PRSPLVU ;WOIFO/SAB - LEAVE UTILITIES ;3/31/2005 ;;4.0;PAID;**93**;Sep 21, 1995;Build 7 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. Q ; LOADTOD(PPI,PRSIEN,DAY,TOD,TODD) ; Load Tour of Duty into TOD() Array ; input ; PPI - pay period IEN, file 458 ; PRSIEN - employee IEN, file 450 ; DAY - day number in PP ; TOD - array, passed by reference, will be initialized ; TODD - array, passed by reference, will be initialized ; output ; TOD - array updated with tour segments in following format ; TOD(tour#-segment#)= ; start d/t (FM)^end d/t (FM)^type of time^start time(ETA)^end time(ETA) ; ^special code ; TODD - array updated with tour data in the following format ; TODD(tour#)= ; earliest regular start d/t (FM)^latest regular end d/t (FM)^ ; tour meal length (minutes)^segment # of longest regular tour segment ; N FLD,NODE,PRSDT,PRSX,TN,TODI,TODY,TSC,TSE,TSI,TSLS,TSS,TST ; K TOD,TODD ; initialize array ; S PRSDT=$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,1)),U,DAY) Q:'PRSDT ; ; loop thru both tours (#1 and #2) for the day F TN=1,2 D . S NODE=$S(TN=1:1,TN=2:4,1:"") . Q:NODE="" . S TODY=$G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,"D",DAY,NODE)) . S TSLS(0)=0 ; init longest regular segment length (seconds) . ; . ; obtain the tour meal time . S FLD=$S(TN=1:2,1:10.3) ; field number corresponding to tour #1 or #2 . S TODI=$$GET1^DIQ(458.02,DAY_","_PRSIEN_","_PPI_",",FLD,"I") ; tour of duty IEN . S:TODI $P(TODD(TN),U,3)=$$GET1^DIQ(457.1,TODI,2) ; tour meal (minutes) . ; . ; loop thru seven time segments of tour . F TSI=1:1:7 D . . S TSS=$P(TODY,U,(TSI-1)*3+1) ; time segment start . . Q:TSS="" . . S TSE=$P(TODY,U,(TSI-1)*3+2) ; time segment end . . Q:TSE="" . . S TSC=$P(TODY,U,(TSI-1)*3+3) ; time segment special code . . ; derive type of time . . S TST=$S(TSC:$P($G(^PRST(457.2,TSC,0)),U,2),1:"RG") . . ; convert times to FileMan date/time format . . S PRSX=$$CNVTS(PRSDT,TSS,TSE) . . Q:$P(PRSX,U)="" . . S TOD(TN_"-"_TSI)=$P(PRSX,U)_U_$P(PRSX,U,2)_U_TST_U_TSS_U_TSE_U_TSC . . ; . . ; skip remaining steps if segment is not regular time . . Q:TST'="RG" . . ; . . ; if earliest start time of tour is null, set it from current seg. . . S:$P($G(TODD(TN)),U)="" $P(TODD(TN),U)=$P(PRSX,U) . . ; . . ; if latest end time of tour is null, set it from current seg. . . S:$P($G(TODD(TN)),U,2)="" $P(TODD(TN),U,2)=$P(PRSX,U,2) . . ; . . ; if this segments start time is earlier, update the tour start . . I $P(PRSX,U)<$P(TODD(TN),U) S $P(TODD(TN),U)=$P(PRSX,U) . . ; . . ; if this segments end time is later, update the tour end . . I $P(PRSX,U,2)>$P(TODD(TN),U,2) S $P(TODD(TN),U,2)=$P(PRSX,U,2) . . ; . . ; compute length of the tour segment (seconds) . . S TSLS=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT($P(PRSX,U,2),$P(PRSX,U,1),2) . . ; if segment length more than longest found use it as longest found . . I TSLS>TSLS(0) S TSLS(0)=TSLS,$P(TODD(TN),U,4)=TSI Q ; LOADESR(PPI,PRSIEN,DAY,ESR) ; Load ESR into ESR() Array ; input ; PPI - pay period IEN, file 458 ; PRSIEN - employee IEN, file 450 ; DAY - day number in PP ; ESR - array, passed by reference, will be initialized ; output ; ESR - array updated with tour segments in following format ; ESR(segment #)= ; start d/t (FM)^end d/t (FM)^type of time^start time(ETA)^end time(ETA) ; ^meal (min) ; N ESRY,PRSDT,PRSX,TSE,TSI,TSM,TSS,TST ; K ESR ; initialize array ; S PRSDT=$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,1)),U,DAY) Q:'PRSDT ; S ESRY=$G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,"D",DAY,5)) ; ; loop thru seven time segments F TSI=1:1:7 D . S TSS=$P(ESRY,U,(TSI-1)*5+1) ; time segment start . Q:TSS="" . S