QACDELT ;HISC/CEW - Purge Contact Records ;2/10/95 11:06 ;;2.0;Patient Representative;;07/25/1995 W !!!?32,"***WARNING***",!!?5,"This option purges all Patient Rep contact records with Dates of Contact",!?5,"that fall within the date range you select." W !?5,"Once these records are purged, they cannot be recovered!",*7 ASK ; W !!,"Are you sure you want to continue" S %=2 D YN^DICN G:(%=-1)!(%=2) EXIT I '% W !!?5,"Please answer Y(es) or (N)o" G ASK DATE ; W !!,"Select the date range to purge." D ^QAQDATE G:QAQQUIT EXIT I QAQNBEG>DT W !?5,"*** Beginning date must be today or earlier !! ***",*7 G DATE K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("A")="Should I continue with the purge" D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIROUT) EXIT I Y'>0 W !!?10,"No records purged!" G EXIT S ZTRTN="ENTSK^QACDELT",ZTDTH=$H S (ZTIO,ZTSAVE("QAQNBEG"),ZTSAVE("QAQNEND"))="" S ZTDESC="Purge selected Patient Representative contact records" D ^%ZTLOAD W !!,"Deletion request queued." G EXIT ENTSK ; S QACDT=QAQNBEG-.0000001 F S QACDT=$O(^QA(745.1,"D",QACDT)) Q:(QACDT'>0)!(QACDT>QAQNEND)!(QACDT\1'?7N) D . S QACD0=0 F S QACD0=$O(^QA(745.1,"D",QACDT,QACD0)) Q:QACD0'>0 D .. K DA,DIK S DIK="^QA(745.1,",DA=QACD0 D ^DIK .. Q . Q EXIT ; D ^%ZISC S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@" K %,DA,DIK,QACDT,ZTSAVE,ZTIO,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTRTN,QACD0,DIR,DIROUT K DTOUT,DUOUT,Y D K^QAQDATE Q