PRS8VW1 ;HISC/MRL-DECOMPOSITION, VIEW RESULTS, CONT. ;01/23/07 ;;4.0;PAID;**6,35,45,69,112**;Sep 21, 1995;Build 54 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ;This routine is used to view the results of the decomposition. ;It is a continuation of routine ^PRS8VW. ; ;See routine PRS8VW2 at label TYP for type of time ;text displayed from this routine. ; ;Called by Routines: PRS8VW1 ; S CHECK=0 ; EN ; --- entry point from PRS8CK1 S E=E(1),W="Wk-1",LOC=1 D SHOW S E=E(2),W="Wk-2",LOC=2 D SHOW S E=E(3),W="Misc",LOC=0 D SHOW I 'CHECK,"C"'[$E(IOST) D .W !,DASH1 .W !,TR K %,CHECK,D,E,I,L,LOC,USED,W,X,Y Q ; SHOW ; --- show information F I=1:2 S X=$E(E,I,I+1) Q:X="" D .I $D(USED(X)) Q .S USED(X)="" .S X(1)=$F(OLD,X),X(2)=$F(NEW,X) ; try to find time code in TT8B .I 'CHECK,'X(1),'X(2) Q ;not in either string .I CHECK S LOC(1)=(I\2+1) S:'LOC LOC(1)=LOC(1)+50 D ..S FOUND(LOC(1))=$G(FOUND(LOC(1))) ..S $P(FOUND(LOC(1)),"^",$S(LOC<2:1,1:4))=X .S Y=$P($T(@($E(X)_"^PRS8VW2")),";;",2) .S Y(1)=$F(Y,$E(X,2)_":") .S Y=$P($E(Y,Y(1),999),":",1,2) .I 'CHECK W !,W,?10,$P($T(TYP+Y^PRS8VW2),";;",2),?45,X .S X=X(1),X1=52 D CON .S X=X(2),X1=67 D CON Q ; CON ; --- convert to proper format I '+X S X=$E("00000000000",1,+$P(Y,":",2)) I X,X1=52 S (X,Z)=$E(OLD,X(1),X(1)+$P(Y,":",2)-1) I X,X1=67 S:'$D(Z) Z="" S X=$E(NEW,X(2),X(2)+$P(Y,":",2)-1) I 'CHECK W ?X1,$J(X,9) D Q .I OLD=""!(NEW="") Q .I X1=67,Z'="",X'=Z W " *" S LOC(2)=$S(X1=52:2,1:3) I LOC=2 S LOC(2)=LOC(2)+3 S $P(FOUND(LOC(1)),"^",LOC(2))=X Q:X1'=67 I $P(FOUND(LOC(1)),"^",1)="CD" Q S S=0,X=FOUND(LOC(1)) I +$P(X,"^",2)!(+$P(X,"^",3)) S S=1 I 'S,LOC,+$P(X,"^",5)!(+$P(X,"^",6)) S S=1 I 'S,LOC'=1 K FOUND(LOC(1)) Q