QACCODE ;HISC/CEW - Enter/Edit a Local Contact Issue Code ;1/30/95 09:02 ;;2.0;Patient Representative;**3**;07/25/1995 ;*********Variable List********************************* ;ALPHCODE =The major heading (ALPHA) code ;QASPECT =The IEN of the Quality Aspect ;NEXNUM =Next free number ;NUM =The last code number ;NEWIEN =The IEN of the new code ;QACIEN =The IEN of the Issue ; ; ; ; ; This option no longer in use, as Issue Codes can no longer be ; entered or edited W !!?5,"Issue Codes can no longer be entered or edited." W !?5,"Only National Issue Codes are valid." W !?5,"The Issue Code list will be periodically evaluated and updated." Q SLCHEAD ; ;Selects code to edit code text and status or a major heading ;under which a new code will reside. W ! K DIC S DIC="^QA(745.2,",DIC(0)="AEQZ" S DIC("A")="Select ISSUE CODE: " S DIC("S")="I ($P(^(0),U,5)'=""N""!($P(^(0),U,2)=1)),($P(^(0),U,1)?2U.N)" D ^DIC K DIC G:Y'>0 EXIT S ALPHCODE=Y(0,0),NUM=99,QASPECT=$P(Y(0),"^",4),QACIEN=+Y ;Find out if selection is a major code (ALPHA only) heading ;to ENTER a new code text or else a numbered code for EDITing. I $P(Y(0),U,2)="1" S FLAG=0 D ENTER G SLCHEAD E D EDIT G SLCHEAD ENTER ;Enter a new code text. Code number is built in background. F S NUM=$O(^QA(745.2,"AH",ALPHCODE,NUM)) D Q:FLAG=1 .I NUM'>200 S NEXNUM=ALPHCODE_"201" S FLAG=1 Q .S NEXNUM=ALPHCODE_(NUM+1) .I '$D(^QA(745.2,"B",NEXNUM)) S FLAG=1 .Q I $E(NEXNUM,2,4)>999 W !,"Only 999 issue codes allowed per heading! Select a different heading." G SLCHEAD K DIR S DIR("A")="Are you adding '"_NEXNUM_"' as a new Contact Issue Code",DIR("0")="Y",DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR K DIR Q:($D(DIRUT))!(Y=0) S DIC(0)="EMQLZ",DIC="^QA(745.2,",X=NEXNUM D FILE^DICN G EXIT:Y<1 K DIC S NEWIEN=+Y L +^QA(745.2,NEWIEN):0 I '$T W "Try again later." G SLCHEAD K DIE S DIE="^QA(745.2,",DA=NEWIEN,DR="1////0;3////"_QASPECT_";4////L;2;5" D ^DIE K DIE L -^QA(745.2,NEWIEN) Q EDIT ;Edit an existing code text. L +^QA(745.2,QACIEN):0 I '$T W "Try again later." G SLCHEAD K DIE S DIE="^QA(745.2,",DA=QACIEN,DR="2;4;5" D ^DIE K DIE L -^QA(745.2,QACIEN) Q EXIT ; K DIC,DIE,QACIEN,ALPHCODE,NEXNUM,NEWIEN,NUM,Y,X,FLAG K DA,DIRUT,DR,QASPECT Q