VAQPST20 ;ALB/JRP - POST INIT (FILE CONVERSION);11-JUN-93 ;;1.5;PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE;**5**;NOV 17, 1993 ; TASK ;ENTRY POINT TO TASK CONVERSION N %ZIS,POP,ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTSK,WTEXT W @IOF W !!!,"- Conversion of version 1.0 files will now be tasked -" W !!,"Entering 'HOME' as the device for output will cause conversion" W !,"to be run without an output device. It is recommended that a" W !,"device be chosen so that errors during the conversion can be" W !,"reported." W !!,"Entering '^' as the device for output will skip the conversion" W !,"process. Please refer to the INSTALLATION GUIDE if you choose" W !,"to do this.",!! S %ZIS="N0" S %ZIS("A")="Enter device to use during conversion: " D ^%ZIS I (POP) D Q .W !!,"- Conversion will not be done at this time -" .W !!,"To run conversion at a later date the entry point TASK^VAQPST20" .W !,"should be used." .W !!,"If you have chosen to skip the conversion the entry point" .W !,"DELETE^VAQPST24(1) must be used in order to delete entries" .W !,"contained in the 1.0 files.",!! S:(IOT="HFS") IO("HFSIO")=IO S WTEXT=$S((IO=IO(0)):0,1:1) S ZTRTN=$S(WTEXT:"INTER^VAQPST20",1:"NONINTER^VAQPST20") S ZTDESC="Conversion of PDX version 1.0 files ("_$S(WTEXT:"with output",1:"no output")_")" S ZTIO=$S(WTEXT:ION,1:"") S ZTDTH="" D ^%ZTLOAD I ('$G(ZTSK)) D Q .W !!,"** Tasking of conversion was not accomplished **" .W !,"Use the entry point TASK^VAQPST20 to retry tasking of conversion" W !!,"Conversion tasked (",ZTSK,")" Q INTER ;ENTRY POINT FOR INTERACTIVE CONVERSION D CONVERT(1) Q ; NONINTER ;ENTRY POINT FOR NON-INTERACTIVE CONVERSION D CONVERT(0) Q ; CONVERT(WTEXT) ;CONVERT VERSION 1.0 FILE ENTRIES TO VERSION 1.5 ;INPUT : WTEXT - Write text to screen ; (used for debugging/interactive conversion) ; 1 - Yes ; 0 - No (default) ;CHECK INPUT S WTEXT=+$G(WTEXT) N SITENAME,ADDRESS,NODE,TRANARR,TMP,RQSTDONE,MANDONE,RSLTDONE,X,Y S TRANARR="^VAT(394,""A-CONVERT"")" ;DETERMINE SITE NAME AND DOMAIN S TMP=+$O(^VAT(394.2,0)) I ('TMP) W:(WTEXT) !,"Entry in PDX PARAMETER file (#394.2) not present" Q S NODE=$G(^VAT(394.2,TMP,0)) S SITENAME=$P(NODE,"^",6) I (SITENAME="") W:(WTEXT) !,"PDX PARAMETER file (#394.2) did not contain facility's name" Q S TMP=+$P(NODE,"^",4) I ('TMP) W:(WTEXT) !,"PDX PARAMETER file (#394.2) did not contain facility's domain" Q S ADDRESS=$P($G(^DIC(4.2,TMP,0)),"^",1) I (ADDRESS="") W:(WTEXT) !,"PDX PARAMETER file (#394.2) did not contain facility's domain" Q ;WRITE BEGINNING TEXT I (WTEXT) D .S TMP=$$REPEAT^VAQUTL1("*",80) .S X=" BEGIN CONVERSION OF PDX VERSION 1.0 FILES " .S Y=(40-($L(X)/2))+1 .W !! .W $$INSERT^VAQUTL1(X,TMP,Y,$L(X)) .W !! .W !,"Your site's name: ",SITENAME .W !,"Your site's domain: ",ADDRESS .W !,"Conversion started at: ",$$NOW^VAQUTL99 ;CONVERT LOCAL REQUESTS S RQSTDONE=$$REQUEST^VAQPST21(SITENAME,ADDRESS,TRANARR,WTEXT) W:(WTEXT) !! I (RQSTDONE<1) D .W:(WTEXT) ! .W:((WTEXT)&(+RQSTDONE)) !,"** Unable to attempt conversion of local requests **",!,?5,$P(TMP,"^",2) .W:((WTEXT)&('RQSTDONE)) !,"** No local requests were successfully converted **" I (RQSTDONE>0) W:(WTEXT) !!,RQSTDONE," local request",$S((RQSTDONE=1):" was",1:"s were")," successfully converted" W:(WTEXT) ! ;CONVERT REMOTE REQUESTS S MANDONE=$$PROCESS^VAQPST22(SITENAME,ADDRESS,WTEXT) W:(WTEXT) !! I (MANDONE<1) D .W:(WTEXT) ! .W:((WTEXT)&(+MANDONE)) !,"** Unable to attempt conversion of remote requests **",!,?5,$P(TMP,"^",2) .W:((WTEXT)&('MANDONE)) !,"** No remote requests were successfully converted **" I (MANDONE>0) W:(WTEXT) !!,MANDONE," remote request",$S((MANDONE=1):" was",1:"s were")," successfully converted" W:(WTEXT) ! ;CONVERT REMOTE REQUESTS S RSLTDONE=$$RESULTS^VAQPST23(TRANARR,WTEXT) W:(WTEXT) !! I (RSLTDONE<1) D .W:(WTEXT) ! .W:((WTEXT)&(+RSLTDONE)) !,"** Unable to attempt conversion of Unsolicited PDXs & request results **",!,?5,$P(TMP,"^",2) .W:((WTEXT)&('RSLTDONE)) !,"** No Unsolicited PDXs & request results were successfully converted **" I (RSLTDONE>0) W:(WTEXT) !!,RSLTDONE," Unsolicited PDXs & request results were successfully converted" W:(WTEXT) ! ;DELETE ENTRIES IN 1.0 FILES D DELETE^VAQPST24(WTEXT) W:(WTEXT) !! D CLEAN Q ; CLEAN ;CLEAN UP K @TRANARR I (WTEXT) D .W !!!,"Conversion completed at: ",$$NOW^VAQUTL99 .S TMP=$$REPEAT^VAQUTL1("*",80) .S X=" END CONVERSION OF PDX VERSION 1.0 FILES " .S Y=(40-($L(X)/2))+1 .W !! .W $$INSERT^VAQUTL1(X,TMP,Y,$L(X)) .W @IOF Q