PX157PST ;ALB/SCK - PX*1.0*157 POST INIT INSTALL ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**157**;Aug 12, 1996 ; EN ; Edit Education Topics VA-ADVANCE DIRECTIVES & VA-ADVANCED DIRECTIVES SCREENING ; -- modifying to "advance directives" terminology. EN1 ;check VA-ADVANCED DIRECTIVES SCREENING S FIX1=0,FIX2=0,IEN1=0,U="^",WD1="VA-ADVANCED DIRECTIVES SCREENING",WD2="Advanced Directive Screening" S WD1N="VA-ADVANCE DIRECTIVES SCREENING",WD2N="Advance Directives Screening" S WD(1)="determine if the patient should receive Advanced Directive education. " S WDN(1)="determine if the patient should receive Advance Directives education." S WD(2)="Advanced Directive education. " S WDN(2)="Advance Directives education." S IEN1=$O(^AUTTEDT("B",WD1,IEN1)) I IEN1="" G EN2 S REDT=^AUTTEDT(IEN1,0) I $P(REDT,U)'=WD1!($P(REDT,U,4)'=WD2) G EN2 ;I ^AUTTEDT(IEN1,11,2,0)'=WD(1) G EN2 ;I ^AUTTEDT(IEN1,12,4,0)'=WD(2) G EN2 SET1 ;SET CORRECT WORDING S FIX1=1 S DA=IEN1,DR=".01////^S X=WD1N",DIE="^AUTTEDT(" D ^DIE S DA=IEN1,DR=".04////^S X=WD2N",DIE="^AUTTEDT(" D ^DIE S ^AUTTEDT(IEN1,11,2,0)=WDN(1),^AUTTEDT(IEN1,12,4,0)=WDN(2) EN2 ;check VA-ADVANCED DIRECTIVES S IEN2=0,WD1A="VA-ADVANCED DIRECTIVES",WD2A="Advanced Directives" S WD1AN="VA-ADVANCE DIRECTIVES",WD2AN="Advance Directives" S WDA(1)="The patient and family will identify the implications of advanced" S WDA(2)="1. Explain what an advanced directive is." S WDA(3)="2. Explain the difference between advanced directives and a living will." S WDA(4)="5. Identify a social worker to contact for furthur information as appropriate." S WDAN(1)="The patient and family will identify the implications of advance" S WDAN(2)="1. Explain what an advance directives is." S WDAN(3)="2. Explain the difference between advance directives and a living will." S WDAN(4)="5. Identify a social worker to contact for further information as appropriate." S IEN2=$O(^AUTTEDT("B",WD1A,IEN2)) I IEN2="" G EN3 S REDT=^AUTTEDT(IEN2,0) I $P(REDT,U)'=WD1A!($P(REDT,U,4)'=WD2A) G EN3 I ^AUTTEDT(IEN2,11,1,0)'=WDA(1) G EN3 I ^AUTTEDT(IEN2,12,1,0)'=WDA(2) G EN3 I ^AUTTEDT(IEN2,12,3,0)'=WDA(3) G EN3 I ^AUTTEDT(IEN2,12,10,0)'=WDA(4) G EN3 SET2 ;SET CORRECT WORDING S FIX2=1 S DA=IEN2,DR=".01////^S X=WD1AN",DIE="^AUTTEDT(" D ^DIE S DA=IEN2,DR=".04////^S X=WD2AN",DIE="^AUTTEDT(" D ^DIE S ^AUTTEDT(IEN2,11,1,0)=WDAN(1) S ^AUTTEDT(IEN2,12,1,0)=WDAN(2),^AUTTEDT(IEN2,12,3,0)=WDAN(3) S ^AUTTEDT(IEN2,12,10,0)=WDAN(4) EN3 ;MAIL MSG END ;EXIT PATH D MAIL K DA,DR,DIE,IEN,IEN1,IEN2,WD,WDN,WDA,WDAN,WD1,WD1N,WD2,WD2N,WD1A,WD1AN,WD2A,WD2AN,FIX1,FIX2,REDT Q MAIL ;Send results of Educ Topic fix in a mail message to initiator N I,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMDUZ,XMY,DIFROM S XMSUB="Patch PX*1.0*157 Educ topic modification completed" S XMDUZ="Patch PX*1.0*157 Educ topic modify job" S XMY(.5)="" S:$G(DUZ) XMY(DUZ)="" S XMTEXT="^TMP(""PXTXT"",$J," K ^TMP("PXTXT",$J) ; set up header and count S I=3 S ^TMP("PXTXT",$J,1)="The modification of Education Topics: VA-Advanced Directives and" S ^TMP("PXTXT",$J,2)="VA-Advanced Directives Screening, has completed" S ^TMP("PXTXT",$J,I)="",I=I+1 S ^TMP("PXTXT",$J,I)="" I FIX1=0 D . S I=I+1,^TMP("PXTXT",$J,I)=" *** ERROR ALERT ***" . S I=I+1,^TMP("PXTXT",$J,I)="Could NOT fix topic VA-Advanced Directives Screening, data did NOT " . S I=I+1,^TMP("PXTXT",$J,I)="match national data base" I FIX1>0 D . S I=I+1,^TMP("PXTXT",$J,I)=" *** CHANGED ***" . S I=I+1,^TMP("PXTXT",$J,I)="Modified topic VA-Advanced Directives Screening for verbiage" . S I=I+1,^TMP("PXTXT",$J,I)="correction where used" S I=I+1,^TMP("PXTXT",$J,I)="" I FIX2=0 D . S I=I+1,^TMP("PXTXT",$J,I)=" *** ERROR ALERT ***" . S I=I+1,^TMP("PXTXT",$J,I)="Could NOT fix topic VA-Advanced Directives, data did NOT" . S I=I+1,^TMP("PXTXT",$J,I)="match national data base" I FIX2>0 D . S I=I+1,^TMP("PXTXT",$J,I)=" *** CHANGED ***" . S I=I+1,^TMP("PXTXT",$J,I)="Modified topic VA-Advanced Directives for verbiage correction" . S I=I+1,^TMP("PXTXT",$J,I)="where used" D ^XMD ;send results Q