PRSAOTTW ;WCIOFO/JAH-OVERTIME WARNINGS (OTW) LISTER--8/18/98 ;;4.0;PAID;**43**;Sep 21, 1995 ; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ; LISTEN ; -- main entry point for OTW LIST--called by list manager ; S PRSOUT=0 D LISPARAM(.PRSWPP,.PRSWPPI,.PRSWSTAT,.PRSOUT) Q:PRSOUT ;convert status to internal value in ot warnings file ; A = active i = inactive (b for both is not an internal status) S PRSWSTAT=$S(PRSWSTAT=1:"A",PRSWSTAT=2:"C",1:"B") ; ; Call to List Manager to run PRSA OVERTIME WARNINGS template D EN^VALM("PRSA OVERTIME WARNINGS") Q ; ; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ; LISPARAM(PP,PPI,STAT,USEROUT) ; ;Ask the user if they want the list to contain 1 or all pay peroids ;and whether they want to see cleared, active or all warnings. N DIR,DIRUT,X,Y S USEROUT=0 S DIR(0)="S^1:select a pay period;2:all pay periods" D ^DIR S PP=Y I $D(DIRUT) S USEROUT=1 Q ; ; get pp if user chose a single pp I PP=1 D . S DIC="^PRST(458,",DIC(0)="AEMNQ" D ^DIC . S PPI=+Y ; ;Prompt user for type of warnings to display I Y'>0 S USEROUT=1 Q N DIR,X,Y,DIRUT S DIR(0)="S^1:Active Warnings;2:Cleared Warnings;3:Active & Cleared" D BLDHLP,^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S USEROUT=1 Q S STAT=Y Q ; ; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ; BLDHLP ; N I,TXT S DIR("?")=" Enter 1, 2, 3 or '^' to exit." F I=1:1 S TXT=$P($T(HLPTXT+I),";;",2) Q:TXT="" S DIR("?",I)=TXT Q HLPTXT ; ;; Overtime Warnings occur when an employee has more ;; overtime in their TT8B string than approved overtime in the ;; overtime requests file. Normally, a warning becomes ACTIVE when a ;; timecard is certified that will result in unapproved overtime ;; being paid. If corrective action is taken payroll may then ;; CLEAR the overtime warning. Although CLEARED warnings may be ;; viewed through this option they WILL NO LONGER appear on the Pay ;; Period Exceptions report. ACTIVE warnings will appear on the ;; exceptions report. ;; Q ; ; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ; HDR ; -- header code ; All pperiods. I PRSWPP=2 D . I PRSWSTAT="C" S VALMHDR(1)="Cleared for all pay periods" . I PRSWSTAT="A" S VALMHDR(1)="Active for all pay periods" . I PRSWSTAT="B" S VALMHDR(1)="Active & cleared for all pay periods." ; I PRSWPP=1 D . I PRSWSTAT="C" S VALMHDR(1)="Cleared for single pay period" . I PRSWSTAT="A" S VALMHDR(1)="Active for single pay period" . I PRSWSTAT="B" S VALMHDR(1)="Active & cleared for a single pay period" Q ; ; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ; INIT ; -- init variables and list array ; This entry point is called from list manager ; N IEN,PPE,WK,OT8B,OTAP,COUNT S U="^" K ^TMP("PRSAOTW",$J) S LIST=0,NUMBER=0 D CLEAN^VALM10 S COUNT=0,NUMBER="" ; ;loop adds list items if user chose active OR inactive & all pperiods. I PRSWPP=2,PRSWSTAT'="B" D .F S NUMBER=$O(^PRST(458.6,"E",PRSWSTAT,NUMBER)) Q:NUMBER="" D .. D LISITEM(NUMBER,.COUNT) ; ;loop adds list items if user chose active OR inactive & 1 pperiod ; I PRSWPP=1,PRSWSTAT'="B" D .S NUMBER=0 .F S NUMBER=$O(^PRST(458.6,"C",PRSWPPI,NUMBER)) Q:NUMBER="" D .. I $D(^PRST(458.6,"E",PRSWSTAT,NUMBER)) D LISITEM(NUMBER,.COUNT) ; ;loop adds list items if user chose active & inactive & 1 pperiod ; I PRSWPP=1,PRSWSTAT="B" D .S NUMBER=0 .F S NUMBER=$O(^PRST(458.6,"C",PRSWPPI,NUMBER)) Q:NUMBER="" D .. D LISITEM(NUMBER,.COUNT) ; ;loop adds list items if user chose active & inactive & all pperiods. ; I PRSWPP=2,PRSWSTAT="B" D .;1st loop through 4 digit year pp x-ref .S PRSWPPI="" .F S PRSWPPI=$O(^PRST(458.6,"D",PRSWPPI)) Q:PRSWPPI']"" D .. S NUMBER=0 .. F S NUMBER=$O(^PRST(458.6,"D",PRSWPPI,NUMBER)) Q:NUMBER'>0 D ... D LISITEM(NUMBER,.COUNT) ; S VALMCNT=COUNT Q ; ; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ; LISITEM(IEN,COUNT) ;ADD A SINGLE ITEM TO OT WARNINGS LIST N PPI,PPE,EMP,WK,OT8B,OTAP,STAT,TL,CLEARER S COUNT=COUNT+1 ; ;get fields from a record in the ot warnings file ; S PPI=$P($G(^PRST(458.6,IEN,0)),U,3) ; Pay per ien S PPE=$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,0)),U) ; pay per ext format S