PXBUTL1 ;ISL/JVS - UTILITIES SINGLE LINE HELP MESSAGES ;7/24/96 08:26 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;;Aug 12, 1996 ; ; HELP1(CAT) ;Help messages written when data is not valid. ;Each message must have omly 1 line. N MES,I D @CAT,WR1 Q ; WR1 ;--Write to the screen S I=0 F I=1:1:1 W !,IOELEOL,?(IOM-$L(MES(I)))\2,MES(I),IOEDEOP Q LST ;--END OF LIST S MES(1)="END OF LIST" Q VST1 ;--FOR ENCOUNTERS S MES(1)="Select an entry less than "_($G(PXBHIGH)+1) Q VST2 ;--FOR ENCOUNTERS S MES(1)=$G(Y)_" is not a valid response!" Q VST3 ;--FOR ENCOUNTERS S MES(1)="ZERO is not a valid response!" Q VST4 ;--FOR ENCOUNTERS S MES(1)="The selection must be a whole, positive number!" Q PRV ;for providers S MES(1)=$E(EDATA,1,15)_" does not appear to be a VALID PROVIDER." Q STP ;for STOP CODES S MES(1)=$E(EDATA,1,15)_" does not appear to be a VALID STOP CODE." Q STPNO ;for STOP CODES W !,$E(EDATA,1,15)_" does not appear to be a VALID STOP CODE." Q PRVDEL ;for providers S MES(1)=" You CANNOT delete the last PROVIDER!" Q PRVA ;for inactive providers S MES(1)="--WARNING!-This provider was inactive at the time of the encounter." Q POV ;for POV S MES(1)=$E(EDATA,1,10)_" does not appear to be an ACTIVE,VALID DIAGNOSIS." Q CPT ;for CPT's S MES(1)=$E(EDATA,1,10)_" does not appear to be an ACTIVE,VALID PROCEDURE." Q CPTI ;for CPT's that are inactive S MES(1)=$E(EDATA,1,10)_" CPT CODE, became INACTIVE on: "_$P(OK,"^",3) Q CPTMM ;for CPT's MULTIPLE S MES(1)=" We assume that the QUANTITY for each of these is 1 and same PROVIDER." Q CON ;for Continue S MES(1)=" Press the ENTER key to continue." Q STP1NO ;--STOP CODE 1 ? W !,"Answer with CLINIC STOP NAME, or AMIS RPORTING STOP CODE." Q STP3NO ;--STOP CODE 3 ? W !,"Enter the STOP CODE associated with this ENCOUNTER." W !,"Enter '??' to get the entire list of possible STOP CODES" W !,"'*' indicates that STOP CODE has been visited in this session." Q STP4NO ;--STOP CODE-ADD EDIT 4 ? W !!!,"Must have a STOP CODE or a PROCEDURE to complete this action." W !,"I am deleting previously entered information" W !,"Press the any key to continue." Q