PRSEPOL0 ;HISC/DAD,MD-OLDE TRAINING CODING REPORT ;3/31/94 ;;4.0;PAID;;Sep 21, 1995 EN1 ; ENTRY POINT FROM OPTION S X=$G(^PRSE(452.7,1,"OFF")) I X=""!(X=1) D MSG6^PRSEMSG Q D EN2^PRSEUTL3($G(DUZ)) I PRSESER'>0,'(DUZ(0)="@") D MSG3^PRSEMSG S PRSEQUIT=1 G EXIT K PSP,PSPC S PSPC=PRSESER,PSPC("TX")=PRSESER("TX"),PSP=0 I (DUZ(0)["@"!(+$$EN4^PRSEUTL3($G(DUZ)))) D G:PRSEQUIT EXIT . K POUT D EN3^PRSEUTL1 S PRSEQUIT=$S($D(POUT):1,1:0) . S PSP=+$G(PSP),PSPC("TX")=$G(PSPC),PSPC=+$G(PSPC(1)) . Q I PSP S PRSESEL="A" G CONT SELECT K DIR S DIR(0)="SO^A:(A)ll Employees For a Service;S:(S)elected Service Employees",DIR("A")="Select ASSIGNMENT OPTION" D ^DIR S PRSESEL=Y I $D(DIRUT) S PRSEQUIT=1 G EXIT I PRSESEL="S" W ! K PRSEXMY F S Y=-1 W !,$S($O(PRSEXMY(0))>0:"Select Another Employee: ",1:"Select EMPLOYEE: ") R X:DTIME S:'$T X="^^" S:X="" Y="" Q:"^^"[X D Q:(Y<0) . I X["?" D .. D MSG21^PRSEMSG I '($O(PRSEXMY(0))>0) S Y=1 .. I Y'=1 D MSG2^PRSEMSG S Y=1 .. Q . S PRSEN=0 S:"'-"[$E(X) X=$E(X,2,999),PRSEN=1 . S DIC("S")="I $P($G(^PRSPC(+Y,1)),U,33)'=""Y"",$S($G(PSPC)&($G(PSPC(""TX""))=$$EN2^PRSEUTL4(+$G(Y))):1,1:"""")" . S DIC="^PRSPC(",DIC(0)="ZEQ" D ^DIC K DIC I Y'>0,X]"" S Y=0 Q . I Y>0,PRSEN W $S($D(PRSEXMY(+Y)):" Deleted.",1:" Not selected.") K PRSEXMY(+Y) Q . S (X,PRSEXMY(+Y))="" . Q I PRSESEL="S",'$D(PRSEXMY) S PRSEQUIT=1 G EXIT CONT ; K POUT S DATSEL="N+" D DATSEL^PRSEUTL I $D(POUT) S PRSEQUIT=1 G EXIT K DIR S DIR(0)="SOM^C:Complete records;I:Incomplete records;" S DIR("A")="Select records to print" S DIR("?",1)="'Complete' will only print those records with full OLDE data." S DIR("?",2)="'Incomplete' will only print those records without full OLDE data." S DIR("?")=" Enter either 'Complete' or 'Incomplete'." D ^DIR S PRSETYPE=Y I $D(DIRUT) S PRSEQUIT=1 G EXIT DEV ; S ZTRTN="ENTSK^PRSEPOL1" S (ZTSAVE("PSP"),ZTSAVE("PRSESEL"),ZTSAVE("PRSEXMY("),ZTSAVE("PSPC("),ZTSAVE("PYR"),ZTSAVE("TYP"),ZTSAVE("YRST("),ZTSAVE("YREND("),ZTSAVE("PSPC"),ZTSAVE("YRST"),ZTSAVE("YREND"),ZTSAVE("PRSETYPE"))="" S ZTDESC="Education Tracking report for OLDE training coding input" K %ZIS,IOP D DEV^PRSEUTL G:POP!($D(ZTSK)) EXIT D ENTSK^PRSEPOL1 EXIT ; S POUT=$G(PRSEQUIT) D CLOSE^PRSEUTL K ^TMP("PRSE",$J) D ^PRSEKILL Q