TSE=$P(ESRY,U,(TSI-1)*5+2) ; time segment end . Q:TSE="" . S TST=$P(ESRY,U,(TSI-1)*5+3) ; time segment type of time . Q:TST="" . ; convert times to FileMan date/time format . S PRSX=$$CNVTS(PRSDT,TSS,TSE) . Q:$P(PRSX,U)="" . S TSM=$P(ESRY,U,(TSI-1)*5+5) ; time segment meal (min) . S ESR(TSI)=$P(PRSX,U)_U_$P(PRSX,U,2)_U_TST_U_TSS_U_TSE_U_TSM Q ; LOADTC(PPI,PRSIEN,DAY,TC) ; Load Time Card into TC() Array ; input ; PPI - pay period IEN, file 458 ; PRSIEN - employee IEN, file 450 ; DAY - day number in PP ; TC - array, passed by reference, may contain data ; output ; TC - array updated with tour segments in following format ; TC(segment #)= ; start d/t (FM)^end d/t (FM)^type of time^start time(ETA)^end time(ETA) ; N PRSDT,PRSX,TCY,TSE,TSI,TSS ; K TC ; initialize array ; S PRSDT=$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,1)),U,DAY) Q:'PRSDT ; S TCY=$G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,"D",DAY,2)) ; ; loop thru seven tour segments F TSI=1:1:7 D . S TSS=$P(TCY,U,(TSI-1)*3+1) ; time segment start . Q:TSS="" . S TSE=$P(TCY,U,(TSI-1)*3+2) ; time segment end . Q:TSE="" . S TST=$P(TCY,U,(TSI-1)*3+3) ; time segment type of time . Q:TST="" . ; convert times to FileMan date/time format . S PRSX=$$CNVTS(PRSDT,TSS,TSE) . Q:$P(PRSX,U)="" . S TC(TSI)=$P(PRSX,U)_U_$P(PRSX,U,2)_U_TST_U_TSS_U_TSE Q ; OKALVR(LVIEN) ; OK Approve Leave Request ; Called by Supervisory Approvals to see if it is OK to approve a ; leave request ; Input ; LVIEN - Leave Request IEN (file 458.1) ; Result ; string value ; = 1 if OK to approve leave request ; = 0 or 0^PPI if not OK to approve leave request ; where PPI is the Pay Period ien (file 458) ; N D1,DAY,EPP4Y,LVY0,PP4Y,PPE,PPI,PRSIEN,PRSRET,SPP4Y,Y ; S PRSRET=1 ; initialize as OK ; I '$G(LVIEN) S PRSRET=0 Q PRSRET ; required input ; S LVY0=$G(^PRST(458.1,LVIEN,0)) ; leave request 0 node S PRSIEN=$P(LVY0,U,2) ; employee IEN ; ; if employee has any memos I $$PTP^PRSPUT3(PRSIEN) D . ; determine starting and ending pay periods . S D1=$$FMADD^XLFDT($P(LVY0,U,3),-1) D PP^PRSAPPU S SPP4Y=PP4Y ; based on leave from -1 (use -1 in case of 2-day tour) . S D1=$P(LVY0,U,5) D PP^PRSAPPU S EPP4Y=PP4Y ; based on leave to . ; . ; loop thru pay periods . S PP4Y=$O(^PRST(458,"AB",SPP4Y),-1) ; set initial value to previous PP . F S PP4Y=$O(^PRST(458,"AB",PP4Y)) Q:PP4Y=""!(PP4Y]EPP4Y) D Q:'PRSRET . . S PPI=$O(^PRST(458,"AB",PP4Y,0)) . . ; . . ; skip PP if not covered by memo . . S D1=$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,1)),U) . . Q:$$MIEN^PRSPUT1(PRSIEN,D1)'>0 ; PP not covered by memo . . ; . . ; skip PP if time card status not = payroll . . Q:$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",PRSIEN,0)),U,2)'="P" . . ; . . ; can't approve this leave request until time card status changes . . S PRSRET=0_U_PPI ; Q PRSRET ; CNVTS(DATE,START,END) ; Convert Time Segment ; input ; returns string with value = ; Start Date/Time (FileMan internal)^End Date/Time (FileMan internal) ; N CNX,FMEND,FMSTR,PRSM,PRSRET,X,XMID,Y S X=START_U_END D CNV^PRSATIM S PRSM=Y S XMID=$S($P(PRSM,U,2)'>$P(PRSM,U):1,1:0) S FMSTR=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DATE,,,$P(PRSM,U)) S FMEND=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DATE,XMID,,$P(PRSM,U,2)) S PRSRET=FMSTR_"^"_FMEND ; Q PRSRET ; FMETA(TIME) ; FileMan to ETA time N HRS,MIN,PM,PRSRET S PRSRET="" S TIME=$$LJ^XLFSTR(TIME,4,"0") ; add trailing 0s to fileman time I TIME=1200 S PRSRET="NOON" I TIME=2400 S PRSRET="MID" I PRSRET="" D . S PM=0 . S HRS=$E(TIME,1,2) . S MIN=$E(TIME,3,4) . I HRS>12 S HRS=HRS-12,PM=1 . S PRSRET=$$RJ^XLFSTR(HRS,2,"0")_":"_$$RJ^XLFSTR(MIN,2,"0")_$S(PM:"P",1:"A") Q PRSRET ;PRSPLVU