26),$E(ENT,29) S DOUB=1 ;count standby & oncall same S FLX="" S FLX=$P($G(^PRST(458,+PY,"E",DFN,0)),"^",6) S (SST,TAL)="",X=$P(C0,"^",8) I X'="" D ;T&L Unit .S X=$O(^PRST(455.5,"B",X,0)) ;get ien .S TAL=$G(^PRST(455.5,+X,0)),X=$P(TAL,"^",8) ;get sleep start time .I $L(X) S (NDAY,LAST,Y,Y1)=0 D 15^PRS8SU .S SST=$S(+X:X,1:93) K X,Y1,LAST,X ;sleep start time .K SL,SB,ST ;make sure standby variable don't exist S (CAMISC,CYA,CYA2806,WPCYA,LU)=0 ; << ADDED >> calendar year adjust./leave used in pp S (NH(1),NH(2))=0 ;normal hrs/pp total/week(1)/week(2) S (TH,TH(1),TH(2))=0 ;total hours N CT S (CT(1),CT(2))=0 ; counter for compensatory time K DWK S DWK=0 ;count of days worked - for intermittents S NH=NH/.25 ;turn Norm hrs into 15min increments K TOUR S (TOUR(1),TOUR(2))="" ;tour code for wg/week(1)/week(2) K TYP S TYP="" I $E(ENT)="D"!($E(ENT,1,2)="0D") S TYP=TYP_"D" ;daily pay basis I PP?1N.E!(PP="U") S TYP=TYP_"W" ;wagegrade I PP'="","KM"[PP S TYP=TYP_"N" ;nurse I +$E(AC,2)=1,NH=192 S TYP=TYP_"B" ;baylor plan I $G(PMP)'="","EF"[PMP S TYP=TYP_"H" ;Nurse Hybrid I $E($G(AC),2)=3 S TYP=TYP_"I" ;intermittent I NH>320 S TYP=TYP_"F" I NH'>448 S TYP=TYP_"f" ;firefighter I NH,NH'>319 S TYP=TYP_"P" ;part-time I PP="L",$E(AC,2)=2 S TYP=TYP_"d" ;doctor I PP="L",$E(AC,2)=1 S TYP=TYP_"dR" ;doctor/resident or intern S (PTH,PTH(1),PTH(2))=0 ;part-time hours K WKL S (WKL(1),WKL(2))=0 ;count leave used in week during ND hours K MEAL S $P(MEAL,"1^",14)="",MEAL=MEAL_1 ;mealtime S (MILV,WCMP)=0 ;ML and PC indicators S (CBCK(1),CBCK(2))=0 ;call back hrs by week counter I TYP="" S TYP="*" K I,PB,PP,X,X1,X2 D ^PRS8SU ;set up employee variables and commence decomposing D ^PRS8CR D:$D(PRVAL) AUTOPRES^PRS8(+PY,+DFN,.PRVAL) ; restore auto-posted data I SEE D ^PRS8VW ; END ; --- This is where we end this process G ONE^PRS8CV ;clean up Q ; 1 ; --- enter here to print single entry and close device D ^PRS8DR,^%ZISC Q