PXCAERR ;ISL/dee - Sends a mail bulletin when there is an error in PXKERROR stored in file 839.01 ;12/17/96 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**5,14**;Aug 12, 1996 Q ; PXKERROR(PXCAGLB) ;Take care of any error messages from PXK. ;There are error messages so store them in the error file ;and send a mail bulletin. ; Variables ; PXCAEIEN Pointer to the entry in the error file for this entry ; (839.01) ; PXCAERR Contians the variable name of either the ; error array i.e. PXKERROR( ... ) ; or the PXCA array i.e. PXCA( ... ) N PXCAEIEN,PXCAERR,PXCANOW,DLAYGO,%,PXCADATA D NOW^%DTC K DIC,DD,DO S (X,PXCANOW)=% S DIC="^PX(839.01," S DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=839.01 S DIC("DR")=".02////"_PXCAPAT_$S($G(PXCAVSIT)>0:";.03////"_PXCAVSIT,1:"") D FILE^DICN I +Y>0 D . S PXCAEIEN=+Y . S ^PX(839.01,PXCAEIEN,1,0)="^839.011A^^0" . S ^PX(839.01,PXCAEIEN,2,0)="^839.012A^^0" . ;Save the PXKERROR array. . S PXCAERR="PXKERROR" . F S PXCAERR=$Q(@PXCAERR) Q:PXCAERR="" D .. K DIC,DD,DO .. S X=PXCAERR .. S DIC="^PX(839.01,"_PXCAEIEN_",1," .. S DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=839.01 .. S PXCADATA=$TR(@PXCAERR,"^","~") .. S DIC("DR")="101////^S X=PXCADATA" .. D FILE^DICN . ;Save the PXCA array. . S PXCAERR="PXCA" . F S PXCAERR=$Q(@PXCAERR) Q:PXCAERR="" D .. K DIC,DD,DO .. S X=PXCAERR .. S DIC="^PX(839.01,"_PXCAEIEN_",2," .. S DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=839.01 .. S PXCADATA=$TR(@PXCAERR,"^","~") .. S DIC("DR")="201////^S X=PXCADATA" .. D FILE^DICN D ERRMAIL(PXCAEIEN,PXCANOW) S PXCA("WARNING","ENCOUNTER",0,0,0)="There are ""PXKERROR""s in in the ""PCE DEVICE INTERFACE MODULE ERRORS"" file in entry number "_PXCAEIEN_"^"_PXCAEIEN I $D(PXKERROR("VISIT"))#2 S PXCASTAT=-1 E S PXCASTAT=-2 Q ; ERRMAIL(PXCAEIEN,PXCANOW) ; N XMDUZ,XMTEXT,XMY,XMB S XMDUZ="PCE's Data Capture Interface." S XMB="PXCA PCE ERROR BULLETIN" S XMB(1)=$P($G(^DPT($P(PXCA("ENCOUNTER"),"^",2),0)),"^",1) ;Patient S XMB(2)=$$DATE($P(PXCA("ENCOUNTER"),"^",1)) ;Appointment Date/Time S XMB(3)=PXCAEIEN ;Error number (IEN in error file) S XMB(4)=$$DATE(PXCANOW) ;Error Date/Time D ^XMB Q ; DATE(Y) ; D DD^%DT Q $P(Y,"@")_" at "_$P(Y,"@",2)