PRSPEAA ;WOIFO/SAB - Ext. Absence Autopost for PT Physician ;4/6/2005 ;;4.0;PAID;**93**;Sep 21, 1995;Build 7 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. Q ; PEAPP(PRSIEN,PPI,DAYN) ; Post Extended Absences for a Pay Period (or day) ; This API auto posts all extended absences for a specific employee ; and pay period. It is called during the creation of an employee time ; card when a new pay period is opened or when an employee timecard is ; added to an existing pay period. ; ; Input ; PRSIEN - Employee IEN (file 450), should be PTP with active memo ; PPI - Pay Period IEN (file 458) ; DAYN - (optional) Day # within PPI to only post that day ; ; Note: Timecard is assumed to be locked prior to calling this API. ; N EAIEN,EAY0,PEREND,PERSTR,PPD1,PPD14,PRSX,TDT,Y S DAYN=$G(DAYN) ; ; Determine pay period dates S Y=$G(^PRST(458,PPI,1)) S PRSX=$S(DAYN:DAYN,1:1) ; if passed use day# instead of 1st day in PP S PPD1=$P(Y,U,PRSX) ; 1st day of PP S PRSX=$S(DAYN:DAYN,1:14) ; if passed use day# instead of last day in PP S PPD14=$P(Y,U,PRSX) ; Last day of PP K PRSX Q:PPD1="" ;Q:PPD14
PPD14 ; skip if start date after pay period . . Q:$P(EAY0,U,6)'="A" ; skip if status not active . . ; . . ; extended absence overlaps the pay period . . ; determine start and end dates to post as absence . . ; period end is lesser of absence to date and PP end . . S PEREND=$S($P(EAY0,U,2)PPD1:$P(EAY0,U),1:PPD1) . . ;I PERSTR
S1 D . S X1=S1 . S X2=$S(E1<(S2-1):E1,1:S2-1) . D UEA(PRSIEN,X1,X2) ; ; if new end is greater than old end then days from greater of old ; end+1 and new start to new end were changed from not covered to ; covered. I E2>E1 D . S X1=$S(E1+1>S2:E1+1,1:S2) . S X2=E2 . D PEA(PRSIEN,X1,X2) ; ; if new end is less than old end then days from greater of new end+1 ; and old start to old end were changed from covered to not covered. I E2S1:E2+1,1:S1) . S X2=E1 . D UEA(PRSIEN,X1,X2) ; Q ; PEA(PRSIEN,PERSTR,PEREND) ; Post Extended Absence ; Called during open next pay period process (by PEAPP above) to post ; one extended absence to a single pay period. ; Called by Enter option to post one new extended absence to all ; opened pay periods. ; Called by Edit option (by CEA above) to post one extended ; absence to all opened pay periods when an extended absence is ; edited such that some days originally not covered by the absence ; are now covered. ; Input ; PRSIEN - Employee IEN (file 450) ; PERSTR - Start of absence period to post (FileMan date) ; PEREND - End of absence period to post (FileMan date) ; Output ; None ; ; Note: All applicable timecards are assumed to be locked prior to ; calling this API. ; Q:('$G(PRSIEN))!($G(PERSTR)'?7N)!($G(PEREND)'?7N) ; required inputs N D1,DAY,EPP4Y,PP4Y,PPDN,PPDNB,PPDTB,PPDNE,PPDTE,PPE,PPI,PRSFDA,SPP4Y,Y ; ; determine starting and ending pay periods S D1=PERSTR D PP^PRSAPPU S SPP4Y=PP4Y S D1=PEREND D PP^PRSAPPU S EPP4Y=PP4Y Q:SPP4Y="" Q:EPP4Y="" ; ; loop thru pay periods S PP4Y=$O(^PRST(458,"AB",SPP4Y),-1) ; set initial value to previous PP F S PP4Y=$O(^PRST(458,"AB",PP4Y)) Q:PP4Y=""!(PP4Y]EPP4Y) D . S PPI=$O(^PRST(458,"AB",PP4Y,0)) . ; quit if pay period not covered by memo . S D1=$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,1)),U) . Q:$$MIEN^PRSPUT1(PRSIEN,D1)'>0 . ; . ; determine begin and end day numbers within pay period . S Y=$G(^PRST(458,PPI,1)) . ; begin day is greater of period start date and 1st PP day . S PPDTB=$S($P(Y,U,1)>PERSTR:$P(Y,U,1),1:PERSTR) . S PPDNB=$P($G(^PRST(458,"AD",PPDTB)),U,2) ; begin day number in PP . ; end day is lesser of period end date and last PP day . S PPDTE=$S(PEREND>$P(Y,U,14):$P(Y,U,14),1:PEREND) . S PPDNE=$P($G(^PRST(458,"AD",PPDTE)),U,2) ; end day number in PP . ; . ; loop thru applicable days in PP . S PPDN=PPDNB-1 ; initial PP day number for loop . F S PPDN=$O(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,"D",PPDN)) Q:'PPDN!