QACI0 ; OAKOIFO/TKW - DATA MIGRATION - PRE-MIGRATION ERROR CHECKING AND REPORT ;11/30/06 12:22 ;;2.0;Patient Representative;**19**;07/25/1995;Build 55 EN ; Build report of errors found in both Reference Tables and ROCs. ; Make sure list of valid sites has been downloaded from the EMC W !!,"This option is meant to be run prior to migrating data from the old",!,"Patient Representative System in VistA to the new PATS system." W !!,"The option reports data problems that would prevent the data from",!,"being migrated.",! I '$D(^XTMP("QACMIGR","STDINSTITUTION")) D STAERR^QACI2 Q Q:$$ASK'=1 W ! N QACI0 S QACI0=1 D EN0^QACI2 F TYPE="ROC","HL","USER","PT","CC","EMPINV","FSOS" D . K ^XTMP("QACMIGR",TYPE,"U") Q Q ; ; ASK() ; Ask user whether they're sure they want to run the option. N DIR,X,Y S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("A")="Are you sure",DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR Q Y ; ;