PRS8MSC0 ;HISC/DAD,WCIOFO/JAH,SAB - MISC TIME CARD ADJUST(contd) ;4/04/2007 ;;4.0;PAID;**22,35,40,56,111,112**;Sep 21, 1995;Build 54 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ; for employee on daily tour check if no duty performed during week I TYP["D" D NODUTY^PRS8MSC1 ; S B="",Z0="" S $P(B,"B",97)="",$P(Z0,"0",97)="",FLAG=0 F X=1:1:PEROWK S Y=$P(PEROWK(X),"^",4),DAT=$P(PEROWK(X),"^",1,3),DY=$P(DAT,"^",1),BEG=$P(DAT,"^",2),END=$P(DAT,"^",3) D .I $L(Y)'<96,TYP'["Ff",$E(ENT,27) D ; slp for 24hr cvg ..S SLMAX=32,(SLW,SLY,SLST,SLSTR,SLST1,SLY1,SL1,SL2,SL3)="" ..I END=96 D ...S SLST=$P($G(PEROWK(X)),"^",4),SL2=$E(SLST,SST,$L(SLST)),SL1=$E(SLST,1,SLMAX-$L(SL2)),SL3=$L(SL2) ...S SLSTR=SL1_SL2 ...I DOUB S SLSTR=$TR(SLSTR,"Cct","Bbb") ; if PPC = W then OC = SB ...S SLSTR=$TR(SLSTR,$TR(SLSTR,"Bb"),Z0) ...S SLY=$L($TR(SLSTR,"b0")),SLW=$L($TR(SLSTR,"B0")) ...I SLW>12 Q ...I DY=0 S FLAG=SL3 ...S Y=$L(SLSTR)-SLW ...I FLAG>0&(DY=1) S Y=Y-FLAG,FLAG=0 ...S D=DY,P=25 D SET Q ..E D ...S SLST=$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,"W"))_$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY+1,"W")) ...S SLSTR=$E(SLST,1,SST+(SLMAX-1)) ...I DOUB S SLSTR=$TR(SLSTR,"Cct","Bbb") ; if PPC = W then OC = SB ...S SLSTR=$TR(SLSTR,$TR(SLSTR,"Bb"),Z0) ...S SLY=$E(SLSTR,SST,96),SLY1=$E(SLSTR,97,$L(SLSTR)) ...S SLSTR=SLY_SLY1,SLW=$L($TR(SLSTR,"B0")) ...I SLW>12 Q ...S D=DY,Y=$L($TR(SLY,"b0")),P=25 D SET ...Q:DY=0 S D=DY+1,Y=$L($TR(SLY1,"b0")) D SET ...Q ..K BEG,DAT,END,NL,SLW,SLY,SLST,SLSTR,SLST1,SLY1,SL1,SL2,SL3 Q .Q S D="",(H,ROSS)=1 K OT,UN,DA,CT F H=H:ROSS:PEROT D ; calculate CB OT and FF OT/sleep time .S Y=PEROT(H),Z=$P(Y,"^",3) .I "Ff"[TYP D ;K OT,UN,DA D ; FF sleep time ..F M=1:1:$L(Z) D ; following FF OT per Mary Baker 4/1/93 ...I D'=+Y+(($P(Y,"^",2)+M-2)\96) D ....S D=+Y+(($P(Y,"^",2)+M-2)\96),HT=0 ....Q ...S HT=HT+1 ...I $E(Z,H)="E" S CT(D)=$G(CT(D))+1 Q ...I M'>32 S:HT'>32 OT(D)=$G(OT(D))+1 S:HT>32 DA(D)=$G(DA(D))+1 ; FF OT ...I M>32,$L(Z)'<96&(M'>64)!($L(Z)<96) S DA(D)=$G(DA(D))+1 ; FF hrs>8 ...I $L(Z)'<96,M>64 D ; FF 2/3 rule ....I M'>96 S UN(D)=$G(UN(D))+1 ; first 8 sleep time ....E S DA(D)=$G(DA(D))+1 ; rest hrs >8 ....Q ...Q ..Q .I $L(Z)<8 D ; call back OT at least 2 hrs ..S YY=Y,ZZ=Z N X,Y,START,STOP,T,TT,Z,DD,TL S Y=YY,Z=ZZ ..S CB=$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",+Y,"CB")) ..;no call back OT today or send bulletin ..Q:(CB="")!