PRSPLVA1 ;WOIFO/SAB - AUTOPOST LEAVE FOR PTP (CONT) ;03/30/2005 ;;4.0;PAID;**93**;Sep 21, 1995;Build 7 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. Q ; PDAY ; Process Day (within Pay Period loop) ; called from PRSPLVA ; input variables LVDTE,LVDTS,LVY0,PPDN,PPI,PRSIEN,PRSFDA(), ; TCST,TCUNPOST() ; output variable ; FATAL = 1^PPI, only defined if fatal exception occurred ; PRSFDA() may be updated with additional data to post to ESR ; TCUNPOST() may be updated with another day to unpost from timecard ; N ESR,ESRRG,ESRLVM,ESRST,FOUND,OVERLAP,PPDIENS,PRSDT,PRSX N PSTDTE,PSTDTS,PSTMEAL,PSTSEG,PSTTYP,SEGI,TC,TOD,TODD,TODL,TOURLV N TSE,TSID,TSS,TSY ; ; skip day if not a scheduled tour Q:$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,"D",PPDN,1)),U)="" ; S PPDIENS=PPDN_","_PRSIEN_","_PPI_"," ; S PRSDT=$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,1)),U,PPDN) ; FileMan date of day number ; ; load tour segments from both tours into arrays TOD() and TODD() D LOADTOD^PRSPLVU(PPI,PRSIEN,PPDN,.TOD,.TODD) ; ; load ESR segments into array ESR() D LOADESR^PRSPLVU(PPI,PRSIEN,PPDN,.ESR) ; ; load time card segments into array TC() D LOADTC^PRSPLVU(PPI,PRSIEN,PPDN,.TC) ; ; determine leave postings ; loop thru tour segments S TSID="" F S TSID=$O(TOD(TSID)) Q:TSID="" D Q:$G(FATAL) . S TSY=TOD(TSID) . S TSS=$P(TSY,U) . S TSE=$P(TSY,U,2) . ; skip if tour seg. end < OR = to leave start . Q:TSE'>LVDTS . ; skip if tour seg. start > OR = to leave end . Q:TSS'TSS:LVDTS,1:TSS) . ; posting end is lesser of leave end and tour seg. end . S PSTDTE=$S(LVDTETSE D . . N CLM,FLD,TODI,TODN . . Q:$P(TSY,U,3)'="RG" . . S CLM=($$FMDIFF^XLFDT(LVDTE,LVDTS,2))/60 ; calc lv length min . . S PSTMEAL=CLM-($P(LVY0,U,15)*60) . . I PSTMEAL<0 S PSTMEAL=0 Q ; must be positive or zero . . I PSTMEAL#15 S PSTMEAL=0 Q ; must be multiple of 15 . . ; must not exceed meal time for TOD . . S TODN=$P(TSID,"-",1) ; determine tour # (1 or 2) for segment . . I PSTMEAL>$P($G(TODD(TODN)),U,3) S PSTMEAL=$P($G(TODD(TODN)),U,3) . ; . ; if meal was not set based on leave request hours then check if it . ; can be set based on tour info . I PSTMEAL=0 D . . N TODN . . S TODN=$P(TSID,"-",1) ; tour # (1 or 2) . . ; quit if tour does not have a meal . . Q:$P($G(TODD(TODN)),U,3)'>0 . . ; quit if segment # currently being processed is not the longest . . ; (better to place meal in the longest segment when more than one) . . Q:$P($G(TODD(TODN)),U,4)'=$P(TSID,"-",2) . . ; quit if leave started after tour began . . Q:LVDTS>$P($G(TODD(TODN)),U,1) . . ; quit if leave ended before tour ended . . Q:LVDTE<$P($G(TODD(TODN)),U,2) . . ; since leave covers the entire tour - set meal time based on tour . . S PSTMEAL=$P($G(TODD(TODN)),U,3) . ; . ; skip if proposed posting covered by holiday excused on ESR . S FOUND=0 . ; loop thru ESR segments . S SEGI="" F S SEGI=$O(ESR(SEGI)) Q:SEGI="" D Q:FOUND . . N ESRY . . S ESRY=ESR(SEGI) . . Q:$P(ESRY,U,3)'="HX" ; quit if not holiday ex . . I PSTDTS'<$P(ESRY,U),PSTDTE'>$P(ESRY,U,2) S FOUND=1 . Q:FOUND ; skip because posting is within HX (holiday excused) . ; . ; skip if proposed posting is already on the ESR . S FOUND=0 . ; loop thru ESR segments . S SEGI="" F S SEGI=$O(ESR(SEGI)) Q:SEGI="" D Q:FOUND . . N ESRY . . S ESRY=ESR(SEGI) . . Q:$P(ESRY,U,3)'=PSTTYP ; quit if same type . . I PSTDTS'<$P(ESRY,U),PSTDTE'>$P(ESRY,U,2) S FOUND=1 . Q:FOUND ; skip because posting is already covered on ESR . ; . ; if time card status = "P" and proposed posting in not on the . ; current time card then record a fatal exception and quit . ; loop thru time card exception segments . I TCST="P" D I 'FOUND S FATAL="1^"_PPI Q . . S FOUND=0 . . S SEGI="" F S SEGI=$O(TC(SEGI)) Q:SEGI="" D Q:FOUND . . . N TCY . . . S TCY=TC(SEGI) . . . Q:$P(TCY,U,3)'=PSTTYP ; quit if not same type . . . I PSTDTS'<$P(TCY,U),PSTDTE'>$P(TCY,U,2) S FOUND=1 . ; . ; OK to add posting to FDA array . ; . ; review ESR and FDA to determine next open segment . S PSTSEG=0 F SEGI=1:1:7 I '$D(ESR(SEGI)) S PSTSEG=SEGI Q . ; . ; if segment not available then report exception and skip? . Q:'PSTSEG . ; . ; add posting to FDA() array and ESR() array . S PRSFDA(458.02,PPDIENS,(PSTSEG-1)*5+110)=$$FMETA^PRSPLVU($P(PSTDTS,".",2)) ; start time . S PRSFDA(458.02,PPDIENS,(PSTSEG-1)*5+111)=$$FMETA^PRSPLVU($P(PSTDTE,".",2)) ; stop time . S PRSFDA(458.02,PPDIENS,(PSTSEG-1)*5+112)=PSTTYP ; type time . S PRSFDA(458.02,PPDIENS,(PSTSEG-1)*5+114)=PSTMEAL ; meal . S ESR(PSTSEG)=PSTDTS_U_PSTDTE_U_PSTTYP_U_PRSFDA(458.02,PPDIENS,(PSTSEG-1)*5+110)_U_PRSFDA(458.02,PPDIENS,(PSTSEG-1)*5+111)_U_PSTMEAL ; ; quit if fatal exception Q:$G(FATAL) ; ; quit if nothing will be posted to ESR day Q:'$D(PRSFDA(458.02,PPDIENS)) ; ; obtain current ESR daily status S ESRST=$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,"D",PPDN,7)),U) ; ; determine proposed new status of ESR day ; ; determine if any ESR time segments overlap ; (some types of time are excluded from check) S OVERLAP=0 S SEGI=0 F S SEGI=$O(ESR(SEGI)) Q:'SEGI D . N SEGJ,SEGX,SEGY . S SEGX=ESR(SEGI) . Q:"ON SB UN"[$P(SEGX,U,3) . S SEGJ=SEGI F S SEGJ=$O(ESR(SEGJ)) Q:'SEGJ D . . S SEGY=ESR(SEGJ) . . Q:"ON SB UN"[$P(SEGY,U,3) . . Q:$P(SEGX,U,2)'>$P(SEGY,U,1) . . Q:$P(SEGX,U,1)'<$P(SEGY,U,2) . . S OVERLAP=1 ; ; determine if entire tour covered by leave S PRSX=$G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,"D",PPDN,0)) S TODL=$P(PRSX,U,8)+$P(PRSX,U,14) ; tour of duty length in hours ; loop thru ESR segments to add up leave S ESRLVM=0 ; leave in minutes S SEGI="" F S SEGI=$O(ESR(SEGI)) Q:SEGI="" D . N ESRY,SEGLVM . S ESRY=ESR(SEGI) . Q:"AL SL WP CU AA ML RL NL CB AD DL"'[$P(ESRY,U,3) . S SEGLVM=($$FMDIFF^XLFDT($P(ESRY,U,2),$P(ESRY,U,1),2)/60)-$P(ESRY,U,6) . S ESRLVM=ESRLVM+SEGLVM S TOURLV=$S((ESRLVM/60)'