PRSARPT2 ; HISC/FPT-Un-Transmitted Employees Report ;8/14/95 12:03 ;;4.0;PAID;;Sep 21, 1995 ; ; IEN = employee's internal entry number (file 450) ; NAME = employee's name ; PAGE = page number of report ; PP = pay period ; PPIEN = pay period internal entry number (file 458) ; STATUS = 8b record status ; TL = time and leave unit ; YN = variable to stop terminal scrolling ; K DIC S DIC="^PRST(458,",DIC(0)="AEMQZ" S PPIEN=$P($G(^PRST(458,0)),U,3) I PPIEN<1 D KILL Q S DIC("B")=$P(^PRST(458,PPIEN,0),U,1) D ^DIC K DIC I +Y<1 D KILL Q S PPIEN=+Y R0 R !!,"Select T&L Unit (or ALL): ",X:DTIME G:'$T!("^"[X) KILL S X=$TR(X,"al","AL") I X="ALL" S TLE="" E K DIC S DIC="^PRST(455.5,",DIC(0)="EMQ" D ^DIC G KILL:$D(DTOUT),R0:Y<1 S TLE=$P(Y,"^",2) K %ZIS S %ZIS="MQ" W ! D ^%ZIS I POP D KILL Q I $D(IO("Q")) S ZTDESC="8B Un-Transmitted Employees List",ZTRTN="PRINT^PRSARPT2",ZTSAVE("PPIEN")="",ZTSAVE("TLE")="" D ^%ZTLOAD D KILL,HOME^%ZIS Q U IO D PRINT D ^%ZISC KILL K %,%ZIS,DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,IEN,NAME,PAGE,POP,PP,PPIEN,STATUS,TL,TLE,X,Y,YN,ZTDESC,ZTREQ,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,ZTSTOP Q PRINT ; print report I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" S PAGE=0,PP=$P(^PRST(458,PPIEN,0),U),YN="" D HEADER I TLE'="" S ATL="ATL"_TLE,TL=TLE G P1 S ATL="ATL00" F S ATL=$O(^PRSPC(ATL)) Q:ATL'?1"ATL".E!(YN="^") S TL=$E(ATL,4,6) D P1 Q P1 S NAME="" F S NAME=$O(^PRSPC(ATL,NAME)) Q:NAME=""!(YN="^") S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(^PRSPC(ATL,NAME,IEN)) Q:IEN<1!(YN="^") D .S STATUS=$P($G(^PRST(458,PPIEN,"E",IEN,0)),"^",2) .Q:"X"[STATUS .I $Y>(IOSL-4) D:IOST?1."C".E SCROLL D:$D(ZTQUEUED) STOPCHK Q:YN["^" D HEADER .W !,$P($G(^PRSPC(IEN,0)),"^",1),?35,TL,?46,$S(STATUS="T":"Timekeeper",STATUS="P":"Payroll",1:"") Q HEADER ; page/screen header W:$Y>0 @IOF S PAGE=PAGE+1 D NOW^%DTC S Y=% X ^DD("DD") W !!,"Un-Transmitted Employees for ",PP,?46,Y,?70,"Page ",PAGE W !,"NAME",?35,"T&L",?46,"STATUS" W !,$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("-",79) Q SCROLL ; screen hold K DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR S:$D(DIRUT)!(Y=0) YN="^" Q STOPCHK ; check for user request to stop a background print job I $$S^%ZTLOAD S ZTSTOP=1,YN="^" K ZTREQ W !?10,"*** Output stopped at user's request ***" Q