EMP=$P($G(^PRST(458.6,IEN,0)),U,2) ; employee ien in 450 S EMP=$P($G(^PRSPC(EMP,0)),U),TL=$P(^(0),U,8) ; name and t&l unit S WK=$P($G(^PRST(458.6,IEN,0)),U,4) ; week 1 or 2 of pay per S OT8B=" "_$P($G(^PRST(458.6,IEN,0)),U,8) ; all ot in 8b string S OTAP=" "_$P($G(^PRST(458.6,IEN,0)),U,9) ; all ot in request file S STAT=$P($G(^PRST(458.6,IEN,0)),U,5) ; status of warning S STAT=$S(STAT="A":"Active",1:"Cleared") S CLEARER=$P($G(^PRST(458.6,IEN,0)),U,6) ; clearer 450 IEN I CLEARER S CLEARER=$P($G(^VA(200,CLEARER,0)),U) ; clearer 450 name ; ;Build one line (X) for list manager containing a warning. ; 3rd parameter is name of field on List Template ; S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1(COUNT,"","NUMBER") S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1(PPE,X,"PAY PERIOD") S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1(WK,X,"WEEK") S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1(EMP,X,"EMPLOYEE") S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1(TL,X,"TL") S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1(STAT,X,"STATUS") S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1(OT8B,X,"OT8B") S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1(OTAP,X,"OTAP") S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1(CLEARER,X,"UPDATER") D SET^VALM10(COUNT,X,COUNT) ; ; save the ien of the record in the list global for easier ; reference to the acutal data. ; S ^TMP("PRSAOTW",$J,COUNT)=IEN Q ; ; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ; PRSIEN() ;RETURN PAID IEN FROM 450 BASED ON DUZ. N SSN ; S PRSIEN="" Q:'DUZ PRSIEN ; S SSN=$P($G(^VA(200,DUZ,1)),"^",9) I SSN'="" S PRSIEN=$O(^PRSPC("SSN",SSN,0)) S:PRSIEN'>0 PRSIEN="" Q PRSIEN ; ; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ; CLEAR ; Clear an OT warning. This code called when a user running the ; OT warnings option selects clear OT warnings protocol. ; N PRSCREC,PRSCLCNT,PRSELECT,PRSNOCL,DIE,DIR,DIRUT,PLURAL ; ;allow selection of list items in the display region. ; D EN^VALM2("","") Q:$O(VALMY(0))'>0 ; S PRSCLCNT=0,DIE="^PRST(458.6," S (PRSCREC,PRSELECT,PRSNOCL)="" F S PRSCREC=$O(VALMY(PRSCREC)) Q:PRSCREC="" D . ; . ;Get ien for 458.6 that matches the list item. . S PRSCIEN=$G(^TMP("PRSAOTW",$J,PRSCREC)) . ; . ;Get status of ot warning . S PRSCSTAT=$P($G(^PRST(458.6,PRSCIEN,0)),U,5) . ; . ;increment clearable warning count . ;& build variable of items that will be cleared . ;& highlight selected items . I PRSCSTAT="A" D .. S PRSCLCNT=PRSCLCNT+1,PRSELECT=PRSELECT_","_PRSCREC .. ; .. D CNTRL^VALM10(PRSCREC,2,$L(PRSCREC),IORVON,IORVOFF) .. D CNTRL^VALM10(PRSCREC,5,74,IOINHI,IOINORM),WRITE^VALM10(PRSCREC) ; ;strip off leading comma from clear list S PRSELECT=$P(PRSELECT,",",2,999) ; ;return to list if no active warnings selected. ; I PRSELECT="" S VALMSG="No ACTIVE warnings selected." S VALMBCK="R" Q ; ; If user wants to clear items then clear all selected. Skip any ; that r already clear & keep track of any that are locked (PRSNOCL). ; Build ListMan message w/ all unclearable records due to locks. ; S DIR(0)="YA" S PLURAL=$S($L(PRSELECT,",")<2:"entry",1:"entries") S DIR("A")="Clear "_PLURAL_" "_PRSELECT_" ?" D ^DIR I Y D . S PRSCREC=0 . F S PRSCREC=$O(VALMY(PRSCREC)) Q:PRSCREC="" D .. S PRSCIEN=$G(^TMP("PRSAOTW",$J,PRSCREC)) .. S PRSCSTAT=$P($G(^PRST(458.6,PRSCIEN,0)),U,5) .. I PRSCSTAT="A" D ... S PRSCSTAT="C" ... S DR="4///^S X=PRSCSTAT",DA=PRSCIEN ... L +^PRST(458.6,PRSCIEN):0 ... I $T D .... D ^DIE L -^PRST(458.6,PRSCIEN) ... E S PRSNOCL=PRSNOCL_" "_PRSCREC S:PRSNOCL'="" VALMSG=PRSNOCL_" NOT CLEARED. EDIT BY ANOTHER USER" ; ;whether list items cleared or not rebuild list and return ; D INIT S VALMBCK="R" Q HELP ;Help for the PRSA OVERTIME WARNINGS list template D FULL^VALM1 W !!,?2,"At the Action prompt you may enter CL or VI.",! W !,?4,"Enter CL to select any of the active overtime warnings on the" W !,?4,"screen that you wish to clear.",! W !,?4,"Enter VI to select one of the displayed warnings to view requests" W !,?4,"on file that correlate to the week and pay period of the warning." D PAUSE^VALM1 D RE^VALM4 Q