($$OTNXTPP(+Y,CB,$P(C0,"^",1),PY,$P(C0,"^",8))) ..S Q=0 F ZZ=1:2 Q:'$P(CB,"^",ZZ) I $P(Y,"^",2)=$P(CB,"^",ZZ) S Q=1 ..Q:'Q ; this OT episode not call back ..S OT=Y,START=$P(OT,"^",2),STOP=$P(OT,"^",2)+$L(Z)-1,T=START,TT=$S(T>96:T-96,1:T) ..S W=$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",+OT,"W")),WEEK=$S(+OT>7:2,1:1) ..S W1=$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",OT-1,"W")) ..S W2=$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",OT+1,"W")) ..S (Z,X)=0 F Z=1:1:8-(STOP-START+1) D Q:X=0 ...S DD=Z ...I TT-DD>0 S X=$E(W,TT-DD) ...E S X=$E(W1,96+T-DD) ...I "123m"[X,$E($G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",$S(TT-DD>0:+OT,1:OT-1),"HOL")),$S(TT-DD>0:TT-DD,1:96+T-DD))=1 S X=0 ; HX becomes time off ...Q ..S ZZ=Z S:X=0&Z ZZ=ZZ-1 S X=0,T=STOP,TT=$S(T>96:T-96,1:T) ..F Z=1:1:8-(STOP-START+1+ZZ) D Q:X=0 ...S DD=STOP-START+1+ZZ+Z ...I T+Z'>96 S X=$E(W,T+Z) ...E S X=$E(W2,T-96+Z) ...I "123m"[X,$E($G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",$S(T+Z'>96:+OT,1:OT+1),"HOL")),$S(T+Z'>96:T+Z,1:T-96+Z))=1 S X=0 ; HX becomes time off ...Q ..S Z=ZZ+Z-(X=0&Z) ..I STOP-START+1+Z<8 D ...I TYP["W",$E($P(PEROT(H),"^",3))'="E"&($G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",$P(PEROT(H),"^",1),"OFF"))=0) S TOUR=$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",$P(PEROT(H),"^",1),"TOUR")) ...S D=+OT,P=$S($E($P(PEROT(H),"^",3))'="E":TOUR+19,1:7),Y=8-(STOP-START+1+Z) ...; ...I TYP["P",TYP'["B",P'=7,'+NAWS D ....I $P($G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",$P(PEROT(H),"^",1),"OFF")),"^",1)=1&(TH(WEEK)'>160) S Y=0 Q ....I $P(C0,"^",12)="E" S P=$S($L($TR(W,"0O"))>31&(TH(WEEK)'>160):TOUR+25,1:P) D:Y SET S Y=$S(TH(WEEK)'>160:Y,1:0) S P=9 D:Y SET S Y=0 ...I $P(C0,"^",12)="N",P'=7 S P=$S($L($TR(W,"0O"))>31:TOUR+15,1:P) D:Y SET S Y=0 ...D:Y&('+NAWS) SET ...; ...I +NAWS D Q ; Checks for just the AWS nurses ....N CNT,HT,I ....S CNT=Y,Y=1,HT=$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",D,"HT")) ....F I=1:1:CNT D .....I HT'<32 S P=$S(P'=7:TOUR+15,1:P) D SET1 Q ; DA/DE or CE/CT .....I TH($S(+OT>7:2,1:1))'<160 S P=$S(P'=7:TOUR+19,1:P) D SET1 Q ; OA/OE or CE/CT .....I HT<32,TH($S(+OT>7:2,1:1))<160 S P=9 D SET1 Q ; UN/US ..Q .Q F X="OT","DA","UN","CT" D ; store FF OT into WK array .N Y S P=$S(X="OT":TOUR+19,X="DA"&$E(ENT,TOUR+18):TOUR+15,X="DA":TOUR+19,X="CT":TOUR+6,1:9) .F D=0:0 S D=$O(@(X_"("_D_")")) Q:D'>0 S Y=@(X_"("_D_")") D SET .Q ; ; check/adjust night differential granted for leave D LVND Q SET ; Set sleep time into WK array Q:D<1!(D>14) S WEEK=$S(D>7:2,1:1) S $P(WK(WEEK),"^",P)=$P(WK(WEEK),"^",P)+Y Q ; SET1 ; Set sleep time into WK array Q:D<1!