2 | ;;4.0;PAID;**56,68,111**;Sep 21, 1995;Build 2
3 | ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified.
4 | ;
5 | ; This routine may automatically charge days to WP (leave without pay)
6 | ; if the employee has not performed any duty during the week. This
7 | ; routine is only called for employees on a daily tour.
8 | ; The software does not automatically charge NP (Non Pay) since the
9 | ; effective start or end day may be on a day off such that an entire
10 | ; week should not be charged to NP.
11 | ;
12 | ; This routine is called from PRS8MSC0.
13 | ;
14 | NODUTY ;
15 | ; inputs
16 | ; PY - pay period IEN
17 | ; DFN - employee IEN
18 | ;
20 | ;
21 | ; loop thru both weeks in pay period
22 | F WEEK=1,2 D
23 | . ; init week counts and list of days that could be charged
24 | . S (DW,DW("WP"),DW("NP"),DW("HX"),DO("CP"))=0
25 | . K CHGDAY
26 | . ;
27 | . ; loop thru days in week
28 | . I WEEK=1 S START=1,END=7
29 | . I WEEK=2 S START=8,END=14
30 | . F DY=START:1:END D
31 | . . ; get tour and how day was charged
32 | . . S TOD=$P($G(^PRST(458,PY,"E",DFN,"D",DY,0)),U,2)
33 | . . S EXC=$P($G(^PRST(458,PY,"E",DFN,"D",DY,2)),U,3)
34 | . . ; update if day charged differently due to encapsulation
35 | . . I $D(^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,2,0)) S EXC=^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,2,0)
36 | . . ;
37 | . . ; update week counts for the day
38 | . . I TOD>1 D ; scheduled work day
39 | . . . S DW=DW+1
40 | . . . I EXC="WP" S DW("WP")=DW("WP")+1
41 | . . . I EXC="NP" S DW("NP")=DW("NP")+1
42 | . . . I EXC="HX" S DW("HX")=DW("HX")+1,CHGDAY(DY)="" ; add HX to list
43 | . . I TOD=1 D ; day off
44 | . . . I EXC="CP" S DO("CP")=DO("CP")+1
45 | . . . I EXC="" S CHGDAY(DY)="" ; add not charged day off to list
46 | . ;
47 | . ; if all work days were counted as a combination of WP, NP, and HX
48 | . ; and at least one day was counted as WP and no days off were counted
49 | . ; as CP then automatically charge appropriate remaining days to WP.
50 | . I DW("WP")+DW("NP")+DW("HX")'<DW,DW("WP")>0,DO("CP")=0 D
51 | . . D SET^PRS8EX0(DFN,PY,"WP",3,.CHGDAY)
52 | ;
53 | Q