VAQDIS40 ;ALB/JFP - PDX, BUILDS DISPLAY ARRAY FOR PHA DATA ;01MAR93 ;;1.5;PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE;;NOV 17, 1993 DISPMP(XTRCT,SEGPTR,ROOT,OFFSET,DSP) ;SAMPLE DISPLAY METHOD ;INPUT : XTRCT - Input array (full global reference) ; SEGPTR - Segment to extract (ptr to file #394.71) ; ROOT - Output array (full global reference) ; OFFSET - Starting line for display ; DSP - Flag to set display option (1-on,0-off) ;OUTPUT: n - Number of lines added to display ; -1^ErrorText - Error ; ; -- Check input Q:('$D(XTRCT)) "-1^Input array not passed on input" Q:('$D(SEGPTR)) "-1^Segment not passed on input" Q:('$D(ROOT)) "-1^Output array not passed on input" Q:('$D(OFFSET)) "-1^Starting line for display not passed on input" ; S:('$D(DSP)) DSP=1 ; -- Declare variables N X,VAQSEGND,VALMCNT ; S VAQSEGND=$G(^VAT(394.71,SEGPTR,0)) S VAQSEGNM=$P(VAQSEGND,U,2) Q:(VAQSEGNM="") "-1^Invalid segment" S VALMCNT=$S(DSP=1:OFFSET-1,1:0) I DSP=1 S ROOT=$$ROOT^VAQDIS20(ROOT) ; ; -- Build display segment S FORMTYPE=$S(VAQSEGNM="PDX*MPS":0,1:1) S X=$$PRINT^VAQDIS41(FORMTYPE) ; -- Clean up variables K X,VAQSEGND,VAQSEGNM,TMP,ROOT,FORMTYPE ; -- End QUIT VALMCNT-OFFSET ; END ; -- End of code QUIT