PRS8TL1 ;HISC/MRL-DECOMPOSITION, SELECTIVE T&L, CONT. ;2/26/93 14:35 ;;4.0;PAID;;Sep 21, 1995 ; ;This routine is a continuation of PRS8TL. This portion of the ;routine actually loops through file 450 and locates the entries ;identified by the user. If the user has decided to only show ;the information currently stored it is located in file 458 and ;displayed. If decomposition has been selected and the record has ;not yet been transmitted the record will be decomposed and then ;the information (old and new) will be displayed. ; ;Called by Routines: PRS8TL ; D TOP F TLU2=0:0 S NAME=$O(^PRSPC("ATL"_TLU,NAME)),DFN=0 Q:NAME=""!(PRS8("QUIT")) D .F TLU3=0:0 S DFN=$O(^PRSPC("ATL"_TLU,NAME,DFN)) Q:'DFN!(PRS8("QUIT")) D W ! ..S X=$G(IOSL) S:'X X=24 S X=X-8 I $Y>X,'PRS8("QUIT") D TOP ..Q:PRS8("QUIT") ..S X=$G(^PRST(458,+PY,"E",+DFN,0)) I X="" Q ;no record for this pp ..W !,$E($P(NAME,",",1)_","_$E($P(NAME,",",2)),1,25) ..S X1=$P($G(^PRSPC(+DFN,0)),"^",9) I X1="" S X1="XXXXXXXXX" ..W ?30,$E(X1,1,3)_"-"_$E(X1,4,5)_"-"_$E(X1,6,9) ..S X1=$P(X,"^",2) ..W ?45,$S(X1="P":"Released to Payroll",X1="X":"Transmitted to Austin",1:"T&L still updating Record") ..I X1="" W !?6,"|OLD| Record has not been released to Payroll...Cannot Decompose..." Q ..S VALUE=$G(^PRST(458,+PY,"E",+DFN,5)) ..W !?6,"|OLD| ",$S(VALUE'="":VALUE,1:"No Decomposition currently on File") ..Q:SHOW ..I X1="X"!(VALUE'=""&('DECOM)) W !?6,"|NEW| " D Q ...I X1="X" W "Record already Transmitted...Cannot update Decomposition..." Q ...W "Record already decomposed ...Not updated per user..." ..D UP ..S VALUE(1)=$G(^PRST(458,+PY,"E",+DFN,5)) ..W !?6,"|NEW| ",$S(VALUE(1)=VALUE:" ",1:"*"),VALUE(1) Q ; UP ; --- decompose S PPI=PY N PRS8,SHOW,VALUE,PY S (SEE,SHOW)=0,SAVE=1 D ONE^PRS8 Q ; TOP ; --- Top of Form S PRS8("PAGE")=PRS8("PAGE")+1 I PRS8("PAGE")>1 D .F I=$Y:1:(IOSL)-6 W ! .D BOT I PRS8("QUIT") Q W @IOF S X="Decomposition Report for T&L '"_TLU_"'" D CTR S X="Pay Period "_PY(0) D CTR W !!,"Employee Name",?30,"SSN",?45,"Current T&A Status",! S X="",$P(X,"-",(IOM-1))="" W X Q ; BOT ; --- bottom of form I IOST["C-" D Q .R !!,"Press to Continue, Enter '^' to QUIT: ",X:DTIME .I X["^"!('$T) S PRS8("QUIT")=1 S X="",$P(X,"=",(IOM-1))="" W !!,X W !,PRS8("WHO") S X="Page "_PRS8("PAGE") D CTR1 W ?(IOM-($L(PRS8("DATE"))+2)),PRS8("DATE"),! Q ; COVER ; --- cover page D NOW^%DTC S Y=% X ^DD("DD") S PRS8("DATE")=Y S X=$P($G(^VA(200,+$G(DUZ),0)),"^",1) ;user S PRS8("WHO")=$S(X'="":X,1:"REQUESTOR UNKNOWN") S (PRS8("PAGE"),PRS8("QUIT"))=0 I IOST["C-" Q F I=1:1:10 W ! S X="D E C O M P O S I T I O N A C T I V I T Y R E P O R T" D CTR F I=1:1:5 W ! S X="Date/Time Started",X1=PRS8("DATE") D FORM S X="User Initiating Report",X1=PRS8("WHO") D FORM W !!! S X="S E A R C H P A R A M E T E R S" D CTR W !! S X="Report is Run for Pay Period",X1=PY(0) D FORM S X="Decompose or Show Data",X1=$S(SHOW:"SHOW",1:"DECOMPOSE") D FORM I 'SHOW S X=$S(DECOM:"",1:"*")_"Decompose All Records",X1=$S(DECOM:"YES",1:"NO") D FORM S X="Process All Records",X1=$S($O(TLU(0))]"":"NO",1:"YES") D FORM I $O(TLU(0))]"" D .W ! S X="The following T&L's are processed in this Report:",X1="" D CTR .S X="",CT=0,J="" F I=0:0 S J=$O(TLU(J)) Q:J="" D ..S CT=CT+1 I (CT*10)>(IOM-10) S CT=1 D CTR S X="" ..S X=X_J_" " .D CTR:X'="" W !! S X="",$P(X,80)="" D CTR S X="NOTE: Records which have not been released to Payroll are never Decomposed." D CTR S X="Additionally, records which have been Transmitted to Austin are not Decomposed." D CTR Q:DECOM!SHOW W ! S X="* You have chosen the feature which will not initiate a decomposition run for" D CTR S X="any record already having been previously decomposed. " D CTR Q ; FORM ; --- format X and X1 then fall into CTR (Center) S X=$E(X_"...............................",1,50)_" " S X1=$E(X1,1,20),X1=$J(X1,10),X=X_X1 ; CTR ; --- center W ! ; CTR1 ; --- center but don't write line feed W ?(IOM-$L(X)\2),X K X,X1 Q