(PPDN>PPDNE) D . . ; skip day if not a scheduled tour . . Q:$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,"D",PPDN,1)),U)="" . . ; skip day if regular time already posted to ESR . . Q:$G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,"D",PPDN,5))["RG" . . ; skip day if ESR already signed or approved . . Q:"^4^5^"[(U_$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,"D",PPDN,7)),U)_U) . . ; . . ; mark ESR day as signed . . K PRSFDA . . S IENS=PPDN_","_PRSIEN_","_PPI_"," . . S PRSFDA(458.02,IENS,146)="4" ; status = signed . . S PRSFDA(458.02,IENS,147)=$$NOW^XLFDT() ; signed d/t . . S PRSFDA(458.02,IENS,149)="2" ; signed method = extended absence . . D FILE^DIE("","PRSFDA") D MSG^DIALOG() ; Q ; UEA(PRSIEN,PERSTR,PEREND) ; Unpost Extended Absence ; Called by Cancel option to unpost one new extended absence from ; opened pay periods. ; Called by Edit option (by CEA above) to unpost one extended ; absence to all opened pay periods when an extended absence is ; edited such that some days originally covered by the absence ; are now not covered. ; Input ; PRSIEN - Employee IEN (file 450) ; PERSTR - Start of absence period (FileMan date) ; PEREND - End of absence period (FileMan date) ; Output ; ; Note: All applicable timecards are assumed to be locked prior to ; calling this API. ; Q:('$G(PRSIEN))!($G(PERSTR)'?7N)!($G(PEREND)'?7N) ; required inputs N D1,DAY,EPP4Y,PP4Y,PPDN,PPDNB,PPDTB,PPDNE,PPDTE,PPE,PPI,PRSFDA,SPP4Y,Y ; ; determine starting and ending pay periods S D1=PERSTR D PP^PRSAPPU S SPP4Y=PP4Y S D1=PEREND D PP^PRSAPPU S EPP4Y=PP4Y Q:SPP4Y="" Q:EPP4Y="" ; ; loop thru pay periods S PP4Y=$O(^PRST(458,"AB",SPP4Y),-1) ; set initial value to previous PP F S PP4Y=$O(^PRST(458,"AB",PP4Y)) Q:PP4Y=""!(PP4Y]EPP4Y) D . S PPI=$O(^PRST(458,"AB",PP4Y,0)) . ; quit if pay period not covered by memo . S D1=$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,1)),U) . Q:$$MIEN^PRSPUT1(PRSIEN,D1)'>0 . ; . ; determine begin and end day numbers within pay period . S Y=$G(^PRST(458,PPI,1)) . ; begin day is greater of period start date and 1st PP day . S PPDTB=$S($P(Y,U,1)>PERSTR:$P(Y,U,1),1:PERSTR) . S PPDNB=$P($G(^PRST(458,"AD",PPDTB)),U,2) ; begin day number in PP . ; end day is lesser of period end date and last PP day . S PPDTE=$S(PEREND>$P(Y,U,14):$P(Y,U,14),1:PEREND) . S PPDNE=$P($G(^PRST(458,"AD",PPDTE)),U,2) ; end day number in PP . ; . ; loop thru applicable days in PP . S PPDN=PPDNB-1 ; initial PP day number for loop . F S PPDN=$O(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,"D",PPDN)) Q:'PPDN!(PPDN>PPDNE) D . . ; skip day if not a scheduled tour . . Q:$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,"D",PPDN,1)),U)="" . . ; skip day if regular time already posted to ESR . . Q:$G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,"D",PPDN,5))["RG" . . ; skip day if ESR not signed or approved . . Q:"^4^5^"'[(U_$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,"D",PPDN,7)),U)_U) . . ; skip day if ESR was not auto signed by extended absence . . Q:$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,"D",PPDN,7)),U,3)'=2 . . ; . . ; if ESR status was approved then remove the time card day posting . . I $P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,"D",PPDN,7)),U)=5 S X=$$CLRTCDY^PRSPSAPU(PPI,PRSIEN,PPDN) K X . . ; . . ; update ESR day . . K PRSFDA . . S IENS=PPDN_","_PRSIEN_","_PPI_"," . . S PRSFDA(458.02,IENS,146)=$S($TR($G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,"D",PPDN,5)),"^")'="":2,1:1) ; status = pending (if time posted) or not started . . S PRSFDA(458.02,IENS,147)="@" ; remove signed d/t stamp . . S PRSFDA(458.02,IENS,149)="@" ; remove last signed method . . D FILE^DIE("","PRSFDA") D MSG^DIALOG() ; Q ; ;PRSPEAA