VAQPSE04 ;ALB/JRP,JFP - EXPORTED PDX ROUTINE;9-FEB-94 ;;1.5;PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE;**1**;NOV 17, 1993 IBAPDX1 ;ALB/CPM - BUILD DISPLAY SET FOR EXTRACTED PDX BILLING DATA ; 09-APR-93 ;;Version 1.5 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**15**; 29-JUL-92 ; DISP(IN,SPTR,OUT,OFF) ; PDX Entry Point to build output array from extract. ; Input: IN -- Root for the input extract array ; OUT -- Root for the output display array ; OFF -- Offset to begin line-numbering ; SPTR -- Pointer to extracted segment in file #394.71 ; Output: NUM -- Number of lines in the output display array, or ; -1^err -- if an error was encountered. ; N NUM,IBCT,IBCTR,IBDOL,IBDT,IBFR,IBHDR,IBI,IBST,IBTO,X I $G(IN)="" S NUM="-1^Did not pass root for the input extract array." G DISPQ I $G(OUT)="" S NUM="-1^Did not pass root for the output display array." G DISPQ I '$D(OFF) S NUM="-1^Did not pass the offset line number." G DISPQ I '$G(SPTR) S NUM="-1^Did not pass the extraction segment pointer." G DISPQ ; ; - build display header S IBTTL=$P($G(^VAT(394.71,+SPTR,0)),"^"),IBCTR="< "_$S(IBTTL]"":IBTTL,1:"Segment Description Missing")_" >" S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF,0)=$$CENTER^VAQDIS20($TR($J("",79)," ","-"),IBCTR) S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+1,0)="" S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+2,0)=$J("",24)_"MEANS TEST BILLING INFORMATION" S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+3,0)="" ; ; - build continuous patient display I @IN@("VALUE",351.1,.01,0)="" S NUM=4 G CLOCK S IBDT=@IN@("VALUE",351.1,.02,0) I IBDT="" S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+4,0)=" ** This patient has been continuously hospitalized since 7/1/86 **",@OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+5,0)="",NUM=6 G CLOCK S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+4,0)="This patient was a continuous patient up through "_IBDT_" (No longer continuous)",@OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+5,0)="",NUM=6 ; CLOCK ; - build active billing clock data display I @IN@("VALUE",351,.01,0)="" S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+NUM,0)=" --- This patient has no current Means Test Billing activity ---",NUM=NUM+1 G DISPQ S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+NUM,0)="Means Test Active Billing Clock Information:",NUM=NUM+1 S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+NUM,0)=$TR($J("",80)," ","-"),NUM=NUM+1 S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+NUM,0)=" Clock Start Date: "_@IN@("VALUE",351,.03,0)_$J("",14)_"Inpatient Days: "_@IN@("VALUE",351,.09,0),NUM=NUM+1 S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+NUM,0)="",NUM=NUM+1 S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+NUM,0)=" Medicare Deductible Co-payments:",NUM=NUM+1 S IBDOL=@IN@("VALUE",351,.05,0) S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+NUM,0)=$J("",15)_"1st 90 days: $"_IBDOL_$J("",13+(3-$L(IBDOL)))_"3rd 90 days: $"_@IN@("VALUE",351,.07,0),NUM=NUM+1 S IBDOL=@IN@("VALUE",351,.06,0) S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+NUM,0)=$J("",15)_"2nd 90 days: $"_IBDOL_$J("",13+(3-$L(IBDOL)))_"4th 90 days: $"_@IN@("VALUE",351,.08,0),NUM=NUM+1 S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+NUM,0)=$TR($J("",80)," ","-"),NUM=NUM+1 S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+NUM,0)="",NUM=NUM+1 S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+NUM,0)="",NUM=NUM+1 ; ; - build list of charges billed in active billing clock period I @IN@("VALUE",350,.01,0)="" S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+NUM,0)=" --- There were no charges billed during this active billing clock period ---",NUM=NUM+1 G DISPQ S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+NUM,0)="Charges Billed in this Active Billing Clock Period:",NUM=NUM+1 S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+NUM,0)=$TR($J("",80)," ","-"),NUM=NUM+1 S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+NUM,0)=" Bill From Bill To Charge Type"_$J("",15)_"Status"_$J("",13)_"Charge",NUM=NUM+1 S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+NUM,0)=$TR($J("",80)," ","-"),NUM=NUM+1 ; F IBI=0:1 Q:'$D(@IN@("VALUE",350,.01,IBI)) D .S IBFR=@IN@("VALUE",350,.14,IBI),IBTO=@IN@("VALUE",350,.15,IBI) .S IBCT=@IN@("VALUE",350,.03,IBI),IBST=@IN@("VALUE",350,.05,IBI) .S X=" "_$S(IBFR]"":IBFR,1:$J("",8))_" "_$S(IBTO]"":IBTO,1:$J("",8))_" " .S X=X_IBCT_$J("",(26-$L(IBCT)))_IBST_$J("",(19-$L(IBST))) .S X=X_$S(IBCT["CANCEL":"($",1:" $")_@IN@("VALUE",350,.07,IBI)_$S(IBCT["CANCEL":")",1:"") .S @OUT@("DISPLAY",+OFF+NUM,0)=X,NUM=NUM+1 ; DISPQ Q NUM