(D>14) S WEEK=$S(D>7:2,1:1) S $P(WK(WEEK),"^",P)=$P(WK(WEEK),"^",P)+Y Q:(HT>32)&(TH(WEEK)<160)&(NH<320)&($E(ENT,19)=1) Q:(HT>32)&(TH(WEEK)<160)&(NH=320)&($E(ENT,19)=1)&($E(AC,2)=2) ; 9month AWS S HT=HT+1,TH(WEEK)=TH(WEEK)+1 S ^TMP($J,"PRS8",D,"HT")=^TMP($J,"PRS8",D,"HT")+1 Q ; OTNXTPP(DAY,CALLBK,EMPNM,PPIEN,TLU) ; ;OT or CT connects to a tour of duty in the next pay period. ;JAH-patch PRS*4*22 ;If OT or CT are worked in last 2 hours of pay period & 1st day ;of next pay period is missing a tour beginning at midnight, send ;a bulletin warning that call back will be paid unless corrective ;action is taken. ;(i.e a nurse comes in before midnight on last saturday of ;pay period & works for a period less than 2 hrs. before her tour ;that begins at midnight on Sunday, first day of the next pp) ; ; CALLBK = start and stop position in 96 char BCD string. ; RECORD = pointer from employee's tour info to a record ; in tour of duty file. ; DAY = day of the pay period ; D1NXTPP = BOOLEAN; set to true if tour on day 1 of next pay period ; begins at midnight, otherwise false ; NEXTP = next pay period in 97-05 format. ; CURP = current pay period in 99-02 format. ; TLU = 3 digit time & leave unit of employee. N D1NXTPP,RECORD,CURP,NEXTP,XMDUZ,XMB,XMY,XMDUZ S (RTN,D1NXTPP)=0 S RECORD=$P($G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",15,0)),"^",2) I RECORD'="" S D1NXTPP=($P($G(^PRST(457.1,RECORD,1)),"^")="MID") I (DAY=14)&($P(CALLBK,"^",2)=96) D . I (D1NXTPP) S RTN=1 . E D .. S CURP=$P($G(^PRST(458,PPIEN,0)),"^",1) .. S NXTP=$E($$NXTPP^PRSAPPU(CURP),3,7) ..; Send bulletin to G.PAD .. S XMY("G.PAD@"_^XMB("NETNAME"))="" .. S XMDUZ="DHCP PAID package" .. S XMB="PRS LAST SAT OT/CT" ..; ..; employee name, pay period number, next pay period .. S XMB(1)=EMPNM,XMB(2)=CURP,XMB(3)=NXTP,XMB(4)=TLU .. D ^XMB Q RTN ; LVND ; Leave Night Differential ; back out ND granted for leave if employee took 8 or more hrs of leave ; a non-wage grade employee can receive night differential when ; on leave as long as the employee has taken less than 8 hours of ; leave during the pay period. ; input (note: units are count of 15min time segments): ; LU - leave taken during pay period (set in PRS8AC, PRS8MT) ; WK(#) - piece 10 contains total shift-2 ND for week # ; WKL(#) - ND granted for leave during week # (set in PRS8PP) ; output: ; WK(#) - piece 10 may be modified ; WKL(#) - may be modified N W Q:TYP["W" ; Doesn't apply to Wage Grade Q:LU'>31 ; Didn't take 8hrs of leave F W=1,2 D ; For each week subtract leave ND from total ND . Q:'WKL(W) ; No leave ND to subtract . I +NAWS'=36 S $P(WK(W),"^",10)=$P(WK(W),"^",10)-WKL(W) ; Subtract . ; For 36/40 AWS subtract time from Night Differential-AWS (piece 51) . I +NAWS=36 S $P(WK(W),"^",51)=$P(WK(W),"^",51)-WKL(W) . S WKL(W)=0 ; Reset leave ND amount Q