VAQDBIP3 ;ALB/JRP - MINIMUM PATIENT INFO EXTRACTION;9-MAR-93 ;;1.5;PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE;;NOV 17, 1993 MINXTRCT(TRAN,DFN,ARRAY) ;EXTRACT MINIMUM (EXTRACTION ARRAY) ;INPUT : TRAN - Pointer to VAQ - TRANSACTION file ; DFN - Pointer to patient in PATIENT file ; ARRAY - Where to store information (full global reference) ;OUTPUT : 0 - Extraction was successfull ; -1^Error_Text - Extraction was not successfull ;NOTE : If the minimum patient information can not be extracted, ; the "VALUE" and "ID" nodes in ARRAY will be deleted. ; : If TRAN is passed ; The patient pointer of the transaction will be used ; Encryption will be based on the transaction ; If DFN is passed ; Encryption will be based on the site parameter ; : Pointer to transaction takes precedence over DFN ... if ; TRAN>0 the DFN will be based on the transaction ; ;CHECK INPUT S TRAN=+$G(TRAN) S DFN=+$G(DFN) Q:(('TRAN)&('DFN)) "-1^Did not pass pointer to transaction or patient" I (TRAN) Q:('$D(^VAT(394.61,TRAN))) "-1^Did not pass valid pointer to VAQ - TRANSACTION file" I (TRAN) S DFN=+$P($G(^VAT(394.61,TRAN,0)),"^",3) Q:('DFN) "-1^Transaction did not contain pointer to PATIENT file" Q:('$D(^DPT(DFN))) "-1^Did not pass valid pointer to PATIENT file" Q:($G(ARRAY)="") "-1^Did not pass output array" ;DECLARE VARIABLES N ERROR,TMP,LOOP,ENCPTR,KEY1,KEY2,SENDER ;DETERMINE IF ENCRYPTION IS ON - SAVE POINTER TO ENCRYPTION METHOD S:('TRAN) ENCPTR=$$NCRYPTON^VAQUTL2(0) S:(TRAN) ENCPTR=$$TRANENC^VAQUTL3(TRAN,1) ;DETERMINE PRIMARY KEY I (TRAN) S SENDER=$$SENDER^VAQCON2(TRAN) Q:($P(SENDER,"^",1)="-1") "-1^Could not determine encryption keys" S:(TRAN) SENDER=$P(SENDER,"^",1) S:(TRAN) KEY1=$$NAMEKEY^VAQUTL3(SENDER,1) S:('TRAN) KEY1=$$DUZKEY^VAQUTL3($G(DUZ),1) ;DETERMINE SECONDARY KEY S:(TRAN) KEY2=$$NAMEKEY^VAQUTL3(SENDER,0) S:('TRAN) KEY2=$$DUZKEY^VAQUTL3($G(DUZ),0) I (ENCPTR) Q:((KEY1="")!(KEY2="")) "-1^Could not determine encryption keys" S ERROR=0 ;EXTRACT INFORMATION F LOOP=1:1 D Q:(ERROR) .S TMP=$T(MIN+LOOP^VAQDBII1) .I ($P(TMP,";;",2)="") S ERROR=1 Q .S ERROR=$$XTRCT^VAQDBIP2(TMP,DFN,"",ARRAY,ENCPTR,KEY1,KEY2) .I ERROR D Q ..S TMP=$$KILLARR^VAQUTL1(ARRAY,"VALUE") ..S TMP=$$KILLARR^VAQUTL1(ARRAY,"ID") Q:(ERROR<0) ERROR Q 0