PRSATP6 ;HISC/MGD-Timekeeper Post Absence ;04/18/06 ;;4.0;PAID;**102,108**;Sep 21, 1995 ; DBH(PPIP,DFN,WDAY,DBH,QUIT) ; ; Find Day Before Holiday ; Input: ; PPIP - IEN of pay period to check ; DFN - IEN of employee to check ; WDAY - Day to start looping from ; DAH - Null ; QUIT - Null ; ; Output: ; DAH - PPIP^WDAY^Type of non-pay ; QUIT - Will be set to 1 if the holiday encapsulation ; rules are broken ; N DADRFM,EDATA,EEND,EIN,EINDX,ETOT,NODE0,NODE1,NODE2,NODE4 N TEND,TINDX,TOUR1,TOUR2,REGHRS1,REGHRS2 N PT,PE,PO,PC ; New ordered arrays S NODE0=$G(^PRST(458,PPIP,"E",DFN,"D",WDAY,0)) I NODE0="" S QUIT=1 Q ; Corrupted data S NODE2=$G(^PRST(458,PPIP,"E",DFN,"D",WDAY,2)) ; ; Skip Days off Q:$P(NODE0,U,2)=1 ; ; Check for tours with no regular hours S TOUR1=+$P(NODE0,U,2),TOUR2=+$P(NODE0,U,13) S REGHRS1=$P($G(^PRST(457.1,TOUR1,0)),U,6) S REGHRS2=$S(TOUR2:$P($G(^PRST(457.1,TOUR2,0)),U,6),1:"") Q:$P(NODE0,U,2)'=2&($P(NODE0,U,2)'=3)&(REGHRS1+REGHRS2=0) ; ; If the day has a tour that defines work and there are no exceptions ; encapsulation is broken I $P(NODE0,U,2)>1,NODE2'["NP",NODE2'["WP" S QUIT=1 Q ; ; Checks for employees with DAILY tours I $P(NODE0,U,2)=2!($P(NODE0,U,2)=3) S DBH=PPIP_U_DFN_U_$P(NODE2,U,3) Q ; ; Load tours and convert to numeric equivalents ; This creates the ordered arrays S DADRFM=1 S NODE1=$G(^PRST(458,PPIP,"E",DFN,"D",WDAY,1)) D CNV96^PRSATP5(.NODE1,3,"PT",NODE0,.DADRFM) S NODE4=$G(^PRST(458,PPIP,"E",DFN,"D",WDAY,4)) I NODE4'="" D CNV96^PRSATP5(.NODE4,3,"PT",NODE0,.DADRFM) D CNV96^PRSATP5(.NODE2,4,"PE",NODE0,.DADRFM) ; ; Identify end of tour S TINDX="",TINDX=$O(PT(TINDX),-1) S TEND=$P(PT(TINDX),U,2) ; ; Loop backwards through ordered exceptions to see if last 15 ; minutes of tour was non-pay S (EINDX,EDATA)="" F EIN=1:1:7 D Q:QUIT!(EINDX="")!(DBH'="") . S EINDX=$O(PE(EINDX),-1) . Q:EINDX="" . S EDATA=PE(EINDX),EEND=$P(EDATA,U,2),ETOT=$P(EDATA,U,3) . Q:EEND'=TEND ; not last 15 minutes . I ETOT'="NP"&(ETOT'="WP") S QUIT=1 Q ; last 15 wasn't non-pay . S DBH=PPIP_U_WDAY_U_ETOT I DBH="" S QUIT=1 Q